
Wild Rift: The Last Game System

-----[Wild Rift: The Last Game System] was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.----- Has anyone thought of being sent on a world filled with magic with their League of Legends: Wid Rift account as the main ability? Rio Magus- the only grandson of the famous transcender- has been trained ever since he was a kid. Without questioning his grandfather, he wielded his weapon and wore his uniform. However, there is one thing he could not understand; he was allowed to play every game he liked. Rio grew with fear of his Grandmother's words and fallen in love with Video Games. One day, Rio went home grumbling about why he needed to play League of Legends just to join the gaming club. Because of his love for gaming, Rio went his way and created a League of Legends: Wild Rift. However, Rio just started playing when he was forced to take a test to defend the universe he lived in. With a heavy responsibility, Rio went in adventure to find the mystery behind his special skill and become a prominent figure to depend his home. Join Rio Magus as he slash down enemies with the help of Yasuo, throw some axes like Draven, and be a god-like existence like Nasus and smash down his enemies.

Dragonoid_Insect · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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18 Chs

Goddess of Fire

'Although I already managed to cultivate it after hundreds of years of cultivation, it is still one of my favorite collections!' The woman thought as she frantically looked for Rio. The only person she saw inside the store was an almost three-meter-tall thin yet muscular dog-headed giant with white furs. The person also has some weird tattoos all over their body and has a long white tail. Beside the man is a large scarred black-maned wolf.

"Kid, even though I can't use my full ability, do you think that I'm that stupid?!" The woman said and rushed towards Rio.

Rio was stupified and remembered that Matt Volt is still with him. He decided to assimilate with another set of champions and turned into a two-foot and seven-inches tall man. Then he started to grow another pair of tentacles-looking ears on his head while his pair of ears turned into something similar.

His slim body became buffed while his skin turned purple. While his eyes changed into that resembles that of a snake but it's crimson orange like a mythical creature — Dragon.

The combination of Ziggs, Fizz, Garen, Dr. Mundo, and Shyvanna is quite strange, but it gave him a massive boost in his attributes.

Rio retrieved the Diamante Katana out of his pouch and quickly makes use of Garen's Decisive Strike not to attack the woman, but to run away from her. Then he followed up with Judgement and Burnout of Shyvanna. "Charge! Breakthrough their ranks! The might of demacia will prevail!"

The woman looked surprised and thought that Rio will deal with her head-on. In a span of a second, Rio managed to appear in front of her. She quickly extended her hand to grab him. "Kiddo, I might not be able to use even a percentage of my ability here but that doesn't mean that you can pass through my defense!"

The next moment, she felt scared when the sword cut passed through her skin and dealt damage to her flesh. She took a step back and avoided the blade.

"My Beyblade! Is unstoppable!" Rio shouted back at her as he runs for another two seconds. He reached the floor then took the chance to change into a dragon with the use of Shyvanna's Dragon's Descent and turn into a nine-foot-long with a thirteen-foot-wide wingspan violet dragon as he leaped into the air. "Behold my true form!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Rio landed on the ground in his dragon form and run as fast as he can. The ground shook but it's wasn't affected by its size because it was made to accommodate even giants.

Rio was used to running on all four since he was trained to do so, however, he can't get used to his current size and hit the building he passed.

Some giants and owners of Inn went after noticing the commotion and was flabbergasted after they a large violet-colored dragon running in all its limbs.

"He~! Interesting! You made me want you more! Since I can't get you here, I'll find you on the other side!" The woman smirked then took out a ring in the air then threw it to Rio.

"Charge!" Rio was desperate to escape and activated Decisive Strike once again. He then looked at the map and noticed that the woman is actually considered a neutral individual. The dot that represents her stopped at the entrance of the Inn. Rio can't help but turn his head back at her and saw a glowing object approach him.

The woman lifted her hand and did something to manipulate the ring. The ring released two lines of pitch-black chain and as if the chain has life, it tied itself on Rio's neck like a choker.

