
The Introduction

First of all I would like to welcome all of you, Dear Readers, and thank you for your willingness to devote your valuable time to getting to know my first story.

I come from a country in central Europe, Poland. I'm twenty-eight and I'm a mother of two wonderful sons - six years and three months ;-)

I've been passionate about literature since school. I always liked to read and then imagine myself as the main character of my favorite novel.

I love the atmosphere that accompanies reading.

Playing a character and experiencing such emotions is something that has literally made me addicted to reading.

Nowhere else would I experience such a palette of adventures and emotional turmoil.

This is amazing! :-)

I have to apologize to you for grammatical mistakes that you will surely find.

I am asking for understanding. I learned English at school, which I finished about ten years ago and I do not use it on a daily basis, which is why I have forgotten a lot.

However, I will do my best to make the text readable and understandable by all, but this will unfortunately translate into the frequency of publishing chapters.

However, if there is someone who would like to help, I would like to hug a nice editor with the greatest pleasure ;-)

The novel "Without Me" has been in my head for about two years before it took on any specific dimensions. And I'm aware that there are many similar ones here.

Sometimes I even think that other authors literally read my thoughts. Many adventures are simply identical to what my mind was thinking about.

I had to modify a few threads, and some of them completely give up, so that I would not be accused of plagiarism.

However, there are a few that are really close to my heart, without which I can not imagine "Without Me" and my heroes, so I apologize in advance for any similarities. They are not intentional. I just can not give up on them, not to disturb the plot design and I do not hide it, not to depart too much from what has already been created in my head ;-) However selfish it will sound :-)

Dear reader, if you have any comments, share them, but I am begging you to keep the culture of expression.

Webnovel also includes children who are not adults, so don't give them a bad example.

We are one big, multicultural family, we have to respect each other :-)

And finally, at the end, Thank you with all my heart that you became interested in my novel. If there is something that you do not like, or quite the opposite - something caught your attention, don't be shy and let me know. I appreciate every word and every clue :)

Although the story is perfect [every author thinks so about his work \ (* v *) / muahahaha],

I am ready to meet the expectations of my readers, since I've decided to share it with you ;-)

Deep praise and warm hugs, my dears! <3

Have fun!

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