
Without You. A love that lasted a life time.

George Hillstock, the CEO and founder of Hillstock Limited, bumps into the love of his life in a coffee shop. This heart wrenching tale is of their life together and the hardships and struggles they face. From living the perfect fairy tale life with destined hope of a happy ending. To being faced with losing his with to an incurable illness. Follow George and Alison on their love story. Through all their ups and downs to the bitter end.

Holly_Marie_Brewer · Thành thị
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8 Chs


Alison was on my mind a lot after that first date, but things moved a little slowly over the next few weeks. I loved catching glimpses of her around the workplace, but I was incredibly busy preparing for presentation. She would share a smile with me and maybe sometimes I would catch her hungry eyes on me. All the while I was too busy to interact with her properly. It was also my intent to keep her at an arm's length at work, I didn't know how unprofessional it may seem that I would share in a romantic relationship with an employee, and I couldn't risk any falters in the company name whilst I worked on the expansion. It would be another week until I could continue to per-sue her again. I only hoped that she wouldn't see another man in the meantime.

A week later, she agreed to let me take her out on another date. I hadn't specified what we were doing or where we were going but after waiting so long to be able to take her out again, I sure had a surprise up my sleeve for her. She didn't know it yet, but I had booked holidays off for the both of us from work. Tonight, we would leave for a four-day cruise. A little full on for a second date, maybe, but something just felt right about this. Although, I'll admit that for the first time, I felt nervous about surprising her with this. I suppose it was a little spontaneous, but she seemed like the type to be a little spontaneous sometimes.

I had packed myself some clothes and arranged for some clothes to be packed for her. I had been a little sneaky around the workplace and managed to get a good estimate of her sizes. I just hoped she would like the clothes that I brought for her. With my car all packed and ready, the only thing left to do was pick her up. I was so excited that the drive there seemed to fly by, but when I arrived. I started to shake nervously waiting for her to walk up to the car.

That's when I saw her, walking graciously up to my car with a beautiful smile plastered across her face. Just seeing that smile alone made my heat leap and bound in my chest. It also had the power to ease my nerves and Miraculously I stopped shaking as she opened the passenger side door to get in the car. The sweet smell of her fragrance pooled into the car with her. I took a moment to breathe it all in as she got comfortably seated next to me. Once she closed the door she looked into my eyes, beaming with anticipation.

"So, where to Mr Hillstock?" Ahh there it was, the question I had been waiting for. My nerves clenched again, and lump had formed in my throat. Took me a moment to clear it and form the words.

"Well, uhm. I have a huge surprise arranged for you, but it requires some time away from work." I muttered trying to be as cool and collected as I could, but my voice seemed a little higher than it usually was. I was kicking myself for that. Play it cool, Grayson. I scolded myself mentally. Her face fell a little and her eyes grew wide.

"But-" I raised my hand to stop her from speaking so I could reassure her as I knew what was coming. "Don't worry, I have already booked you the time off work and approved it." I explained gently with a soft smile. A smile crept over her face and my nerves settled once again. If only she knew the power that smile held. Just as quickly as her smile reappeared, it vanished quickly once more.

"Can you hold on for me just a moment, please?" She asked as she pulled her phone out of her purse. I furrowed my brow slightly, watching curiously as she got back out of the car. She closed the door so I couldn't hear her conversation. I could only watch with curiosity as she spoke on the phone pacing back and forth. I was trying to determine if she was frustrated or not. Before I could assume, a huge smile beamed across her face as she ended the call and opened the door again excitedly to get back in the car.

"Everything alright?" I asked with anticipation. She nodded profusely at me before saying," Yes! I just asked my mum to watch over Frankie for me whilst I was gone. She has it covered for me." She explained and for a moment I scolded myself. Damn! I thought. I sorted everything but forgot about her cat. How stupid of me! I sighed with relief that her mum had it covered. My excitement for the surprise only grew now that I had the all clear. It had been a long few weeks without much interaction with my sweet Alison. I couldn't wait to show her how a woman should be treated.

The drive to the doc was lengthy and tiring. Alison had fallen asleep in the passenger side. She looked so beautiful and peaceful whilst she slept. I had lowered the seat for her and placed my jacket over her to keep her warm. I had attempted to wake her, but she slept like a log. So, I carried her onto the cruise ship. Cradling her in my arms whilst she slept against my chest. The staff had taken our belongings up to our suite as I had my hands full.

Arriving at our suit, I gently placed Alison down on the bed. It was getting late, and I gathered she would sleep through the night. I hadn't asked her permission to sleep in the bed with her, so I took my place on the couch in our suite. I didn't mind. I figured if she would want me by her side the next night, she would give me the all clear. As long as I was always respectful to her, I was happy. I was incredibly excited for the morning and to finally start our surprise trip together.