

In the middle of nowhere in the woods, white fog clouds covered the entire woods. Dark figures could be seen running around. In the midst of the white mist, trees could be seen vaguely. It was a chilly sight for any normal human being.

Right at that moment, a white-bluish light appeared in the middle, and a figure jumped out of the light. Immediately the figure jumped out, the white-bluish light disappeared as if it never appeared in the first place.

"What is this place?" Denis asked himself, stepping on the ground. He wondered why he would appear in the middle of nowhere.

As soon as he took a step, he felt his feet on uneven ground stepping on stiff twigs. Looking down, he was surprised.

He stood still and looked on the ground to get clear view. He was standing on bones. Not just any bones, human bones. He felt chilled all over. The bones covered a huge area. The woods seemed to be made of bones.

Not knowing where to go, he moved in the opposite direction from where he dropped.

He tried to find direction somewhere with signs of human occupation, but he could not make out the right way. He chose to go east. He took out his magnetic compass watch he had found at his uncle's heap of junk in his hidden room.

"Thank God you left this in those heap of junk in your room," he spoke to himself as he looked at the compass.

"What the heck?" he said to himself the moment he saw the compass losing focus completely. The pointer kept on showing different directions swish swish swish. It kept on producing weird sounds. At that moment, his body became stiff when he saw figures jumping from one tree to the other while others were crawling on the ground.

The dark figures could not be seen clearly, but he felt his hair standing at the back of his head. He had never seen such kind of thing in his entire life. He took out a gun in his bag and a powder he also found in his uncle's stuff. It said on the bottle evil repelling powder. He didn't know if it was true, but he felt like he may need it to achieve his mission in an unknown land. He took slow steps, cracking the bones, and he stepped on them going few steps backward. It was weird to step on them, but it was the least of his worries at that moment. He just wanted to know how he would survive the whole woods until he got where humans resided.

He held his gun and sprayed some of the evil repelling powder on himself. He didn't know how it worked, but he prayed that he could make it out of there alive. He then took steps from where he was standing forward. He walked faster and faster. He noticed the figures were coming close to him, but at the same time, they seemed to be scared of him. That gave him the courage to run through the woods looking for directions.

He seemed to have run for quite a while, and his breath becoming harder and harder. He had never felt mentally and physically exhausted as he felt at that moment.

"It's good I did not bring the boys with me. Randy would have run crazy by now," he said to himself, looking around him standing right under a huge barked tree. He bent down to pick a shining item when he saw from the piece of metal he was picking a figure drawing in on him. He jumped, turning to see what it was only to find; there was nothing behind him.

He looked around where he was and even rounded the tree two times, but he did not see anything. He held the metal again to look at it and saw a figure extending his long claws towards his back, and he was stunned, jolting back in a fighting stance with the gun at his hand. He shot in the direction he saw the figure. Nothing. There was totally nothing in the direction. Not even invisible blood.

He turned again, walking away, looking at the metal in his hand. He saw the figure following him behind. He did not wait for a second but threw a large quantity of the powder from the pouch in his waist at the figure. It immediately shrieked in pain, and its body showed. It showed its body right behind him. He was shocked by the sight of the creature. The figure looked very ugly. Its body was not entirely solid. He did not like the sight of it. He had never been soft-hearted to puke at a sight of a disgusting item, but right at that moment, he puked. He puked everything he had eaten the last few days. He felt he would have puked even his intestines if it were possible. He turned to look at the figure again, wiping his mouth.

"What is this thing? What is this place." He said to himself, observing the figure on the ground. If this was living in the woods, he was afraid he may not get out of there alive. Even so, he was hopeful of getting out alive. His first priority at that moment was to find his kidnapped wife. The second thing is to find out more about his newly discovered family and the powers they hold. Everything he found out about his new family was absurd. He could have thought they were a segment of imagination had he not seen the powers some people hold. Had he not seen his wife being snatched from him by a clawed animal, he would not have believed. Looking at the creature lying still on the ground, his imagination of the new world became even wild. He crouched down, observing the animal. His face was human-like, but it was not completely human. He touched its mouth and tried to open and check. It had only sharp canine teeth. The others were normal. As he thought the animal was dead, it suddenly jumped at him.

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