
I: Cravings

Moist began to form as I blew on the bus window beside my seat.

V sent a message on our group chat about our next gig with Karnal and his band - Abom.

"So it's going to be in MNL, huh?" Yuu asked.

"Yes. We had an arrangement with Mr. Shin and the local government to put up a stage at Bozal Shrine." JM explained.

"Quail eggs!" I shouted out of excitement. I really miss eating local street food in MNL.

"Ladies please... ladies..." whispering with his eyes closed, RR joined his hands together as if he was praying. "There should be atleast one... No. I mean two... Or three..."

"An open venue? Hmmm, should we proceed on judgement after the lineup?" V looking puzzled, asked everyone.

"Good question. This big of an event will be a danger for us if we push through so let's just say we postpone the verdict due to..." JM answered.

"...our driver missing! Hahahaha!" Yuu interrupted.

The four of us looked at him obviously dismayed.

Emen. Where could this guy be? He needs to explain everything.

"Well, I'm your part time driver as usual." JM smirked as I see him in the rear view mirror, driving.

RR walked towards my seat slowly since the bus was moving fast. He was like a snake sneakily moving to my path.

What's he up to this time?

A few steps more, he seemed not going my way. He stopped walking and was infront of Venus.

"I wonder." RR looking seriously scrutinizing the girl's appearance.

I felt weird and uncomfrotable about how he looked at her.

And his nose became too close to her's.

Venus' eyes widen up a bit. She was looking kind of nervous and pushing herself towards the back of her seat with her hands holding the arm rest tightly.

RR licked her chin upto her lips.