
Whispers of the Apocalypse

Growing up in poverty, Dante never expected anything good from life. However, he did not anticipate finding a special implant that granted him extraordinary abilities. In a technologically advanced city plagued by conflicts, where everything is unjust, he has to fight against the system and other people with advanced cybernetic implants and special abilities. It is a battle for survival, self-discovery, and understanding the universe in which he lives.

DantesHell · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

The Encounter

The rain fell mercilessly on the ruined streets of Neon City, a city that once gleamed with the promise of the future but now drowned in its own decadent splendor. Dante, soaked and shivering, ran through the dark alleys, his footsteps echoing between the decrepit buildings. Behind him, the thugs of a local gang were close on his heels, shouting threats that were lost in the roar of the storm.

Dante rounded a corner and dashed toward a barely visible door, a temporary refuge in an abandoned building. Breathing heavily, he crouched in the darkness, trying to catch his breath. His heart pounded, and adrenaline coursed through his veins, but he couldn't afford to rest for long.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he couldn't help but think about the brutal injustice of his world. Neon City, a metropolis divided by an invisible but insurmountable line, housed two very different worlds. In the upper part, the rich lived in towers of glass and steel, surrounded by unimaginable luxuries and protected by advanced security technologies. There, cybernetic implants were status symbols, designed not only to enhance life but to display power and wealth. Ocular implants that allowed one to see beyond the visible spectrum, mechanical arms with superhuman strength, and implanted communication systems that connected directly to the global network.

Dante gritted his teeth as he thought about the opulence that existed just above him, in an unreachable world. Below, in the slums where he made his living, reality was starkly different. The streets were filled with garbage and rubble, the crumbling buildings served as shelters for the most desperate, and the neon lights flickered intermittently, like a mocking reminder of better times. Here, implants were crude patches, recycled and stolen pieces, used more out of necessity than luxury. Most inhabitants fought daily for a scrap of bread and a safe place to sleep.

"Damn street rats" he muttered, gritting his teeth. "One day, I'll get rid of all of you." He knew that the men chasing him were part of Kade's gang.

He explored the dark room with his eyes, which were slowly adjusting to the lack of light. The building was a skeleton of its former self, with crumbling walls and debris everywhere. Remnants of old technology were scattered on the floor, reminders of a golden age that had ended long before he was born. As he moved cautiously, his foot struck a loose tile on the floor.

Curious, Dante knelt and lifted the tile, revealing a hidden compartment that had been uncovered by mistake. Inside, he found a small metallic box emitting a faint blue glow. He picked it up, examining the strange symbols on its surface. It looked like ancient technology, something out of place in this forgotten corner of the city.

As he studied the device, Dante couldn't help but be drawn to its mysterious glow. He turned it over in his hands, trying to understand its purpose. He had seen many technological gadgets on the streets, but this was different. It had a complexity and design that suggested a specific purpose, something more than a simple tool.

Suddenly, he felt a slight electric shock run through his arm. The device began to move and change shape as if it had a life of its own. Before he could drop it, small metallic spikes extended and embedded themselves in his skin.

"Ah!" Dante screamed, trying to pull it off his arm, but the device clung tighter, emitting a disturbing hum. He felt the metal invading his body, merging with his tissues. The pain was unbearable, as if thousands of needles were piercing his skin.

His legs gave way, and he fell to his knees, gasping and trembling. He watched in horror as the device integrated into his arm, transforming into a strange mix of metal and flesh. The bioluminescent marks began to glow intensely, spreading across his arm like a living tattoo.

"What... what is this?" he murmured, terrified. He tried to calm his breathing, but the pain and fear overwhelmed him. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the suffering, but the sensations were too intense.

Slowly, the pain began to subside, leaving a feeling of warmth and energy coursing through his body. Dante opened his eyes and looked at his arm. The fusion seemed complete, but he had no idea what it meant. The bioluminescent mark continued to glow, pulsing with a steady rhythm.

"This can't be real..." he whispered, still scared. He stood up with difficulty, leaning against the wall to avoid falling. He knew he had to move, he couldn't stay there. He pushed his thoughts aside and tried to focus on what he needed to do.

He left the building, his senses heightened. He could hear the footsteps of the thugs approaching. He knew he didn't have much time. Using the shadows and the noise of the rain as cover, Dante slipped through the alleys, avoiding his pursuers.

Finally, he thought he had lost them and emerged onto a wider street. However, before he could react, he found himself face to face with the same thugs he had tried to avoid.

"There he is! Get him!" one of them shouted, pointing at him with a cruel smile.