
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

A Mysterious Encounter

The room was silent as Timothy and Percy contemplate the enigmatic words of their visitor. They sat side-by-side, each lost in their thoughts about what they have just learned.

Alya stands at the center of the living room, her eyes fixed on a point beyond them as if seeing things that are invisible to others. She radiates a sense of calmness like an ocean blanketed by fog where nothing is certain but its vast expanse.

Suddenly, she turns to them and begins speaking again. "Timothy," she says softly, "your dreams may be more than just mere visions."

Her voice carries a weight - it's soothing yet ominous all at once, causing both siblings to lean forward slightly in anticipation. "They could signify something greater-something that has been waiting for centuries."

Percy looks up at Alya with newfound curiosity while Timothy visibly tenses beside her. Their home feels smaller now that this mysterious woman is inside it; there is no doubt in either sibling's mind that they are inching closer towards something unknown- something possibly dangerous.

"What do you mean?" Timothy asks warily. He doesn't know what he should say or feel right about now- everything seems too surreal for him yet he couldn't shake off his intuition telling him that whatever Alya knows will somehow change his life forever.

Alya walks over towards them slowly before taking a seat across from where Timothy and Percy were seated earlier. "I have come here today because I believe your visions hold clues to uncovering ancient prophecies long forgotten." She continues after briefly studying the two teenagers' faces before saying; "The world we live in -has not always been so divided between magic and technology." "There was once harmony between these two forces--magic-users worked hand-in-hand with technologists-each using their skills together".

As soon as those words left her mouth, Timothy and Percy were both stunned into silence. This revelation brings untold implications for their world and changes everything they thought they knew about it.

"How is that possible?" Percy asks incredulously. "Magic-users and technologists have always been at odds with one another."

Alya nods in agreement before responding, "Yes, the rift between them has only grown over time- to a point where they're now almost unrecognizable from each other." "But once upon a time--they worked together as one"

Percy leans forward even more intently now while Timothy looks down at his hands lost in thought; he's not sure what this could all mean or how it would change things but something deep within him tells him that Alya isn't wrong.

"What does this have to do with my dreams?" Timothy finally speaks up after several moments of silence pass between them.

Alya turns towards Timothy teasingly so "Your dreams are reflections of ancient times- when magic was still intertwined with technology," she says gently, her voice ringing out like music being played softly on an instrument created specifically for her words alone. "They may hold secrets that could help bridge the divide between those two worlds once again."

As soon as those words leave Alya's lips -the air around them feels charged. It's as if The very molecules surrounding them vibrate excitedly because of what might be about to happen next. Timothy can feel his heart beating faster than usual against his chest while Percy seems too stunned by the implications brought upon by Alya's statement.

"What kind of secrets?" Percy finally asks, breaking the heavy momentary silence.