
wizard novel

Different novel, together separated by volumes.

Fernrir_Zero999 · Kỳ huyễn
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838 Chs

Chapter 96 Prophecy

 Standing on the arm of the Oak Treeman, Jiang Ning looked at their slow pace in silence! However, he did not show it. He wanted to see what the treeman elder wanted to do.

  With his strength, there are not many people in this world who can threaten him!

  What's more, he felt that these tree people were very afraid of wizards. Although they were unfriendly and even hostile to wizards, he did not see any malice from Oak's invitation just now! On the contrary, the hostile attitude disappeared. Therefore, he agreed to meet their elders. After

  walking for about twenty minutes, the group of tree people finally reached the place.

  Jiang Ning jumped off Oak's body and looked at the small lake. There was a small island in the lake in the middle of the lake. A huge rain tree, nearly 40 meters high! Ten meters higher than ordinary rain trees!

  On his thick trunk, a pair of huge and green eyes and mouth opened. He looked very old, with dry wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. The group of tree people around all saluted with unusual respect!

  Elder Rain Tree opened his mouth and spoke in an unusually loud and kind voice: "I thought that in five hundred years, this island and continent that had not been discovered by humans in the Old World would be discovered by some navigators. Then it would be known to human society. I didn't expect you to come to the depths of this jungle seven hundred years earlier, no, it should be a thousand years!"

  "A thousand years?" Jiang Ning secretly estimated the time. The Age of Exploration was the Age of Geographical Discovery that began in the late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century. Now is the tenth century, so he came to the Brazilian region of America five or six hundred years earlier. And the real large-scale entry of humans into the depths of the Amazon rainforest should be between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries! It was not until the twenty-first century that the Amazon rainforest was initially conquered, but the environment here still said no to humans at that time! A real forbidden area!

  Jiang Ning didn't expect that the prophetic ability of this tree man elder was so powerful that he even predicted the great geographical discoveries.

  "Then do you know why I came here?"

  The elder of the tree man said: "No, I don't know what your purpose is. However, I saw changes in the future! The tribe that was supposed to be extinct in the future has a glimmer of hope because of your arrival!"


  "That's right, the extinction of the tribe is inevitable!"

  Jiang Ning was very curious: "Since you can predict what will happen a thousand years later, can't you change it?"

  The tree man elder smiled bitterly and said: "Although I can predict all the worlds a thousand years later, I can't change the fate of the tribe! In the next few hundred years, because the island and this huge land were first discovered by navigators from the Old World. Then it caused a sensation in human society. With the intervention of the country, active colonization was carried out! Blood and fire were born! With the arrival of ordinary people, they cut down plants, built villages and cities, and more and more wizards came across the sea!"

  His tone was full of grief: "This virgin land is an uncultivated treasure land for these wizards! Countless rare plants and animals that can be used to enhance their magical abilities have been plundered! Countless wizard families are stationed here! In the future, we, the only remaining tree people and flower elves, will be destroyed by greedy wizards! There is nowhere to hide! Although this place is deep in the rainforest, the footsteps of wizards will come here sooner or later! We who do not have the ability to cast spells cannot fight against wizards at all! What awaits us is only destruction!"

  "Didn't you think about migrating again?" Jiang Ning thought, since the danger was predicted, then migrate again! Anyway, the earth is so big, there will always be a place to live!

  The elder of the tree man said in a desolate tone, with tears in his eyes: "It's useless, it's useless to migrate anywhere! Except for a continent covered with ice and snow, you can't escape the road of extinction no matter where you migrate! The ancient nature was gradually conquered by humans! They rode chariots made of steel, large ships, and iron birds flying in the sky, conquering things that humans dared not think of in the past. In the end, they even tried to conquer the vast starry sky! Except for the sea, which made humans confined and full of fear! No place can stop their footsteps! And we..." He looked at the tribesmen around him and smiled desolately: "Except for being able to live on the earth, we can't survive in other environments. Since we are all dead, we might as well stay here safely! Quietly welcome death!" There

  was silence all around, and the atmosphere was very dull. It was obvious that the tree people also knew this prophecy. Except for the innocent flower elves, all of them knew this prophecy. Since they can't stop it, they can only choose to wait for death to come silently! For them, this is just returning to the embrace of Mother Nature, which is not terrible. The only thing that worries them is the destruction of the tribe! Only this situation is what they are most worried about, and they don't care about anything else.

