
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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It also took a fresh start to realize that she was such a difficult person to deal with.

Provoking punks, throwing rocks at other people's windows, eating bully food, carriage perverts, robbing kids of their balloons, taking the fall for her all afternoon, and finally getting stood up and not even being able to be found.

Eleazar, who was holding two ice creams, realized that the man was no longer on the bench.

Instead, a female police officer was standing nearby with her arms crossed, looking for something with an angry face.

Eleazar, who has been delayed for a moment because of an accident, stops to watch for a moment and turns away.

"Well, she's reassuring as always... very protective."

Taking one last look around, he slowly licked his ice cream and headed home.


The next day, after bumping into Fina and taking a red bean bag out of his breakfast bag to support the person next to him who was in the way, he murmured:

"I remember that one."

Eleazar sighed, "This is outrageous, one of you sealing my memory once."

Fina, who was looking for goodies in her bag, glanced at him.

"So did you go to her?"

"After pestering her all afternoon yesterday, it's been confirmed that she doesn't remember me at all, so I may have to start over..."

"Is it hard?"

"Difficult, it's not like you don't know her kind of personality, I heard that she tricked another person into shaving their hair the other day."

Hearing him say that, Fina thought for a moment.

"Have you ever thought that it might be that her spell hasn't been lifted yet?"

"She said before she left that she wanted you to complete the first ritual as soon as possible."

Eleazar was stunned, "Is that so?"

"Well, but you'd better hurry up or she's going to go and steal from the gang again."

"She's a member of the Demon Thieves!?" Eleazar jerked his head up.

Fina averts her gaze, "Well... I've seen her in action twice now."


Eleazar's face was stony in thought.

"Why don't you find a chance to knock her out and take her captive to get her off that team first?"

Fina gently leaned her head over and together they conferred on how to free the death-defying fool.

"A student of St. Ying University mysteriously disappeared? if her identity was known by the church long ago, then we can only keep hiding from now on." Eleazar frowned tightly, "Don't make any move yet, the church seems to be waiting for something as well, once they realize that there is something unusual about that group, they will have to close the net, at that time we can't do anything."

Fina nodded, "Well then, you should promote as soon as possible, letting her wake up on her own is the best thing to do, it's too hard to face the last group of Transcendents at the same time if we intervene outside."

"I'll take my vacation later..."

Lingyin, who had returned from eating the bread, looked at the two figures stuck together, skimmed her lips, and exclaimed, "I'm going to class!"

Eleazar stood up as well and took a deep breath.

"I'm off to hunt demons!"

"Well, come on."

With that urgency that he couldn't wait any longer, he walked quickly to the teacher's office, and with a group mind suggestion spell cast down, he was able to get a leave of absence to go back and visit his family without any problems.

Went back to the rental room again to get my gear, then headed straight to the train station to buy a ticket for out of town.

"Taking another vacation?"

Fintan, who had been looking for him all day at school, took a long time to find out from others that he had returned home.

Carrying in his trouser pocket the check of the Golden Shield Bank in the face value of two hundred thousand dollars, he had been on tenterhooks all day, fearing that he had lost the money, muttered a disgruntled mount:

"What the hell..."

Eleazar, already on the train, silently looks out the window at the scenery sweeping by.

I wonder if that guy has been found out by the church.

I don't know if I'm still in time to save her.

After a long time of worried thinking, constantly thinking of all kinds of tricky bridges to fake death on a double, I finally realized that it was those hunts where you don't have to use your brain that suited you the best.



Walking through the cavern that was said to emit a very miserable scream, Eleazar silently sensed his surroundings.

At his feet, the ground was full of dead snakes, densely spread out.

During the daytime there was nothing out of the ordinary and a glimpse of the end of the line, but by the time night came, the place had undergone a startling transformation.

The dark, damp cave seemed to have opened up another mysterious space, full of strange rocks and stalactite pillars, with nests of snakes coiled in every corner.

So many snakes, if one is right...

"Big brother, I'm so hungry~"

A seductive voice suddenly came from the side.

Witcher quickly craned his head to see a half-naked body slowly propped up by a pair of delicate palms behind a stalactite pillar.

Enchanting posture, snow-white skin, innocent face incomparably holy, head full of writhing hair and full of evil, and her lower body, hidden behind the stone pillars, so that people could not see that horrible scene.

Eleazar avoided her gaze a bit cautiously, his eyes quickly sweeping over the other woman's hair.

Sure enough, it's <Snake Hair Banshee>!

Their gaze is one of the most vicious cursed abilities in the world, capable of drawing all the life force out of living things, turning them into lifeless, withered stone statues.

"Why don't you look at me, don't you want me?"

A familiar voice suddenly came out of the snake-haired banshee's mouth.

Eleazar was stunned, staring blankly at the familiar figure.


Crimson eyes and a sweet smile bloomed on her face as she ran towards herself with her arms outstretched.

His eyes faded to stone, and with a bit of difficulty, he reached out his hands as if in response to the hug, in a rapidly spreading gray that represented withering.


"Big sister, you're back!"

In the dimly lit tavern, the 3 men gathered around a table drinking mulled wine and looked up.

As on previous occasions, Loveland returned with a package.

The burglar urgently asked, "The quality of the object is so excellent this time, it shouldn't be hacked!"

"No, I didn't find a buyer this time, and I brought the stuff back as is."

Loveland spoke calmly, while his gaze was thoughtful.

"What! Why is that!?"

The 3 men were in a state of shock.

"The church has been searching very hard lately, two hidden gatherings have already been busted, the wind is tight and they all dare not act rashly for the time being."

This bad news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for several people who could only maintain a stable state for half a year.

Loveland looked at the several people who were filled with grayish colors and silently said, "Let's wait and see for a while, if it doesn't work, I'll go back to Loran."


Carrying the head, which was frozen in an innocent smile, Eleazar thoughtfully walked out of the cave.

"Can the head of a snake-haired banshee be configured for Earth Pathway magic potions?"