Rio canceled his assimilation with Shyvana when he noticed that the energy within the chain stabilized in an attempt to remove it. The next moment however made Rio furrowed. The moment his body shifted into his humanoid form, the choker made of pitch-black chain shifted to fit his neck as if it was part of his body.

"Don't struggle, you're just wasting your breath." The woman said when she saw Rio trying to grab the choker. She released a massive amount of energy in the tip of her finger send it to the ring. The next moment, her three-meter-tall body began to wither like a plant as the law of the world started to suppress her.

Rio watched as she became a pile of bones covered with her dry skin in fear when he suddenly heard a voice spoke directly to his ears. "Remember this, Magus. That ring will help you survive once you reach the Origin Universe. That'll help you with your rise in the lower world! And make sure you won't forget what I'm about to say. 'You are my first discipline, don't you dare tarnish the title of mine 'Goddess of Fire'!"

The woman's withered body vanished into smoke without living anything. The only evidence left of her existence was the pair of a footprint on the ground where she was standing.


All of a sudden, the world around Rio turned into a hellish place. He is floating in the air and saw that there's lava flowing everywhere, screams can be heard from time to time, and volcanic eruptions occur every second.

Rio closed his eyes and when he opened it again, he is standing in the middle of the road of Vinel City.

He knew that when he transferred to that place that what he is seeing is not but illusions. Although he also knew that the illusion he is witnessing is real and is existing somewhere in the Origin Universe.

"A god, perhaps? Nah!" Rio shook his head and took Matt Volt who was frozen still for some reason then left the place to find a restaurant, escaping the countless eyes looking at him. 'The Goddess of Fire huh? What is his connection with my old man? She knew that I was from Earth and I'm a child of Magus.'

He was deep in thought that whole afternoon. The Goddess of Fire's words made him fiddled the chain choker on his neck. The choker acts like it is already part of his body. How can a ring forced into him help his descent to power?

That question remained on his mind until the time he returned to the Inn. The Innkeeper he met looked at him strangely when Rio showed him his token. Rio did not change his appearance and still has the look of a midget with a weird body proportion.

Rio shook his head and changed into the rocky version of his. The surprise in the eyes of the innkeeper was visible as he entered his room.

Matt Volt returned to the barn by himself and refused to be escorted there.

Rio peeked inside his room using his 3d map and saw Bluch, Rever, and Rebecca — waiting for him to arrive. The attention of the three was focused on Rio as he entered the room.

"Let's go to the cafeteria and eat." Rio casually said then left his room.

The trio followed behind him without questioning him.

Inside the cafeteria, the cook served them a serving of grilled meat, herb soup, and a glass of cold drink.

They did not talk much, they did not speak to be precise. They focused on the foot in front of them and savor the taste.

After their dinner, Rio took a couple of books out of his dimensional pouch. The books are five inches thick and enough to scare the three.

"The seniors will take these two books, Plant Encyclopedia and Medicine Creation. They are both a must-book to gain knowledge if you are going to a world ruled by cultivators. Earning money will be decent if you become a herb gatherer or a potion maker." Rio said then took out a mortar & pestle and a vial. "Potion making doesn't need one to have the energy or spiritual power. This needed skills instead. However, if you want to create a higher quality one, then using spiritual power is a must."

"W-wait a minute, Rio." Rever raised his hand and interrupted his words. "What do you mean by potion making? Aren't we supposed to be fighters who fought for our universe?"

Rio sighed then handed a book to Bluch then spoke. "Senior, you're not suited to become a fighter. You lack the guts to do so. I bet you only practice martial arts because you were pressured to do so."

"You. You really think I am like that!? Huh! You arrogant prick!" Rever shouted in response as he clenched his hands into a fist then smashed them on the table.


"You think you are strong and mighty!? Then take me on with your base form! Without that ability of yours, you think you have the ability to win against me? In your dreams!" Rever stood up as he shouted then took the pair of Diamante Katar on his waist.

Rio canceled all his assimilation in response to his taunt then stood up. He cracked his joints then look at Rever in the eyes.

Rever was taken aback when Rio canceled his assimilation and become hesitant. However, he felt that his pride was stomp, he felt as if his opponent is telling him that he is not worthy to use his skills on him.

