
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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36 Chs

Chapter 5 : Journey into the Unknown

"Knock. Knock, excuse me , are these seats taken" 

"Huh , what? " I glanced over, captivated by a stunning girl who was waving at me . What a cutie 

" Oh , no , not really, be my guest" 

" Excellent! You are my savior." The girl entered the cabinet and tried to place her suitcase in the luggage area above the chairs . I saw that she was struggling so I stood up to help her . I stood behind her . " Let me help you" I reached the bag and placed it." and here you go"

" Thank you " 

" no problem , I'm always happy to help " 

She turned to me and said " could you....move a little further"

I back up " oh , yes , of course" 

We sat . And a awkward silent filled the room . So I tried to break it " sorry...it was awkward"

She replied " don't worry, all guys are perverted ." 

Well , I would not say " a little.." it is not true ! I wasn't thinking of anything like that"

She looked to me straight in the eyes" why ?" 

I couldn't find word and I struggled to answer " um, well..I .."

Then she started laughing " relax ! I'm just kidding . By the way my name is Haley .Yours?"

I replied" I'm James, nice to meet you, you are funny"

" Thank you, James . You are nice too"

I had a question in my head so I decided to shoot it " sorry if this question a bit forward... But didn't all the passengers take their seats an hour ago? How did it happen that you are coming here only now? " 

She answered" there's a rather extravagant girl in my compartment... She drank a bottle of whiskey in the blink of an eye and started hitting in me . So I decided to get out of there ! And you are the only one who has a free seat in the couchette . You don't mind if I join you , do you ?"

I tried to joke with her a little." Wait! Are you saying that somewhere on the train there is a compartment with a drunk hottie ?"

She replied" yes, couchette number 8 , why?" 

" I'll leave this compartment at your complete disposal . I have urgent business in couchette number 8! "

She looked shocked" wait! What"

I started laughing " relax, it was just a joke " although the prospect is not the worst. 

" You are funny . I didn't know that the academy had a facility of humorists"

" Well, someone has to take care of the future world of Stand_up , besides , no Stand_up works without a bit of magic "

" Wait, are you kidding me? Or are you serious? What do you know about magic?" She kept throwing question at me .

 then she complete"I've been digging around the internet and the city library all week ...but I haven't found any specific! But I won't give up . I'm sure the information I found there will still be useful to me "

" Well that's great "

" What do you think. Wich people were closest to learning the theory of magic? "

I thinked a bit and replied"uhhh.... Winx fairies?"

" Do you know anything about magic at all?"

I answered" well actually, my Friend in her sophomore year in nortale."

The girl asked in rush " really, did she tell you anything? Please, share with me"

" Hold your horses, sadly, she didn't tell me anything! It is all very secret and They are forbidden to talk about the details "

" What friend leaves her pal in ignorance like that? "

" Don't say that I will meet up with her when I arrive And she will help me. "

Haley lowered her Head" okay, okay! Excuse me. I got excited . I'm so delighted that magic exists...I can barely contain myself. You should know how many theories I have ! What If magic is ....." 

For the next few hours Haley shares her crazy theories about the academy .....until I managed to convince her that it's worth getting some sleep before the big day . 

I layed in the seat to took a nap . But I couldn't I was to excited. and It was getting quite dark outside the window . And I still haven't fallen asleep . 

Time to do something about this insomnia , but who can blame me . It's hard to fall asleep when your dick's on fire. I haven't get laid since I broke my leg . 

And here...I am with such a hottie in the same couchette. Flirting with me All day long . And now she's flashing her naked feet .... I can't take it anymore! I need to satisfy my curiosity . Maybe I should take a closer look. What's the big deal? 

What should I do ? You know what . I'd butter turn away from temptation...and try to sleep .

I falled asleep. And I woke up by the voice of Haley " hey , James , James , wake up "

" Well, just a few more minutes...." 

" He's cute when he sleeps " 

I opened my eyes " did you say something " 

She Screamed " I said WAKE UP JAMES ! You won't believe your eyes " 

I'm pretty sure she just called me cute .. was that what she was thinking ? " Haley , What happened. I was sleeping so sweet" 

 She pointed at the window behind me and said " tell me you're seeing this , too . I'm not hallucinating , am I ? " 

I turned my head to see " holy crap! Am I still dreaming? It's a fucking dragon outside . Unbelievable "

" Magical... I've only seen this in movies . Do you think they can attack a train ? "

I said " those cuties ? I don't think so ! They seem pretty peaceful "

" I don't know , it's kind of creepy . I thought all dragons were predators "

I tried to comfort her " Haley, don't worry about it . They would attacked a long time ago, if they want to "

She calmed a bit " i guess you're right . Sorry . I'm a little afraid of all kind lizards.. and especially the flying ones "

" I wonder what other surprises this day has in store for us "

" I guess we're about to find out ! There's a tunnel ahead . "

The train entered the tunnel . And kept going for a while " ... What a long tunnel...." 

Haley said " It's like an eternity , in some cultures , a dark tunnel symbolizes the passage between worlds. Or the afterlife ....."

" How do you know all of this " 

 She replied" my mother is a librarian "

The train began to exit the tunnel " James , look , we're almost there."

" yeah, I think dragons were a strong hint ."

" You never know " 

We arrived at the station. At that moment, I heard the station announcer's voice." applicants for the nortale exam please gather in the lobby of the station in 10 minutes don't be late "

Haley said " so, into the unknown ? "

She taked her suitcase and said " James , hey , you coming? " 

I replied " go without me . I have to meet a friend. I'll find you later ." She left while stayed a bit . 

After a few minutes I got off the train. Now I need to find Samantha.

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