

The sand is ready to set as I stretched my bruised hand from hard labor. I still smell the rust of steel from metallic machine that we used to operate in the northern part of this land where me and my kind were and are still force to work unbearable loads of work. I picked up my things as I ready myself to be off worked. It was already 6 in the afternoon as I hurriedly find my way out of the factory. Breeze of dirt and mud embrace my nostrils as I surveyed the muddy road excitedly walking to the small plaza where people already filled the scene. Roar burst from the crowd as an X person walked up the stage grinning and smiling like a lunatic does, a noble man, one of those monsters pretending to be humans with their expensive clothes made from diamond and silk. We the 'A' kind are the lowest level in the so called caste system, we possessed weak abilities enough for labor works compose of workers and slaves forced to live in far flung area of this land, Vex or slums thrown out and forgotten and X are known to be of higher class, consisting of noble class and upper higher houses.on the other hand the Y composed of Royals who ruled this unjust and merciless country. Monsters than monster itself I can say. They're ruthless and they don't care about the likes of us the A's. I almost lost my balance as someone stumbled at my back. "Hay will you-" I didn't finish what I'm about to say as the hazel brown eyes smirking idiot greet my way. "Chill dude don't be so hot tempered" he chuckled as he matches my line. It was Marcus,my one and only best friend we're like brothers. We protect one another,got our backs together. We're orphans of the unending war between nations. War of high and mighty Y of the Royals where A are their sacrificial pawns. Stood in disgust, I shifted my gaze back to the noble person at the stage, his cunning smile turned into devil's smirk. As he lifted his right hand, a man tide with the rope on both feet and hands screams loudly with the jolts of pain as he squeezes his right hand while levitating in thin air. The noble guy who by the name is Rubio Aste from House of Aste, house of telekinesis. Captain of the military Baracks stationed in Vex.He swung up the helpless man with his bare mind making the poor guy barks with excruciating pain. "Oh sorry, did I hurt you?" pretentiously asked by him then once again his evil grinn sparks "That's not pain" he paused for a moment,taking pleasure for every torments he could illustrate, surely an abuse of power.

"This is pain!!!" The helpless guys screamed his last breath as his bone intercepted with one another,deforming by every twitch of Rubio's hand. Blood splattered to the stage and presents the horror to the crowd. People panicked as they struggle to get away from the stage, from the unmerciful evil hand of Rubio.

Everything was in chaos, almost clouded by the screams and fears from the people's eyes. We quickly find our way to get out from it,me and my friend Marcus. Good thing we're the children of slums, we know every little passages here, even muddy ones. As we moved in dark alleys of muddy ways that sun cannot possibly illuminates, Marcus made fire from his hand, his a Torch, the one who can manipulate fire. Me on the other? I'm the one and only born with this curse, the curse of having no ability at all. I cannot shoot fire like Marcus or move object with my mind like Rubio did. I'm just me,the ever useless of all time. "Hey" Marcus brought me back from my deep thoughts to reality. "Are you ok?" I just nodded confusely."Yeah" I managed to mutter as I struggle to find a more better words to say to him.

We stop by in an old abandoned shop. The old Tailor shop of infamous Stitch,the healer of the Slums, the late Morgana. She belonged to X, a noble kind but was cast away to slums as she had fallen to my kind, the A race, the bottom of the pyramid. Together with her lover, they live enriched with love despite of the harsh environment of slums. They had two beautiful daughters who were also like their mother, a stitch, the one who can heal and mend any kinds of physical injury. but tragic had befallen them as the ever cruel king have heard about their story. and was very infuriated because Morgana was belonged to one of the Upper houses,House of Vamos, more noble amongst nobles. Her family, the house of Vamos. Plead to the king to behead her, her husband and their two lovely daughters due to fear of embarrassment and the greed to maintain their high status . The king gave his verdict, a grimm decision of beheading Morgana's family.

After couple hours of loud voices crying and echoing around the plaza, the air filled with deafining silence, more silence than even a dead could offer. We hurriedly find our feet back around the plaza as the sting of blood filled out our nostrils. Marcus almost vomits on the unforgiving scene. blood splashed on the grounds ,everywhere are filled with red liquids cold with dead bodies mutilated.

The sky begins to show its rath as the rumbling of growls grew louder, thunderstorms clapped with one another. Drop of water begins to unveil itself revealed by the angry clouds. The X and Y had become more demons. I could not phantom the thought that even the simple entertainment in the plaza had turned by them into bloodthirsty ground.

I felt the sudden feel of hot air, when I turned my gaze to Marcus, he's already burning with fire evaporating the near by drops of cold rain into vapor gases.

"This must end!!!" Marcus grudgingly cries out. before I knew, he's marching with fast phase to the location of the barracks of Captain Rubio.