
Whispers in the Darkness.

When a mysterious invitation arrives in the mail, young and ambitious Ava is thrust into a world of magic and mystery. Joined by a team of powerful and diverse companions, Ava sets out on a perilous journey to uncover the secrets of the legendary Crystal of Power, a source of unimaginable magical abilities. Along the way, they must overcome numerous obstacles and battle dangerous foes, all while unraveling the dark truths of the arcane realms. Will Ava and her team succeed in their quest, or will they fall victim to the powers that seek to control the crystal for their own nefarious purposes?

YIA905 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The Journey Begins

Ava had no idea where the Order was taking her. She was blindfolded and had been driven for hours in a van, bumping along dirt roads and through dense forests. She had tried to ask questions, but the figures remained silent, giving her no answers.

Finally, they arrived at a secluded castle hidden in the mountains. The castle was ancient, with crumbling walls and a sense of foreboding that made Ava's skin crawl. The Order led her through winding corridors and up narrow staircases, until they reached a dimly lit chamber at the top of the tower.

In the center of the room, there was a large stone pedestal, upon which rested a glowing orb. The orb pulsed with a bright light that seemed to emanate from within.

"This is the Oracle," one of the figures said. "It will show you your destiny."

Ava approached the pedestal, feeling a mixture of fear and awe. She reached out to touch the orb, and as her fingers made contact with its surface, she saw a vision.

She saw a world in chaos, with fires burning and people running in terror. She saw creatures with glowing eyes, stalking the streets and causing destruction wherever they went. And she saw herself, standing in the midst of the chaos, wielding her powers to fight back against the darkness.

As the vision faded, Ava turned to face the figures.

"What does it mean?" she asked.

"It means that you are one of the chosen ones," the figure replied. "The ones who will save the world from the darkness that is coming."

"The darkness?" Ava repeated.

"Yes," the figure said. "The darkness that has been foretold in the Prophecy. The Prophecy that speaks of a time when the world will be plunged into chaos, and only the chosen ones will be able to restore balance."

Ava was confused. She had never heard of this Prophecy before. But as the figure spoke, a sense of urgency filled her. She knew that she had to do whatever it took to stop the darkness from taking over the world.

"What do I have to do?" she asked.

"You must first train with us," the figure said. "We will teach you how to control your powers and hone your skills. And then, when the time comes, you must be ready to fight."

Ava nodded, feeling a sense of determination filling her. She knew that this journey would be difficult, but she was ready for the challenge.

As she left the chamber, Ava realized that her life would never be the same again. She was now a part of something greater than herself, something that would change the course of history. And she knew that she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The Order's training was rigorous and intense. Ava spent countless hours practicing her powers, learning to control them and channel them towards a specific goal. She trained in combat and strategy, honing her skills with weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

Despite the physical and mental strain, Ava found a sense of purpose in the training. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was a part of something meaningful, something that would have a lasting impact on the world.

As she progressed in her training, Ava began to learn more about the Prophecy. She discovered that it was an ancient text that had been passed down through generations of the Order. It spoke of a time when the world would be plunged into darkness, and only the chosen ones would be able to restore balance.

According to the Prophecy, the chosen ones would be able to wield incredible powers, powers that would enable them to fight back against the darkness. But they would also face incredible challenges, both from within and without.

As Ava learned more about the Prophecy, she began to feel a sense of unease. The darkness that the Prophecy spoke of seemed more real and imminent than ever before. She could sense that something was coming, something that would change the course of history.

One day, while Ava was training in the forest with her mentor, she heard a strange sound. It was a low, rumbling noise that seemed to come from deep within the earth. She looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

But as the days passed, the sound grew louder and more frequent. It became a constant presence in the back of Ava's mind, a reminder of the impending darkness.

Finally, one night, Ava had a dream. In the dream, she saw a figure shrouded in darkness, wielding powers that were beyond anything she had ever seen. The figure spoke to her, warning her of the danger that was coming.

"You must be ready," the figure said. "The darkness is closer than you think."

Ava woke up, drenched in sweat. She knew that the dream was a warning, and that she had to take it seriously. The darkness was coming, and she had to be ready to face it.