
It's a trap

Perhaps I'm just too sensitive, I just can't shake the feeling that my wife and Li Tao have been having an affair for a long time. Why she sat on the passenger seats?Aall the thoughts swirling in my mind. But I still lack evidence; these are just my conjectures.

"Helen, come over here, I have something to ask you," I said, looking at my wife as she was nibbling chicken legs.

My wife widened her eyes, "What's wrong, honey?"

"Just come here," I urged.

My wife curiously glanced at me and then walked over.

"Why did you sit in the passenger seat?"

After hearing my question, my wife paused, "Honey, are you jealous?"

 "Tommy is my boss. I sat in the passenger seat to discuss some work issue with him. He also told me about some things to pay attention to on a business trip in a few days."

What my wife said made sense. But no matter how reasonable it sounded, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There were several times I wanted to explode, but I had no outlet. It felt like banging my head against cotton, unable to make any impact.

My wife gently held the sausage to feed me.

"Helen, spare us your lovey-dovey moments. What about us single folks?" Zena approached and teased us.

I took a bite of the sausage my wife offered, and her face lit up with a sweet smile. Seeing her happy smile, I inexplicably trusted her a bit more.

"Zena, you should hurry up and find someone, so you won't have to watch us being affectionate," my wife sweetly remarked.

With a sweet smile, I observed my darling wife in front of me, feeling a mix of emotions.

"John, come have a bottle of beer,"Tommy sat on a stone chair, opening two bottles of beer.

I really didn't want to drink with Tommy because I suspected he was involved with my wife.

"No, I have things to do later," I refused, but my wife whispered in my ear that Tommy was her boss and I should have a couple of drinks with him.

It made me extremely uncomfortable. But what my wife said made sense. After all, Tommy was her boss, and having a drink with him wouldn't hurt.

But... right now, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Helen, why was your phone turned off just now?"

"Maybe there was no signal."

It felt like my wife was just brushing me off.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, what's wrong, honey?"


I didn't say much, just went to drink with Tommy. I finished the whole bottle of beer in one gulp.

Seeing me drink so fiercely, Tommy also picked up a bottle and drank in one go. "John, did something happen? What's bothering you?"


I couldn't tell Tommy that I suspected him of having an affair with my wife. What if it wasn't true? But my wife's actions were really suspicious. The phone turned off when buying foil, and then she just brushed it off, saying there was no signal and the phone turned off.

I felt like she turned off her phone while having affair with Tommy. If she was, I would divorce her.

After three rounds of drinks,Tommy smiled and said my mood was written all over my face, asking what was wrong. He said if I had any difficulties, I should speak up, and if he could help, he would.

"Yeah, I've noticed you've been in a bad mood all day. What's going on?" My wife also curiously asked.

"What could be wrong? Let's just drink," I picked up a can of beer and drank it down again.

"Good drinker!"Tommy also took a bottle.

I don't know how many we drank, but Tommy put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, asking how I had considered the matter we discussed earlier.

I knew he was referring to the matter of changing wives.

If Tommy was really the lover, why would he bring up such a request? They could just have an affair secretly. Or did they want to do it openly? Even in front of me, to satisfy their desires?

Thinking about this, I almost punched him.

"Tommy, let's drop this topic. I don't think it's possible," I said firmly.

"John, aren't you considering it at all? It's really exciting and fun. You haven't tried it before. After you try it once, you'll love the feeling,"Tommy insisted.

I really wanted to tell Li Tao to go to hell. But I politely declined and told him not to bring up this matter again in the future.

My wife, Zena, Benita and Lisa were chatting and barbecuing over there. It was just Tommy and me here.

"Tommy, have you heard any rumors lately?" I looked Tommy, pretending to be drunk.

I wanted to test Tommy, to see if he and my wife were really...

"What rumors?"Tommy put down his beer can, looking at me curiously.

"I heard people say you and my wife..."

I didn't finish my sentence. I wanted to confront Tommy face to face and see his reaction.

After hearing my words, Tommy instantly became nervous. "Bro, don't misunderstand me. Although my reputation isn't good, I've always been upright in my dealings. I wouldn't do anything sneaky. I can guarantee that."

I was about to say something, butTommy told me if he really had an affair with my wife, he wouldn't bring up the matter of swapping wife with me.

What Tommy said made sense, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

"Bro, don't believe those rumors,"Tommy quickly explained.

Half-jokingly, I said to Li Tao, "If someone cheated behind me, I'll definitely kill him."

Tommy was taken aback, then chuckled, "A man should have a temper."

Ever since I said I'd kill whoever cheated on my back, I still felt like there's something off about Tommy. As for what exactly seems off, I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment.