
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Tranh châm biếm
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200 Chs

Izana's Birthday~

As soon I woke up, it felt like a lot of things would be taking place today. It was the last day at my part-time job, and the manager arranged some kind of graduation event for me. Some of the regulars thanked me for my service, damn it all felt like I was a retiring veteran in the military. I had to greet everyone and tend to all the guests, there were also many photos taken. During this I asked my coworkers if any events like this happened before, because well all this time I felt like an idol, not gonna lie.

"I don't remember the manager hosting something like this before, maybe he saw a rise in money when you joined in. And it's his last resort to make some additional money out of you and your popularity." I guess what she said must have been the truth. Maybe my Clumsy Protagonist ability had this much effect on the customers and their desire to come back. Yet one of the nice girls noted how it must have been because of my friendly personality.

Once I was about to clock out and leave the maid outfit behind, the manager came running with a bouquet of flowers with another cute coworker of mine.

"We wish you the best, and hope you apply once again when the summer rolls in." Wow was he already hoping I would return next year?

"Thank you!" I said as it was pleasant to receive flowers. After this I went back home, once I changed my outfit, ate the food mom made, put the newly received flowers into the water, and grabbed the present, Muto was already here. Waiting for me in his car.

"I see you got the gift... but your present wrapping skills are shit." Why did he have to be so honest? Not that I cared much.

"If you wanted it to be flawless you could have done it yourself!" I retaliated after putting the guitar in the trunk and taking the passenger seat.

"Just glancing at it, you can tell what is." Why was he so irritating? I hardly believed Izana would mind.

"Just drive, stop trying to find little things to complain about." And so we parked somewhere near Izana's and Kakucho's apartment. As we knocked on the door, the person that opened it up was neither of the two dudes that lived there but Shion, talk about a deja vu feeling.

"Oh, it's you two." I thought I would be let inside immediately but Shion looked like he was pondering something, was he surprised I tagged along with Muto, was me knowing him so odd?

"Mucho, why are you hanging around Izana's girl?" I couldn't do anything but facepalm, why did people come to the weirdest conclusions?

"Shion dear, Izana isn't my boyfriend, have you checked our age gap?" I asked as he looked at me dumbfounded.

"But 2 years isn't that much difference..." Wait a moment did this guy truly believe I was 16? I glanced at Muto but he shrugged his shoulders probably not knowing how Shion reached such a conclusion.

"I'm 13 tho." We stood there as Shion tried to comprehend what I just said, but wait a minute could this mean that Taiju also didn't realize I was 13?

"Age is just a number." I heard suddenly him say, so I had to finish the quote.

"And jail is just a place." He decided to be a smart ass.

"Age of consent is 13 tho." Sure yeah, he was right, but I couldn't stop myself from remarking.

"If you can't pull chicks from your own age group there must be a reason why." Muto decided to stop us two, as he shoved Shion inside, letting us pass by. As soon I entered I heard two familiar voices that made my face twist in anger.

"I tell you Izana, there is a literal demon in Shibuya." I stopped Muto from approaching wanting them to finish the conversation. But from Izana's responses, I could totally tell he thought the thing they called a demon was just another delinquent good at fighting, that these two somehow were scared off?

"The demon lured us to a church, but I broke their ribs and arms, it was actually easier than I initially thought." before they got into more detail, right on cue I stepped in while asking Rindou.

"Well, well, well you broke who's arm now again?" As soon Rindou saw my face and my two totally functioning arms, he leaped onto Ran's lap.

"The demon is here!" Izana and Kakucho looked so baffled, but Muto whose brain I could see pull the gears at the speed of light, came between me and the Haitani brothers, his big back was truly giving me a feeling of safety.

"You know those two?" Muto asked as I nodded my head.

"Not much, but they kept on calling me a demon for some time now, Rindou even punched me and tried to break my arm because of that strange delusion," I explained in the simplest terms. Muto seemed really confused, he couldn't believe that they honestly believed I was a demon.

"I wouldn't take you two for going around bullying girls that can't even hold their own in a fight, have I somehow misjudged you guys? Because come on she doesn't even belong to any gang whatsoever, if you wanted to use that as an excuse." Upon hearing this, both Izana and Kakucho stood up from their seats and glared at them both.

