
Era Of Game

Year 3000, suddenly one day people all over the world vanish without a trace. After waking up all the people found themselves in a new world. In this people a teenage boy William try his best to understand whats happening. William was a boy from a middle class family whose parents died from a car accident. In this world he was alone. In order to recover from shoke he used to play all kinds of games. Gaming became his only meaning of life. While everyone was in daze a sudden sweet voice came to every ones mind and a game like panal showed up infront of every one. In the panal people could see all the games name and account they had played on earth. The sweet voice again ring in everyones mind and asked them to choose a account they like and also said that they can choose only one account. Everyone was silent. They didn't know what was happening. William after thinking choose his best swordmaster account which was fully level up. Right after choosing the account he felt that his body was changing and he was memorizing all the sword tecnices he hade in his account. Becouse of the huge amount of data he fainted. When he wock up he could feel the difference in his body. His body was feeling light and he felt like he could ran infinitely with out stoping. After getting a hold of his own body he looked through his surroundings and ound that he was alone. A message pop out in his parsonal panal " You are now in the "Era Of Game". This is your practice field. Train here untile you ar strong enough." After seeing this massage William was in deep thought. He suddenly saw his level in his panal. It was 100. He was relieved after sering that. He thought that with his level 100 strength it won't be a problem. But everything changed in a spilite of seconds. A gaint appeared out of no where. But what shook William was not the gaint but its level. It was 115. Whille he was in shoke gaint start attacking him. He also useed all his move in order to live but it did a little damage. William was scared. Without thinking he used his ultimate move "swolled moon" again and again while keeping his distance. But while doing this he was hit by the gaint and flew mine then teen meter. He threw out a mouthfull if blood and his panal showed that he has 50% life left. Even throgh he was in shock, at first he thought that it was all a dream but after experiencing such a blow he was sure that all the thing that was happening was real. After getting up he again use al his technics one after another. after some time the gaint died under his sword and a message showed up " level up" and his level was 103. He checked through his panal and saw a bag pack icon. He then open his backpack and saw there was all kind of madicine he had in his account. He instantly touched thr fast aid icon and some pill fall out of nowhere. Without any thought he swolled the medicine becouse he knew it was a physical recovery pill. After taking it he could feel that his body was recovering. While his body was recovering he was in a deep thought.