
Chapter 1

My name is Ruziki and i was a student at Huziki University, one of the prestigious Universities at United Nation.

At present, i am a final year student, that was busy for the project that was an obligatory subject of all courses in the university. This was in complied to the guideline of the United Nation policies that tried to promote the development of new technologies from these method.

And here i was, finishing my fine detail of my project in which was about the Virtual Reality that was rather different from the widely used nowadays. The head set that i created utilize the neural pulse in the brain and resonate to that particular frequencies of the neural pulse in which will take over the control of the brain and consciousness to the system of head set, an inspiration from the principle of the MRI machine. Later a fine needle inserted to the base of our neck that enabling the coordination of our body organ function. That will prolong the period of people using the Virtual Reality.

But of course all of this was a hypothesis that was in the development , and currently i was at my room, with that aforementioned device trying to test it using my own body. The reason of doing this was due to the fact that my submission for human testing was denied with a reason of health concern to the people that participate in the experiment.

In reality, it is due to the pressure of big companies that involves in the production of the old Virtual Reality model, in which got extremely popular throughout the world. I was even approached by some people, that convey their feeling to support me in my project endeavour that later was found that, they were approaching me for the sake of hiring me and purchasing the project patent, that later i abhor the notion and reject it for the sake of founding my own company, maybe due my repeated stubbornness, the university committee were making it hard for me to continuing my project and urge me to change my project title, in which i rejected it, with the justification of the University committee does not have right to do so, and it were at the student privilege to do whatever he want to his project as long as he finished it on time.

By using this fact, the university committee were trying hard to obstructed me for 3 month that later to their surprise, i was able to achieve some breakthrough and their attitude towards me turn to cordial but later i found out that, some of the companies estimated that my project worth almost trillion of dollar, and this figure shocked the mind of those old geezer that at that moment were in resemblance of blood sucking parasite. Recently the companies representative keep on pestering on my project every day, asking for detail on the fundamental concept behind it, that i ignore it for the sake of having a sense of owning with my project.

There was, at one time that i encounter a beauty approaching me and started to inquiring about myself, i myself does not have any troubles with beauties, but when the moment she start to dig on information about your project, i knew that this one was sent by those companies, trying to elicit information out of me, but nevertheless i did in a way, complied by giving the beauty a vague answer, and it seems she believes in me, and i do guess not all beauties are intelligent, not knowing the information that i had gave to her does not worth anything.

And so now at the moment, I'm trying to test the new kind of VR, by using some old trading game, that i found to be the best candidate(in my own opinion) for the first test of VR. while I'm preparing the set up and finishing all the bodily needs, things that unbeknownst, had already creeping inside my home, waiting for the right moment to strike, and as for me, i never knew until the last moment, the moment i was a second away from diving into the game world, a momentary shadowy figure glimpse into my sight, that after that, all things turned into darkness and a thought transpired through my brain, " ahhh I had died", and from that moment was the starting of my journey to the unknown world, in which i had thrown to. And for the record was not what it seem to be on what it supposed to be(afterlife)