  Because too many of their tribesmen have died.


  Ning looked around, looked at the tree man elder, and asked: "You, are these the only tribesmen left?"

  "Yes, the ones you see in front of you are the only tribesmen left! The rest of the tribesmen all died in the Old World! Died at the hands of lumberjacks, died in the fire, died at the hands of wizards, and finally were made into magic wands to slaughter our tribesmen in turn! Hahaha!" The voice of the tree man elder was full of sorrow, and tears as big as footballs kept dripping.

  Listening to the words of the tree man elder, Jiang Ning felt very sympathetic to them.

  Human beings! What contradictory and lovely creatures!

  On the one hand, they are hardworking and creative, and have created a world-renowned civilization achievement! In just a few thousand years, they have developed modern industry! On the one hand, they wantonly killed other lives in the process of development! Whether it is animals or plants, or even themselves...

  Humans are going further and further on the road of self-destruction step by step! Although they all know that if they continue like this, they will only destroy themselves! However, the great division and disunity of mankind can only make them know that continuing is a dead end, and they can only continue, and they cannot stop it! Everything is because of human distrust. Divide ethnic groups, divide races, and divide ideologies! There are contradictions in all aspects, which have created what mankind is today! It is precisely because of this that modern science and technology, which mankind is extremely proud of, have long been created!

  Although humans kill and destroy on the one hand, they only think of remediation when the environment is destroyed! However, the extinction of creatures due to human behavior in history is no less than a mass extinction of species! But what can Jiang Ning say? He is also a human being, and this is the inevitable result of human development! Even if there is a choice, humans will go through the course of history in this way! The difference may be slightly milder! Exterminate those creatures that threaten humans, and allow the rest to continue to exist!

  Humans have always been overbearing, and they only care about themselves. Those who obey will prosper, and those who disobey will perish!


  "I deeply sympathize with your experience!" Jiang Ning said, "I sympathize with your massacre, but I won't take the blame, it's not me!"

  The elder of the tree man suddenly looked at Jiang Ning with pleading eyes: "Wizard, can you help us?"

  "?" Jiang Ning was a little surprised, and then he tried to say: "Do you want me to help you find a place to live?"

  The elder of the tree man said sadly: "There is no place for my people to live in this world!"

  Jiang Ning thought for a while, and then said: "If you are asked to migrate your entire tribe to a completely unfamiliar place, are you willing?"

  "A completely unfamiliar place?" He was slightly stunned, and then said: "Where do you mean?"

  "To be exact, my botanical garden! If you are willing to work for me and help me take care of my botanical garden, then you can migrate to where I am! I promise that you will develop peacefully and steadily. Moreover, my botanical garden is very large, beyond your imagination!" The

  tree man elder thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "You won't enslave us, right?"

  Jiang Ning shook his head: "Of course not, we are an employer-employee relationship, you understand this?" Seeing the tree man elder nodded, he continued: "You work for me and help me take care of the plants in my botanical garden. In return, I will provide you with a place to live and reproduce! How about it?"

  "Where is your botanical garden?" The elder asked the key question.

  Jiang Ning smiled mysteriously: "Here!"


   Keep asking for support! Book group: 562910516, welcome to join the group to discuss. If you have good ideas, you can exchange and discuss, or I will set up a vote. I am not very good at fighting wizards, so it is very rough, I hope everyone will understand. However, I will try to learn.

  (End of this chapter)