
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 21 : Awakening Bonds and Forbidden Rituals

I greeted him " Mr. Frollo, sir good evening. "

He turned to me and said" Good evening, Mr. Pogger . What I can do for you? "

I replied " I was just wondering what you were studying here. "

Observing the floor, I noticed a discernible pattern beneath me. " is that pattern on the floor magical? "

He chuckled and offered a response. " that one? Hahaha. You're observant. It's a reverse sun. The mark of the devil that all magicians worship. 

Remind me.... have you sold your soul yet. Or is this a second semester activity? "

I responded with a frightening tone " Are you serious? "

" Ah haha . Relax , of course not. It's just a regular drawing , we're actually meeting members of the dueling club here. "

I asked " the dueling club? "

He responded " The one and only. Students fight anonymous for points for their houses. It's the best way to practice the spells they've learned. "

I began speaking with enthusiasm. " Sounds incredibly cool. How do I join you? "

" Not so fast, Mr. Pogger. A man without experience can have a rough time with us. "

" I can handle it. "

" It would be fun to watch, but there are rules. In order to gain access to duels, you must learn...."

Before he uttered a word, Gabriella arrived and interrupted him. " excuse me. Mr. Frollo, good evening. "

" Gabriella, I told you to call me Jacob. Did you want something? "

She replied" I learned the spell you were talking about. "

Jacob jumped with joy " that's wonderful news. "

She's asked " Is there a sparring session at the club tonight? I'm ready" 

" That's the spirit, let me check. "

Then, she directed her attention towards me. " hi there , I'm Gabriella "

I know it already, but I won't mention it to avoid seeming creepy. " my name is James , nice to meet you"

" Nice to meet you too, do you want to join the dueling club, too? "

I answered" me ? Thought I'd find out more about it, yeah "

" That's great , I'm looking forward to the first duel. "

Hmmmm. I didn't know the dueling club had such hot chicks ... I should probably pay a visit there. 

After checking, Jacob began to speak. " I'm afraid I won't be able to find a match you tonight, Gaby....."

" Oh no . What about him? "

" Mr. Pogger is hardly ready. "

" I'm..." I attempted to speak, but he interrupted me. 

" Oh I have the perfect match for you. Gaby. Hurry up and get ready for the arena. I'll catch up with you soon. "

" Okay, Mr. frollo. Oh , well. I mean....okay, Jacob . "

After Gabriella departed, he shifted his attention to me. " as for you, Mr. Pogger.... First learn the combat bolt spell. It's the bare minimum required to join the dueling club. 

When you're ready to give it a try, come see me. I met the dueling club members here every night. We'll see how you do. "

" Thank you. " Arrogant prick ..that Gaby was all right..... Now, I'm heading to my room to get some sleep.

I reached my room, slept, and then began to hear some noises. " oh , my sweet James.... How peacefuly and sweet you sleep. How I hate to interrupt your reverie ... Wake up , sweet prince "

I struggled to open my eyes. " mmmmm...."

" Wake up faster, Sweetie. "

" Mhnmmm.. "

" My chosen one, answer my call. "

" Mmmmmm "


I leaped out of bed in fear. " what ? what? Where ? When? Oh shit. Did I fall asleep. "

I lifted my head, and .... Wait who's that. 

" You have a sound sleep. "

" LEONA? you, you ? Are you real ? " 

" Hi honey .. Missed me ? "

Is this real or what " wait a minute , is this a dream? And why in the earth are you naked? "

She answered " I have nothing to be ashamed of , or do I ? Don't you like what you see? "

" It's not what I have meant .... But I still don't understand how is this possible? How? "

She came closer and gently placed her hand on my cheek. " you have so many questions. Wich one I should answer first? "

" Don't play dumb .. ugh . How did you get in here ? "

" Through you silly. I told you. You're my chosen one. Thanks to you , I can temporarily take material form. Alas, I can't stay in this form for long. 

But after centuries of being locked up in a book. That's something. "

I spoke with confusion in my voice. " Wait , not so fast. Thanks to me, you can take material form. "

" Well yes , temporarily. "

" But how ? "

She answered " I am the patroness of the Leonheart house . My soul watch over all its members. But you are special. I've lusted after you for years. "

" But what's special about me? "

" There's an unbreakable bond between us. All because of your extraordinary soul. Tell me about your parents "

I replied " They died when I was a baby. So i don't know much about them. "

" I wonder..... They must have been wizards. You are absolutely a pureblood. "

" Is there anyway to tell for sure ? "

" It's almost impossible. But Katrina's always had an instinct for it. And she thinks you're a pureblood."

" That's right. I think I remember something like that. "

" She's never wrong about that. All right, enough chit chat , we don't have much time..."

" Chitchat? You materialized in my room in the middle of the night. I have a right to ask a few questions. "

" Of course, but my time is limited right now. I've come to help you discover your power source. "

Wait, she can do that ? " What ? You can do that? "

" Of course I can. There are many ways to activate a magical power source. Including experimental ones. "

" Shouldn't I discover my source of power myself? "

" Apprentices usually have no problem finding the source. But you have a very weak connection to the natural elements. "

" What? What do you mean? "

" Are you asking me ? This is the first time I've seen a mage with such a huge pool of potential talent. And such a deafness to elemental magic."

" Oh man... What should I do then ? "

" Forget the elements. "

" How's that? "

" Eventually you will master elemental magic. But to activate your potential, I will share my source. The power of the will. 

Given how tightly our souls are linked, that shouldn't be a problem. All I have to do is preform the ritual. "

" Okay , is there anything I could do to help? "

She answered " Oh, yes you could. The thing is , the classics ritual involves activating the soul. Through pain. The ritual I designed works the other way around. "

" It activates the pain through the soul? "

" Activates the soul through pleasure. "

" Oh....."

" Yes.. in order for me to give you my power.. we must experience tremendous Pain at the same time. It feels like death. Or great pleasure. Like an orgasm. "

" Leona...."

She interrupted me " Don't worry, darling. I can't force you to do anything . The choice is yours"

I fell silent for a moment, contemplating, and then, after a pause, I decided what to do.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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