"What have you done to Michi?!" It seemed like Rindou decided to ignore the question as he kept on insisting.

"I was sure I broke your arm that day!" But he quiet down when he noticed Ran getting angry. I guess they both weren't on the same page. Since neither of them wanted to share the story the guys turned toward me for an explanation.

"To summarize it, they have been scared of me each time they saw me in passing on the street, always screaming something about a demon but I tried my best to ignore it. Until recently they concluded I was a succubus, so the taller guy decided that sleeping with one was a great idea, so the smaller brother came to a weird conclusion that I seduced his brother and tried to steal his life force and well now had the determination to beat me up to save his bro." None of the guys could believe what they were hearing.

"That's the funniest shit I heard in my entire life? Are your brains fried, did you two overdose on drugs or something?" Shion didn't waste his time making fun of those two. Well, it was deserved since we didn't live in a fantasy isekai setting.

"They mentioned something about you tricking them to meet at a church what was that about?" I guess Kakucho wanted to know my perspective on those events.

"I got this guy's number by mistake when I wrote in my friend's number incorrectly." I pointed at Ran.

"Since he annoyed me with his flirting and his brother annoyed me with his call, I thought that maybe if I make them do something out of their character like spending two weeks at a church praying, perhaps they would realize how stupid they were and make a reasonable judgment that I'm just a human." Shion was now dying on the floor holding his stomach as I could tell Ran and Rindou kept on getting annoyed by his attitude.

"I agree with Shion that is the most ridiculous story I heard in my life." Muto expressed and only now did I spot Mocchi that was sitting in the corner shellshocked by the circus that was playing out in the living room. That's when I caught Izana sending some kind of signal towards Kakucho, so my childhood friend outstretched his hand to me and requested me to follow him outside.

'Would you rather insist on staying here or follow Kakucho outside?' I decided it was better to go outside since Izana was emitting some kind of strange dangerous aura, maybe he just didn't want me to watch what he was about to say and do, just like he did with Shion?

"So what was that about?" I asked Kakucho and as soon we closed the front door behind ourselves I could swear I heard some fighting noises.

"Izana decided to teach them a lesson." Was his short answer.

"So they haven't been much of a nuisance to you? Only recently right?" I nodded my head and soon another question came, maybe he tried to distract me from the fight, did he think I would be scared if I witnessed it?

"But how did you escape? I have this bad feeling they wouldn't stop just at ribs and arms." Yes, that day I also felt that way.

"One of my friends came to my rescue... Apparently, I sent the Haitanis off to a church which he usually attended, but most likely his buddies saw me and informed him about it." Kakucho nodded.

"I'm happy you have such nice friends." As soon he said it my face must have twitched somehow because he picked it up right away.

"What's wrong with him?" As I was pondering whatever to reveal anything a mission popped up.

'Would you rather tell the truth or tell a completely blatant lie?' Since he asked, I could have answered honestly.

"Just tries to run for the title of my boyfriend way too often and too persistently... doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer." Kakucho didn't seem too happy to hear this.

"Don't worry, I will just make him realize that we are the worst pairing that can walk the earth and he will hopefully piss off." Kakucho didn't seem to agree.

"You seem a little bit too optimistic on that notion, how about you tell me who it is and I will chase him away." I was about to refuse but before that, a question rose to mind.

"What are you gonna pose as my boyfriend and then hug me protectively and announce 'She's mine!' or something?" Kakucho didn't respond just nodded his head.

"Thanks, you're so precious, but I want to take care of it on my own since it's more complicated than it seems." After we finished this conversation we returned inside, Rindou and Ran were already beaten up, maybe by Muto, or Izana, or perhaps by both. They didn't even dare to look up in my direction, my conclusion was because they didn't want to by mistake end up glaring at me and infuriating Izana once more. I mean it was his birthday and it somehow ended up in a fight, but then another idea came to mind, so I whispered to Kakucho.

"Do you think you can take Ran's phone away? I sent him a picture by mistake... and I don't think he should have it." Kakucho rose his eyebrow.

"What did you send him?" He inquired as I fumbled with my fingers, now when I thought about it this was so embarrassing.

"A picture of me in a nightgown." Kakucho froze in place, but once he returned back to reality the interrogation continued.

