

After crushing his heart I fell to my knees, I had exhausted all my Blood Qi and my body was reacting to extreme fatigue, I had miraculously survived this battle, at least this time. I knew that the principles of the Earth also applied in this world.

The dark fog disappeared, showing the corpse of a man, he was completely naked and his body was turning into blood, I couldn't help but shudder if I had ended up dead would I have turned into the dark fog to be absorbed?

All my experiences as a Berserker had taught me that to become stronger, battle and sacrifice were necessary, truest of warriors were tempered on the battlefield.

As the blood moved slowly towards my body I immersed myself in my thoughts, this time I had been very lucky, I almost died in battle.

I was lucky because the humanoid made of dark fog had already seen my attack, if he interrupted the spell that creates lances with Blood Qi, I would have had no chance of survival this battle.

By the time the spears began to appear and lock us in a limited space I knew I had half the victory in my pocket, I just needed the principle of condensation to work in this world as well, using the spears as pillars of a container and Blood Qi as walls I began to narrow the space by compressing the air.

This was not enough, but through the fight against the dark fog, I sensed that my Blood Qi also had to have a special function, because we are both Berserker, only I had never stopped to think about an extra capability.

There came the flash of inspiration, I could feel each of the spears as if they were my veins, using the explosion of Blood Qi as a catalyst within my heart I synchronized the rhythm of my heart with the spears of Blood Qi.

The result was more than expected, the landscape inside the lances was filled with crimson fog and the blood soaked the ground, inside this small area the Blood Qi was compressed much more increasing the pressure, at that moment I knew I had won the battle, and at the same time the dark fog launched its final attack.

On earth high-pressure air causes condensation, it was a behavior that applied to all gases, I didn't know if it was viable here as well but I didn't have any more ideas.

When the weapon made of dark fog entered the high-pressure zone, it directly became liquid, I didn't have the energy to hold the pressure, so I made my final attack, the Blood Qi in my body was non-existent so I simply threw a blow with my physical body.

As I assumed, high pressure interferes with the ability to turn any part of the body gas, preventing him from dodging that simple blow, if the opponent had not despised me and fought cautiously I would not have had any chance of victory.

Before I could reflect more on the battle, the blood was assaulting all the pores of my body, this time it was different the blood was not distributed by my body, instead, it concentrated around my heart.

My heart rate was slowly dropping, the blood was entering my heart, I could feel my heart getting stronger, the blood of a Berserker was different from that of a cultured one, as time went by the heartbeat became so soft that it practically looked like it was standing, but I couldn't feel anything wrong with my body so I relaxed.

Just when my heart stopped beating, the body of the Berserker disintegrated, the dark fog reappeared but this time it ran directly towards me, to be precise it stabbed my eyes, the pain I was suffering was incredible, I was slowly losing my sight, I was twisting on the floor, it seems that the Berserker bloodline could not suppress this pain even a little bit, the more time passed the pain I was suffering increases.

I could feel how my eyes and everything around them was in a cycle of creation and destruction, I never thought that the dark fog was going to be so vicious, even after having killed its owner, I remembered in my heart this moment, not to lower my guard again, but I did not know if I was going to have an after, the pain in my head reminded me that I was being destroyed and I could do nothing to solve it.

Time was passing slowly, the pain was accentuating the passage of time, I felt that I was going through eternal suffering, I regretted again that I had lowered my guard, perhaps I would never see again because of this error, although if I survived I would be happy enough to meet Rin and my family again.

So time passed, I had lost count of minutes and hours, my eyes no longer hurt so much, perhaps I had gotten used to the pain, or I had stopped attacking the dark fog my eyes, this time my fear was to leave Rin alone again for a few years because of the crimson world, I didn't know if the time flow here and in reality was the same, so I feared the worst.

Being a Berserker had its good points, I could strengthen myself quickly and gain abilities that surpassed enemies at the same stage, but it also had its disadvantages.

I was frustrated because I couldn't control my own destiny, sometimes I dragged myself into the crimson world unwillingly, even spending several days here, hated having to leave Rin alone, or suffering the consequences of my destiny as Berserker.

But a part of me changed when I discovered what the Berserkers were like, my way of thinking had changed dramatically, so much battle was changing me quickly.

"There is no virtue without pain, no strength without blood, living beings can only become stronger through fighting..." I sighed as I waited for the crimson world to vanish.

Years ago I would never have thought so, but in this world knowledge without battle instinct and cold blood was useless, a warrior without knowledge could survive but the only knowledge did not guarantee survival.

Sometime later my eyes began to recover sight, happiness flooded my soul, I could not bear to lose sight, without sight the battles would be much more difficult and I could not appreciate the beauty of the Rin again...

When I completely recovered my sight I felt that my eyes vibrated with the rhythm of the heart automatically, in addition, my sight had improved, but the crimson world did not allow to appreciate it totally.

Before I could continue to reflect on the changes in my body I appeared on the same battlefield on which I had vanished, nothing had changed and everything was still in place, no second had passed.

This time I could appreciate the great improvement in my visual ability, my range of sight had increased several times, in addition to the perception of speed, but the most important change is that I could see the different energies of the environment move, including the Qi within the demons.

All these changes were impressive, but I expected them, absorbing the power of a berserker is not something small, if all the pain I had gone through to get these eyes were in vain I would want to die.

But the detail that most caught my attention was my own reflection, in the eyes of the demons I could see my eyes, they emitted small crimson flashes and my iris had the color of blood.

Thank you for reading this chapter and for your patience, I will try to give more life to this story in my spare time, but currently with the start of university classes I have little time ...

I am very sorry for all those who follow this story and expect daily updates, I will do everything within my capabilities.

Special thanks to the editor c_pantoja619 ^^

Fjreinosocreators' thoughts