
Wizard of Madness

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vishal_singh_0552 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter.7.Past Knowledge.

" I finally have a body of my own " Azreal muttered between his teeth as he looked at the reflection shown in the full body mirror.

Now being alone inside the master bedroom of the past Lucas. He finally started revealing his true feeling of longing towards the body he now possess. The feeling of helplessness he felt in the world of lost memories was now long gone when he woke up in Lucas body, the feeling or the torture he endured for the past hundreds or so years was finally over, he had his will back to himself and for that he was really grateful towards the owner of this body.

" I know it might be hypocritical to thank you for your sacrifice so i'll not express my gratitude but instead give you justice that you deserve, i'll find your killer and punished them on your behalf..., so wait for the day i will repay my debt to you.."

Azreal said those words in a serious and grateful tone as his black eyes looked at the boy standing inside the mirror. The boy had a thin figure, as the old white shirt and the black pant which was of his own size, that he got from the infirmary was a little lose. His skin was pale white, as those like vampires who stay away from light. His face was skinny but also handsome, as he had thin lips, straight nose, sharp black eyes and elegant black eyebrows. His black short black hair was like cherry on the cake. Over all the boy looked like a excellent young man.

' Lucas sure was a handsome boy ' He thought as looked at delicate face that he now possess.

" okey enough of my own narcissism... I have work do now, first to find out about the killer as it is equivalent to my own safety now, second find about this world, since I am going to live in it for sometime...."

He gave one last look at his hansome face and sat on the comfortable white bed, while thinking about the future he is going to make. Since he was going to stay in this world for who know how long, he needed to gather information about this world. He needed to understand about the power structure of this world and keep himself safe from the dangers in this world.

" hmm And last but not the least, can I use my past knowledge from my last world and learn magic, since I have new body and all? ....,and can I go back to my old world....and get my revenge.." Even though hundreds of years have passed since his death, Azreal never stop dreaming about his sweet revenge on the world that caused his him to suffered so much when he was still alive plus all the mental suffering he went after his death, inside the world of lost memories.

Infact this was the only reason he was able to survive all those mental torture in that world. And now that he got his chance to achive salvation, he was not going to miss it.

Azreal would use every bit of resources he had his hands on. And the best weapon against those hateful being was non other then the magical power they used to torture him, during those inhumane experiments.

" Since every other goals requires resources plus time I should just start with magic as I already have enough information on it from my previous world..." Azreal said those words with a bitter smile on his face as he knew how painful it was for him to learn all those knowledge in his previous world.

Infact the knowledge he was talking about was one of the requirement of the black mage to learn about the changes ones soul under go when a person learns the laws of the world. They wanted to creat an artificial progress method through which they could make an army of black mage in this mystic world.

And for this reason they made him learn him learn basic apprentice level meditation techniques plus various magical knowledge related to runes and spells. They wanted to crack down the secret behind a soul core, how could it connect with nature essence and incorporate the laws of the universe within itself. What was the secret behind the viles of the incorpole realm.

" Lets forget about the past and look for the better future..." Brushing away his past memories, Azreal sat in the lotus position on the bed and took a deep breath to steady his mind.

' According to past memories first I have to empty my mind and dive in to my world of consciousness '

Thinking about the method he learned from his past life Azreal closed his eyes and started focusing between his eyebrows where his consciousness resides.

Keeping his self calm and focused inside the darkness caused by his closed eye, Azreal slowly felt as his consciousness started drifting from this plane to his subconscious mind. The proses was slow but was showing its effect when he lost his consciousness inside the physical world and opened it inside his subconsciousness.

His subconsciousness was a dark world were their was nothing to look around, it was lot similar to the world of the lost memories.

' Now that i am inside my consciousness i need to find my soul core and feel the elemental energy inside this world..' Standing inside his consciousness, Azreal was not at all shock or surprised by this world as it was not his first time inside his consciousness. When he was still alive inside his previous world, they had done countless experiments inside consciousness and soul core.

Drifting inside his consciousness with his illusionary body, Azreal moved towards the familiar direction were his soul core was placed.

Traveling for sometime, he suddenly stopped in his track and looked in shock towards the bizarre thing happening infront of him.

His huge building size soul core that was made up golden colour sand grains like fragments moving in an circular motion was devour by even more bigger mountain size core made up of black and red sand fragments.

Azreal despaired and looked how his beautiful golden colour soul core was devoured by the evil core inside his consciousness.

Before he could even do something to save his small soul core it was already devoured by the big black-red core.

Replacing his beautiful golden colour core now stood a sinister looking core spinning inside his consciousness.

" Nooooooooooo !!!! YOU DEVIL GIVE ME BACK MY COR-- " Before Azreal could curse at the evil core and take action against it, he lost his consciousness right their and then.

His illusionary figure also disappeared form the dark space, leaving behind the peaceful core spinning inside Azreal consciousness.