
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 31: Discoveries in Dale: A Charming Welcome and Unexpected Twists

" hey, hey, wake up. We're here. Why are you shaking. "

I opened my eyes to find Healy standing above me. "are you okay? Wake up. "

I rose from the ground. " there you go. You were dreaming.... Was it a nightmare? " 

I replied" yeah, kind of. "

" Well, not even the storm could wake you. I was worried. "

" Where am I ? "

" It's Captain's cabin. We took you here when you got sick."

" Thank you. So.... Are we there? "

" Yeah, everybody has already Left to dale. Captain said you have five minutes to get out. She was very pissed with your ' moanings'.

Do you think it's hard to Navigate the ship? "

" Sorry, I'm not in the mood to hijack the ship. "

Haley Start laughing" when will you learn to get when I'm joking and when I'm serious. "

" We should spend more time together if you want me to do that. "

" Are you offering me a date? "

" I do not dare to stand between you and local library. But maybe after you learn all about dale."

She blushed and replied" maybe, who knows... "

" Ahhhh, you're killing me. "

" Then I'd better get out of a crime scene. And you'd better get going too. Captain said she'd feed you to the sharks If you don't leave. "

" Do you think there Are sharks in the lake? "

" Would you be surprised? Anyway, bye"

Haley stood up and departed.. Maybe she's right. Look at her go. Well, I should probably go too. I'll think about crazy old witch inside of my mind later. Don't want it to ruin my weekend. 

I disembark from the ship, greeted by pleasant weather. Confident it will be a wonderful weekend, 

Elijah approaches me. " Hey James there you are. Did you sleep well?" 

" do you know yet? "

" Sure, the Captain's been grumbling and complaining about you the whole way. I'm surprised that Haley could Talk her into it all. 

Anyway, are you okay? "

" I just got seasick. I'm fine now. "

" I'm just going into town to give you a mini tour? "

" Sure, it'll be awesome " 

" Great, then follow me. I know as much about this town as I do about my hometown. "

Sounds promising . We walked into the city " what a beauty. "

" Yeah, it's a nice piece of architecture, isn't it? "

" I love it, I wish I had a camera with me "

" What's wrong with a phone ?"

I answered" a phone camera can't capture that kind of beauty."

" Maybe you can find yourself a new camera in the chompski shop "

" What's that? "

" It's a local store. It's mostly just stuff. But they bring in everything on request."

" I got it, I don't think I have enough money for a new camera, but it's worth a look. "

" Speaking of places to look. See that sign to the right. "

I turned to gaze. " spa? "

" Other than that one time in Thailand, it was the best massage I've ever had. "

" I'm not much of a massage guy, to be honest " 

" Oh Trust me, bro. This one's worth a try. Come on, I'll show you a nice hotel. It's really close. "

" Thanks for showing me around, Elijah. You're a good headman" 

Elijah smiled" ah-ha-ha, you really think so. "

We strolled until we reached a building. " here we are. "

" Where to? "

" Were you looking at my ass instead of looking around? ( That's a weird thing to say ) The daily lee apartments. This is the hotel I was talking about. 

It's pretty cozy. And you can ask about student discounts"

" Sound great. Thank you"

" That was the end of our micro-excursion. I'm going this way. "

" Thank you so much again. "

" No problem, I'll show you the rest of the city some other time. "

" All right. "

As I turned to enter the hotel, Elijah halted me in my tracks. " james, wait. I almost forgot the most important thing. "

He directed my attention to an archway . " do you see the archway? "

" Yeah,"

" There's the hottest nightclub in town around the corner. Lady luck. The guard's a dick. But if you can get in.... I highly suggest you check out sadira's, it's..... Unforgettable . "

" Whoa... Cool. Thanks for the tip. Bro" 

" You're welcome. "

I stepped into the hotel, a quaint local establishment. A girl at the reception, engrossed in reading, caught my eye; she radiated a charming presence.

" Hi" I wonder if they have students discount. And it looks like it's going to be pretty cozy to sleep here. 

" Hello, welcome to the daily ly apartments. My name is mina. How I May address you? "

" Nice to meet you, my name is James "

" James, are you looking for a room for the night? " 

" You're not a magician by any chance, are you? "

She replied" no. Why?"

" It's just that you read my mind so skilfully. "

‌She smiles " hee hee.( What a cutie) Most of our rooms are being renovated right now. The mage party after the elemntalist conference got out of hand. " 

" I'm sorry to hear that"

" It happens. The perk of doing business in dale. So right now we only have simple one-bed rooms available. "

" I See, so how much it's usually for the room? "

" 200$ a night " 

How much???, damn " I see thank you " 

Before leaving she spoke " is there anything else I can help you with? "

" You were reading so passionately that it made me want to read it myself. What's the book called?"

She blushed and start mumbling" oh.. h.... h... It's nothing. " Why are you blushing so much? I can still see the title of the book out of the corner of my eye. Delta of Venus? Isn't that the name of a collection of pron novels? You're not as innocent as you look. Mina.... 

" That's a shame. I was just looking for some bedtime reading to help me sleep better. "

"..... Sorry, nothing interesting comes to mind "

I realized I forgot to inquire about the student discount. Nonetheless, I decided to approach the girl at the reception and ask her about it now.

" I was wondering if you have a discount for academy students?"

" Oh, so you're a student? You wouldn't know, I thought you were an adventurer. "

Hmmm. Why would I be? " The two don't interfere with each other. "

" Of course it does not. In fact, we do have a multi-year agreement with nortale. Beds in shared room are free for freshman. When they are available. "

" Oh that's good to hear. "

" Is there anything else I can help you with?"

" Probably not. Thank you mina. "

" Anytime " 

With a place to rest secured, it's time to explore this city.

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