
Witcher Compilation

Compilation of Witcher flics by me

Webnovel_Addicted · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs


Watching Lala leave, Wayne sighed with relief. Realizing he didn't have time for a bath, he quickly changed back into his Witcher gear, securing both swords on his belt. Retrieving a bottle of Red Bull and some chocolate from a hidden compartment, he consumed them swiftly. Now fully prepared, he walked out of the house, mounted Lucifer, and headed towards the city outskirts.

Equipped with a magic storage bag, Wayne had all the necessary supplies with him. There was no need for extensive preparations like other Witchers. Riding Lucifer, he left Vizima City before the gates closed. After a brief search, he found Lala at the designated spot in the grass by the lake.

Dispensing with formalities, Wayne lifted Lala onto the horse, and they swiftly rode toward the swamp village. Lala, being a local resident for many years, guided him through shortcuts, circling around Lake Vizima, and eventually reaching the swamp village before nightfall.

Known as Murky Water Village, this settlement was constructed in the swamp. Home to over a hundred inhabitants, the villagers had thrived for generations on the unique soil in the swamp, crafting earthen pots and roof tiles.

Wayne arrived at the village when everyone had already fallen asleep, with only a few houses showing faint lights. This matter didn't concern the villagers, and Wayne, guided by Lala, reached a nondescript wooden house by the lake. The house appeared quite ordinary, lacking any distinctive features. Had it not been situated by the lake, quite a distance from the village, it might have gone unnoticed.

Upon dismounting, Wayne reached out to lift Lala, a small and lively creature, off the horse. Despite her brother's kidnapping, Lala seemed to momentarily forget her distress while riding, as she couldn't resist stroking Lucifer's mane with curiosity and affection.

Arriving outside the Fisher King's house, Lala abruptly remembered their mission, and her face once again showed anxiety. After dismounting, she hurriedly ran to the main door of the wooden house and knocked with her small fists.

About ten seconds later, a faint light emanated from the hut, followed by the creaking sound of the door opening. An old man, looking quite aged, emerged with an oil lamp, wearing worn-out linen clothes and carrying a hatchet.

The old man's cloudy gaze first fell on Wayne, who stood seven or eight meters away, lingering on the two swords hanging at his waist. Then, he shifted his attention to Lala, the diminutive Godling standing at his feet. His expression remained unchanged as he hoarsely inquired, "What's the matter?"

Holding the colorful conch from the Lady of the Lake, Lala anxiously spoke to the Fisher King, "My brother was captured by the acolytes. I'll take the Witcher to rescue him. Please take us to Black Tern Island by boat, Fisher King."

The Fisher King, maintaining his stoic expression, squatted down to listen to the Godling. After over a minute of deliberation, he stood up, glanced at a wooden boat nearby, and said, "Well, let's go."