

"Did it ever occur to you that I’m not too small and you’re just ridiculously big?"

Zipping his fly he shrugged. "You like how big I am." Of course, as usual, he was referring to the bulge in his jeans. She snorted. "It’s a wonder that thing even fits inside me."

"Thing?" He pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. "Of course it fits. It belongs there." Swatting her ass, he added, "Now come on."

Strolling through the tunnels toward the living area they passed Lindy. As she took in Danica’s appearance she huffed. "Hussy."

"Prude," Danica shot back without breaking stride as she and Gio walked hand in hand into the living area. Richard, Jeremy, Michey, Lucy, Andrew, Donny and Duda all looked up, saw their clothes or lack thereof and grinned.

"So you’ve kissed, bitten, and made up?" asked Duda. "Get the entire pack together," ordered Gio. "We’ll be back in a few minutes."