
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 3 : Magical Revelations and Unveiled Secrets

I went upstairs and began to hear strange sounds." Ahhhhh..uhm.. uh " this sounds coming from Ashley's room . She may have twisted her ankle . Maybe I should check in her? I'll sneak a peek just to be sure she's okay . 

I opened the door ." Ohhh jackpot." 

"ummm..." wow Ashley plays with herself . She is so mature. And she have a great body . 

" Uhhhhh..umm...ahhh..mmm " what a beautiful sight . She tries so hard to keep her moans silent .

"Uhhhhhh..ahhh" the fact she can't makes it even sexier . Poor little thing is so horny . If only I knew you need assistance with your "training" sessions Ashley . Maybe next time . 

Her breathing speed . She's almost there .

She kept playing with her finger . Good job baby . Next time I will show you an exercise for two. 

Ohhhh shit . I completely forgot about Olivia . I need to hurry if I want to catch anything . I closed the door and I stand in front Olivia room and I heard " disaster. This is a disaster. It's hard enough to deal with that boy ! And now "this "! . Doesn't it bother you , don ? Don't you understand what kind of situation we are in "

Then don replied" calm down Olivia. Why do you think this is bad news "

She start speaking with a high tone " are you listening to me ? He got letter . This means that he is one of " them" . How can I make him obey now ? He was contradicting every word i said before . But now...."

Don interrupted her " now he's not our problem "

" What do you mean by that? "

" What I'm trying to say is that this bastard isn't our headache anymore! We need to help him pack his bags and pray that they will accept him . "

Olivia speak confused" I don't understand your point. Don "

Then he start explaining" if he gets accepted into the academy. He will be out of our home at least until the end of the year. And in the long term, he may finally find his place in life and get off my neck . Just be nicer to him now . Just in case ... "

Olivia start laughing" hahaha . Ah , don , you're so clever." 

Hmmmm. I wonder why Olivia get so bothered with that stupid letter from the first place. I continued listening until I heard " and what are you doing here exactly? "

I stumbled out of fear." Of fuck ! Samantha, you can't Scare people like that ! "

" The last time I checked , tou can't spy on people either. Or did you not know that ? "

I get up from the ground and replied " of course I know. But I have a really good reason. You won't rate me out to don , will you? I beg you! "

She look at me and said " that didn't even cross my mind, I hope you don't make eavesdropping a habit. Anyway, did you get the letter I was telling you about? "

I replied" yes , but Olivia confiscated It and ran to don. I'm just trying to figure out what they are talking about...." 

" And you didn't have time to read it? "

" I read it , and at first I was sure it was one of your stupid pranks . But your parents reaction to the letter it was really strange "

She put her hand on my shoulder and said" believe me . I wouldn't go through such a hassle for the sake of some kind of prank ."

"How would you react if you got an invitation to a school of wizardry "

She replied" I understand you . I experienced it my self last year " 

That's true. Last year She has the same reaction as me " yeah yeah . I remember something like that. It wasn't a prank then ? "

She replied " no but I couldn't tell you about it. It isn't customary to discuss our secrets outside the academy ."

I asked while I'm in shock " secret of magic? Are you studying to become an illusionist there ? "

" No , not an illusionist. This is exactly what the letter say it is " 

I didn't get a shit from her explanations" there aren't many details in it . What is nortale? And what does this magic look like ? "

" I know you have a lot of questions but I cannot answer them ....."

I asked" but why ? What kind of mystery is this?"

She start explaining" it is strictly forbidden for all students to talk about the academy outside of it "

" Is it really that strict?"

She replied" if I blabber , they will turn me into a pig . By the way . They'll have to turn you into one too..."

I start panicking then she start laughing" just kidding I will simply be expelled and the path to magic will be forever closed to me "

" Wow that sucks ... Okay ! Let's say ! I believe you , What is the plan ? " 

The look in her face changed and she start speaking seriously" to be on time for the exam , you need to be at the train station tomorrow at noon..."

" Woah. That's right , august 31st is tomorrow "

" That's what I'm saying! Pack your bags and go to bed , I'll wake you up in the morning " 

" Sounds reasonable, until tomorrow then! " 

I can't believe I'm being fooled by this.... If this is a prank then it is already going too far. Before Sam entered her room I called her " sam " 

She turned " what , James "

I said " swear you're not messing with me."

She came close to me and said " I swear , I will not fool you like this"

She left while i stayed in the corridor . I wonder what's going on with Olivia and don . I know I've promised Sam to stop eavesdropping . But I don't want to miss anything . I stand in front of their room . I guess one Last time does not count . As I opened the room. I saw Olivia on her knees in front of don .

 " It's time to use your head as it was intented too! Because your chattering is giving me headache " . 

Olivia want to speak " I'm..." But don push her mouth to his dick " what Are you saying? I can't hear you ." She start sucking while done holding her head " yeah bitch , do you say that you like the taste of my cock ? " . 

After a moment she stopped and he said " that's not all . Lay on the bed and open your mouth wider! " He push it inside her throat." That's it ! Eat it " he kept fucking her throat while playing with her huge perfect breast. " Oh yeah bitch, be ready " . After a moment he came all over her face . She looked angry and unsatisfied.

Then don said " I'm going to take a shower . Clean yourself up ."

End of the show . I'd better go

I entered my room . I layed for a while . But I can't sleep . It's been a very strange day .... 

Anyway I'll forget about that. I should check what the customer wrote about the photos... 

Though somehow that's the least of my worries right now. Is all of this real . Nortale academy of magic ...pffffff. what kind of fool came up with that name ? I can't wait to see Sam laughing at me in the morning. When i show up in the living room with my suitcase. Even though she swore to me it's not a prank.....I'll sleep now and hope for the best .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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