
Ch. 9 Gala

(Hold up, slow down. Tiny dimension? First contract package? The hell is all this? System?)

'Host has made his first contract with a creature. As host is a small raven without a carrying capacity, the system allowed an early unlock of the Tiny Dimension storage space for food storage.'

'Host was awarded with the First Contract Package after acquiring the first contract. The package is in your Tiny Dimension, please access it to learn more.'

(Okay. First things first let's check this Contracted tab.)


Unnamed Abyssal Fox'

(Ummm.... More info?)

'Unnamed Fox

Species: Abyssal Fox

Realm: Broken - Mastered (57%)

Affiliation: Companion (Weak bond)


Available points: 0

Agility: 4

Endurance: 1

Strength: 1

Intelligence: 4

Magic: 2





Pounce - Adept'

(Okay, so she doesn't have telepathy, but a skill called MindSpeak. I really need to find a book on skills so I can identify these better. System won't give me in-depth information on skills that aren't mine. I'll assume Pounce is a jumping skill meant to take enemies by surprise and Allure must be like a charm type skill.) Now that the contract has been completed Gabriel knew it was time to take this Fox to get bandaged up so he can take a rest. After using wind blade so many times in one day, he felt like a deflated balloon.

Gabriel took flight and after 10 minutes located Emmie in the middle of a bunch of Black bushes.

"Follow me and be careful, I'll fly slow so you don't lose me." The Fox nodded it's head in understanding and took off at a slow, limping, trot, following Gabriel. After nearly an hour they finally got close to Emmie. Gabriel let out a loud "Braawwkk" while descending towards her. Emmie gave a slight wave and went back to picking berries.

"Help. Friend need help." Gabriel yelled out to her while circling above her head.

Emmie turned up toward Gabriel with a puzzled expression. "Who needs help? What friend? Are you okay Gabriel?" Gabriel quickly flew in a circle around Emmie and took off towards his new companion. Emmie packed away the berries she had picked into a wooden box for protection and followed behind Gabriel.

Upon landing near the little Fox and giving an inspection, Gabriel noticed the Fox's wounds had reopened during the run. In a panic he yelled to Emmie "Hurry. Hurry. Hurt." He began hopping up down and flapping his wings erratically, not wanting to lose his first companion.

Emmie finally arrived on the scene to see a little pitch black kit with bite marks in it's left rear thigh. She immediately pulled out some herbs meant for healing and some cloth. After thoroughly cleaning the wound she packed it with herbs and bandaged it up.

"What happened Gabriel? I thought you were just going to fly around for a while?"

"Seen wolf chase fox. Helped kill wolf. Told Fox you help. Now Fox follow me."

Emmie was confused (Did this little Raven really fight off a wolf to save this Fox? How's that possible? He's still learning to fly based off how he flew off this afternoon. Without having him appraised I'd still assume he isn't above a Broken realm, definitely no mutations... How's this possible?)

"What do you mean Fox follow you? Like, if you come with me they will too?"

"Yes. Fox friend."

(So, he wouldn't let me tame him, but it seems like he went off and managed to somehow tame another creature. What a strange little Raven. I think having him follow me is going to bring me good fortune.) Emmie gently patted the Fox's head and looked towards Gabriel.

"Well, they have a name too I suppose?"

(Shit, it said unnamed in the system. What should I call her? Abyssal Fox, pitch black fur, adorable, violet eyes..... Majestic? No no no, that's not a name. Hmmm... Galaxy? What's wrong with me? Wait, I think that's going down the right lines.... Gala? Gala! Short for Galaxy cause of her dark fur and pretty eyes.)

"Gala! Gala!"

The Fox's ears perked up, she looked Gabriel straight in the eyes. A warm feeling spread from the bottom of his talons to the tips of his wings.

'Named First Contracted Creature. Name acknowledged. Bond strengthened.'

(Can I do anything without getting some system announcement? It's like everytime I breathe anymore.)

"Gala eh? Sounds like a girl's name."


"Okay it's a she and her name is Gala. Will you ask her to let me carry her so she doesn't re-open her wounds while the herbs are working?"

Gabriel looked over at Gala and before he could even ask, she limped up to Emmie and gave her puppy eyes, asking to be picked up.

(It's like she knew what I was going to ask.) Gabriel was surprised, he didn't even say anything and Gala still knew exactly what he wanted to ask of her. (It must be because our bond was strengthened.)

Looking down at the bandaged up little kit, giving her puppy dog eyes, Emmie started to swoon. She quickly scooped up the little kit and started making her way back to their foraging location. Gabriel took back to the skies keeping on eye on the two from above. Once he spotted Emmie's pack he landed on it for a well deserved nap as he was exhausted from casting so many wind blades.

(I'll have to be careful in the future, casting spells is really exhausting.)

"Where'd you go Emmie and what the hell are you carrying?" Frustrated, Buck started yelling at Emmie as she walked back into the bushes. He'd been picking these stupid berries for a couple of hours now and just wanted to call it a day. He's no forager, he's a hammer welding Arena junky. If not for him owing her brother a favor, he wouldn't be escorting this little girl on her first contract. "Is that a Fox?"

"Yes, she's injured, Gabriel brought her to me and asked to have her bandaged up."

"Who's Gabriel?" Buck was confused. He had heard her talking last night before he fell asleep and just assumed she was talking to that dumb, food stealing, bird.

Emmie pointed at the top of her pack where Gabriel was already napping. "He told me his name was Gabriel last night."

"You mean you named him Gabriel last night? Why?"

"No, he told me his name is Gabriel."

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