
Why do you hide inside these walls?

Five kids. Five murders. Five spirits. When fifteen-year-old Ellie finds herself a ghost, she begins her immediate search for the man who killed her. Little does she know, four other kids were killed in the same place and at the same time. And just like her, they are looking for revenge

JACOB_LAW · Thành thị
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33 Chs


Ellie, Thomas and Eddie were now together. Now they had a joint mission. Finding the other two. "Where do we start?" asked Eddie, and to his surprise, the other two shrugged. "If you don't know where the other two are, how did you know where to find me?" he demanded, and Ellie shrugged, "Thomas remembered the bible, and he realised you might be in the closest library looking for things in the religious section that might explain what was happening." Thomas nodded in confirmation, and slowly Eddie nodded. "Do you remember anything about the other two?" he asked. Thomas shook his head, yet Ellie nodded. "Yes. I remember the other girl. My friend was with me, and she got murdered too…but something about it is off. I feel like we're connected. I can feel Thomas' heartbeat. I can feel yours too Eddie. I can feel two others…but I know none of them are my friend's. I think she must have moved on, lucky compared to the rest of us."

The others agreed, yet there was discussion over who they were. "I think one of them is a girl who hung out with my brother. She came to check on us I think, but then we were killed. She must have been hit as well," Ellie realised, and the others nodded. "Well then, what's her name?" Ellie tried to recall the name that seemed just on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't. "Everything from the past feels fuzzy and just…blank. I don't know her name," whispered Ellie, and Thomas stepped forward to gently pat Ellie on the shoulder, "It's alright, Ellie. We all have difficulties remembering stuff. It's not your fault." Ellie nodded, feeling pathetic as she glanced at Thomas and Eddie, both of whom were staring at her. "Well…let's focus on the one we don't know anything on," Eddie suggested, and the other two turned to him in confusion.

"Well, what do we remember about him?" asked Eddie. "I remember…blonde hair and he always had earbuds in. I don't know his name. He may have been a friend of mine, but like we agreed, it's hard to remember exact events," Thomas murmured. "So, where would we start?" Ellie asked, and Eddie pulled out the large bible he had taken from the library and started flicking through the pages. Finally, after minutes of the pages rustling, he stopped, his eyes glinting and a smile on his face. "What if we don't have to keep looking? What if we used this to find out where he is?" Eddie asked. "What do you mean?" asked Thomas. "Well…This acts like some sort of wishing machine for a holy person, like me. I read out the verse I want, and it happens. I could use it to pinpoint his location!"

Ellie nodded enthusiastically, a grin on her face, "That would make things so much easier!" Thomas agreed, smiling as well, and Eddie pointed to the page, his eyes beginning to glow blue. "Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions," he said, his voice suddenly deeper and God-like as he chanted the words. Suddenly, a bright beam of light erupted from the bible and shot up into the heavens. Then it disappeared, and the three glanced at one another uncertainly. "Was that supposed to happen?" asked Thomas, and Eddie shrugged, "I'm not sure." Moments of silence passed, all of them looking up to the bright sky, waiting for something to happen. Then, something did. Another beam of light, apparently only visible to them, shot down in the distance.

It was ages away, yet the other two laughed. "Finally, some progress is made!" Eddie chuckled and closed the bible with an almost loving affection before training his eyes on the bright beam on the horizon. "Time to get to work," he said, leading the way down the street.