"Who were you planning to send it to even?" I just went with the safe answer option.

"To my female friend, that made me purchase it in the first place." Kakucho went over to Izana, was he really gonna share this information?

Great now even more people would know about my bad life choices. Izana quickly snatched Ran's phone and handed it over to me.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ranabelle seemed pissed.

"I'm just gonna remove the picture of the demon you so much hate." Suddenly he looked like a kicked puppy begging me to not proceed, I was so confused, what did this guy even want from me?

I couldn't believe that my number was saved under 'Cute Succubus'. I looked at him and I could notice his eyes avoiding my gaze. I proceeded to not only delete the whole conversation but also my number.

"There you go." I handed it over as he looked at it all sentimentally. These two brothers really had problems, it kind of made you feel bad for their cause since the system messed up with their pea brains so much I could see them being admitted to the mental hospital.

"Apologize to her." Izana soon said his voice sounding really harsh but then his face changed as soon he directed the next sentence towards me.

"You don't need to be scared of those two anymore..." his face suddenly turned darker.

"They were taught a lesson." Izana sure had his scary moments.

"I see." was my response, but soon caught Izana muttering to himself.

"They won't dare to touch what's mine." Excuse me but I was my own person, it would be great if those delinquents could realize that, but I decided to not say anything. Both Rindou and Ran conveyed some half-assed apology but I didn't really care to hear it, I could tell it was fake and forced, so I turned my attention towards Izana.

"Sorry that it turned this way, this was supposed to be a great celebration for you and now it feels like it's kind of ruined." I sighed but then decided to finally hand over the gift to change the sullen atmosphere.

"Both I and Muto bought you this, hope you like it." His eyes already sparkled when he realized the shape of the package but became even happier when he laid his eyes on the real thing.

"Thank you." He was so cute you just desired to squeeze his cheeks, but Kakucho came closer and whispered.

"Didn't I say to not overdo it?"

"And I chose to not listen to your advice, I have to live my sugar mommy dreams." He just sighed but accepted the fact I wouldn't stop pampering them both. Mocchi finally introduced himself.

"I'm Mochizuki Kanji, but you can call me Mocchi." Was his introduction.

"I'm Hibarayashi Michi, everyone calls me by my name." Not by choice tho, but because I demanded them to.

"Mocchi... sounds like Mochi, does it mean your cheeks are as soft as one... or it's your awesome personality? Like you're a big softie?" He just laughed, confusing me. What was so funny?

"No one ever told me anything like this." I nodded my head.

"There is always the first time... now don't avoid my question I need to know." Somehow it ended with me testing the theory and actually checking the softness of his cheeks.

"8,5 out of 10 softness you're living up to the name I see." I nodded my head keeping a serious expression on my face as if I was an important researcher trying to rationalize the wonders of the world. I could already tell he found me weird.

"She's always like this don't mind it." Muto was looking out for his bro I see.

Then we proceeded to eat the cake, the mood was a little strange with all that took place, but hey free cake was free cake. As I quickly ate my piece I saw Izana staring at me, not touching his cut of the cake as if he wanted something from me only. I don't know what prompt me, but I picked up the plate and started to feed him.

"Were you able to read my mind or what?" So he really was begging me to do it, but didn't dare to voice his request out loud?

Later when he opened all the presents and got all the good wishes from everybody he started to mess with the strings of the guitar.

"You like it?" He just quietly nodded his head, but soon looked up and stated.

"Once I learn how to play I will invite you over and have you listen to it." I just clapped my hands.

"A concert just for me? With the one and only Izana himself in flesh? I can't wait!" I could see the two Haitani brothers whispering among each other, but then something more important caught my eye, I could swear I saw Izana's ears getting red.

"Then that's set." Was his only response.

In the end, I was the last person that left, because every time I tried Izana kept mentioning how I should stay since I should be taking the birthday child into consideration.

"Goodnight Izana, I hope you had a wonderful birthday," I said as I was about ready to leave, but he outstretched his arms.

"Haven't you already asked for enough hugs throughout the day?" He dared to shake his head even if I haven't already given him like 20 today.

"Okay okay, but that's the last one." But he was taking well too long.

"Should I also tuck you into bed like a baby, when we are at it?" I asked, he quickly shook his head and sent me off.