"Braggart! You'll regret looking down on me!" With his katars equipped, Rever jumped towards Rio then stabbed his katars, targeting Rio's neck.

Rio calmly sidestepped then used Rever's own strength to throw him on an open area without a table and chairs.

Rebecca and Bluch watched Rever in shock as Rio sent him flying with a simple trick.

Rio could see through Rever easily. Before, even if Rever's state of mind is good, he thinks he could handle him easily; then what now that Rever was overcome by his anger?

Rio watched as his senior fell on the ground then walk towards him. He was unarmed, he is still on his base form, and yet he is still as calm as the lake. When Rever stood up then used his skill 'Swift and Silent', he just stepped forward twice then kicked behind him.

"Senior, you don't have what it takes to be a warrior. Everyone is a coward, but you transcend them all. Not only you are a coward, but a backstabbing coward." Rio said as he looked down at Reven coldly.

*** Flashback! ***

Earlier, when Rio entered a hundred meters away from the Inn he saw Rebecca entering the premises of the Inn. She sent his pet to the barn herself then went toward his room.

Bluch and Rebecca were alone in his room. They did not speak against each other because of Rebecca's temper.

Rio is observing his map when he saw that there are two red marks not far away from his room. He quickly tapped on the red dots and saw Rever and another examinee with a token similar to what they have.

"Haha! Just kill him and take his dimensional pouch! What so great about him? He's just an awakened person from this universe. Do you really think that he has a way of handling poison?" The person to Rever said. They were already in the middle of their conversation so Rio can't tell the whole story of why Rever decided to betray him.

The person next to Rever was a lizard-like individual that is no taller than three foot. On the person's waist was a pouch similar to what Rio own.

"You got to be kidding. You know nothing about that bastard. He knows a lot about the top individual because of his grandfather!" Rever said seriously.

"You mean, that Magus?" The midget lizard asked. He actually knew who Rio was which surprised him. "But, he knows and trusts you, right?"

Rever look at the lizard-looking person with hate. "Trust? Me? He trusts no one! He even eyed me earlier today just because I tricked that bitch Rebecca to do my work!"

"Oh? So, how can we get that dimensional pouch out of him?" The lizard asked Rever back.

"How about this?" Rever said then continue. "The test still has more than ten days to end. I can get close to the cook of the cafeteria then ask him to put the poison on his food. That bastard really likes the food served in the cafeteria."

"That's... I admit it's a good idea, but what if the cook doesn't like being close to anyone?" The lizard asked him then continue with his own plan. "I have one poison here, a very unique poison. They have two parts, each part has no poisoning effects, but if he consumed them both, he'll die within than span of ten minutes. I'll buy high-quality alcohol then put the first part of the poison. You'll drink the alcohol with him..."

"Wait! Wait! Why do I have to drink it? How about you do that for me?" Rever interrupted him.

"Ba! It's not poisonous! And if you have not taken the second part of the poison in the next five days, you'll secrete it naturally!" The lizard-like person said with glee. "Look, brother. Once he drinks the first part the second part will be easy! Just ask the server of the cafeteria to put it on his drink snd viola, he'll be dead once he drinks it!"

"Ahh... You're stupid, you know? Why do I have to bother drinking alcohol with him when I can just ask the server to serve the first part today, then serve the second part the next day?" Rever said.

"You're right! Why I did not think of that?! Then I'll leave it to you!" The lizard-like person said then took two vials of liquid substance out of his dimensional pouch.

Rever took the vials with an evil smile then put them in his pocket. The lizard-looking person said a few more worthless words then left Rever's room then went to his own room, which is only next to Rever's room.

*** End of Flashback ***

"You traitorous bastard. I will spare this time. But when I saw you outside after this, I'll make sure I'll have that head of yours as my trophy!" Rio said in anger then kicked Rever's abdomen making him curl-up in pain.

"I'm selling Ice cream, you want some?" The author asked the readers in hope that he will earn some cash while wasting his time, writing fanfic instead of an original one.

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