
Chapter one


It's September first and I find myself Sitting down at my desk looking at myself in the mirror and all I can feel is my anxiety pumping through my veins , I've never been one to get nervous considering my upbringing. Ever since I was little the house would always be filled with fathers death eaters, and here I am with my hands trembling dreading my first day at school. I've always been homeschooled by my mother who is the most compassionate, strong and independent woman I have ever known, however due to my fathers wishes he came up with the idea that it would be best for me to go to Hogwarts to start my 6th year.

I am quickly struck out of my thoughts as I hear my bedroom door creak open. "Morning Daughter" my father says is a calm toned down voice. I hesitate at first but slowly bring my head up to face his, I gulp down the lump in my throat "Morning father" I responded

I move my head back to my reflection finishing off my signature winged eyeliner as my father steps closer "Are you ready yet? you and your mother should be leaving soon"

"Yes almost just need to get dressed I packed all my things last night" i said as I finished my makeup

"Very well I'll leave you to it , however don't forget the reason your going to Hogwarts in the first place might I add" my father said as he walked towards my door "considering your my daughter I'm being kind by giving you till the end of the school year to have this task done"

"Yes father" and with that he left my room shutting the door. I stood up from my desk and walked towards my drawers to get dressed. I put on my favorite pair of black leather leggings and a plain white bodysuit. I grabbed all my bags and made my way out front where my mother was waiting for me.

"All ready to go" my mother says greeting me with a soft smile, I nodded and grabbed onto her arm and just like that we apparated onto platform 9 3/4 . I could feel my legs shaking as I looked around the platform , my mother gave my hand a soft squeeze which reassured me and pulled me into her warm embrace.

"You will be fine Y/N , if your anything like your father you'll be absolutely fine I love you, just remember I'm only an owl away"

"Thank you mum , I love you too" and with that I pulled away grabbing my things and walking onto the train looking back at my mum with a slight smile waving her goodbye

I walked up and down the train not quite knowing where to sit when I heard a soft voice "Hey sorry but are you new?" I turned around to face a brunette haired girl with soft brown eyes "um yes that I obvious?" A slight chuckle escaped from both our mouths " Well you can sit with us if you like" she gestured to the seat next to her with two boys who were already sat opposite her. I gave her a soft smile "yes thank you" I said as I walked over and sat next to the brunette girl

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Pansy, Pansy Parkinson"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N"

"And does Y/N have a last name" she said as she slightly raised her eyebrow

"Sorry it's Y/N Riddle"

"Riddle?!" Pansy raised her voice slightly "As in Tom Riddle? As in Voldemort"

My cheeks went a slight pink "um yes but could you please not say it so loud , it's just it's my first day and I'm not overly ready for all the comments people are going to make about my father" I looked at Pansy who was already looking at me, still complete shock "oh no that's completely fine I'm sorry, Won't happen again it can be our little secret" Pansy winked and then let out a soft chuckle which I returned a slight smile.

"You know I have a feeling we're going to be rather good friends what do you say" Pansy Continued "I'd love that"

We finally arrived at Hogwarts after a long train ride of joking and just chilling with Pansy and her friends Astoria and Blaise, we stepped off the train I looked around taking in my surroundings and let out a deep breath. I turned to look at Pansy who turned to look back "come on let's go we don't want to be late" we walked over to the carriages when someone bumped into me. "Ugh watch where your fucking going will you" I snapped "could say the same for you , you filthy mudblood" a deep voice spoke.

I looked up to see a tall boy with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes, he stood there in an all black suit looking down to meet my eyes. I cleared my throat and snapped back into reality "I wouldn't talk down on me like that if I were you"

"And why's that" the blonde boy spoke as a smirk crept across his face

"Cause I will kill you" I let out a chuckle and sat next to Pansy in the carriage "we'll see about that" the boy scoffed "indeed we will" I said as the boy walk away

I rolled my eyes and turned to Pansy "who was that arsehole" Pansy raised her eyebrow "that is Draco Malfoy" my eyes widened "Malfoy you say?" Pansy nodded "yes Why"

"Oh no reason but I think things are about to get interesting" I said as I let out a slight smirk

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