


I slammed the door shut to my room, tears running hot against my cheeks, how could she? What did I ever do to her, nothing. Yet she made my life a miserable, literal hell! Anna, Noé, Adam, along with everyone in the class believed the lies that came from Charlotte's mouth… and now I have no one to turn too. The betrayal still stings, how could they believe her over me? I was their friend!

I wiped my tears away, they are so not worth it. I think it's time I talk with my parents. I went down stairs and saw my mom and dad cooking dinner. "Mom. Dad. Can we talk?" I haven't told my parents anything, but they looked at me with concerned eyes and I was sure they knew.

"Of course sweetie, now tell us what's wrong?" My dad said as my mom turned off the stove.

I bit the right side of my lip, trying to not let the tears out. "It's about school."

"School? Are you having a hard time?" My mom asked.

I shook my head. "Not really." We sat down and I explained everything to them. From Charlotte being a bitch, my friend's betrayal, and then to all my classmates who are now bullying me. The only ones who didn't bully me were Nathan and Max. But I never expected Adam to go so low. When I was done explaining, my mom and dad looked at eachother, and nodded.

"Marianne, do you want to go live with your aunt Théa and uncle Paul for a while?" My head snapped at the thought. Aunt Théa and uncle Paul were in America and I haven't seen them since aunt Lily and uncle Marque's funeral. But, after all that is happening, it would be nice to stay with them for a while.

I slowly nodded my head, maybe time away will do me some good. "Then it's settled, when do you want to leave?" My mom asked.

"As soon as possible," I replied.

My dad nodded, "Then it's settled, we'll have you leave this weekend." I gave my parents a hug, thanked them, and went back upstairs to my room and started to pack. While I was packing, my parents called the school and agreed to sign any legal documentation tomorrow, thankfully it's a Friday and I won't have to face anyone tomorrow. I was halfway packing my things when a certain picture caught my eyes. I nearly broke down at the sight.

I remember that day as if it was yesterday, Anna and Noé had invited me to a day at the beach. What they didn't tell me was that Adam would be there, you see he's a very well known guy so he hardly has time to hang out with us. That day was one of the best, sadly it would become the last. I grabbed the frame, they hurt me so much. It's unbearable and I just want it over with.

I will never forget what they did and I don't think I'll ever forgive them. Ever. I glared at the picture and threw it across my room. It landed with a loud crash but I could hardly care less about what happens to it. I continued packing my things. If I ever come back, they'll be very sorry that they ever hurt me.


I woke up early for once in my life and got ready. My parents had made an appointment with Mr. Donatien today so that we could finalize any legal papers releasing me from the school and explaining the reason why. When my parents and I arrived, my teacher Mrs. Bustille and Mr. Donatien were already waiting for us. And by the looks of it, Mrs. Bustille had just finished giving Mr. Donatien another lecture.

My parents started all of the paperwork while Mrs. Bustille and I walked to our classroom to talk about some things. As we were walking through the corridors of the school, I noticed some props and lights in the courtyard of the school. Of course, how could I forget. He had a photoshoot today and of all places, it had to be in the school. Crap, here I thought I wouldn't have to face any of them at school on a Saturday, but knowing Adam, there would always be a reason.

Mrs. Bustille's words snapped me out of my trance. "So Marianne, what's really going on?" Mrs. Bustille's face has this tendency of letting you know exactly how she wants you to feel, but this time it was different.

"What do you mean ma'am?" I asked nervously.

"Marianne, you may be able to fool every other teacher here, other students, and the principal. But you can't fool me. Now tell me what's really going on?" Concern, that's all her face said. "You were just here yesterday attending class like any other day, and all of a sudden you're leaving the school. Just like that?"

"I just can't do this anymore, they all hurt me. They were all my friends one day and the next, they're a nightmare. All because they believed Charlotte over me." I tried to hold back tears, but I guess I couldn't. Mrs. Bustille hugged me as she handed me a tissue.

"Oh Marianne, why didn't you tell me?" Tears were streaming down my face at the thought of what she said.

"I couldn't, we all know how much power Charlotte and her father have. She threatened to hurt anyone if I told them what she was doing. I'm sorry, I just didn't want her to hurt you or get you in any trouble." I could feel the form of her body become more tense with my words.

"Oh sweetie, I would've preferred to have that brat do anything to me than to have you worry." Mrs. Bustille smiled at me to reassure me that I'd be fine. Out of everyone in the school, Mrs. Bustille had always been there for me and if it wasn't for her, I might have done something stupid a long time ago. She handed me a few of my files and one of my favorite books that she kept in her room, 'Princess of the Silver Woods' by Jessica Day Goerge. Her goodbye gift, as she said.

I left the classroom and hurried through the corridors so that I wouldn't be seen or have to bump into anyone else. Sadly luck wasn't on my side. " So what's the little pig doing here?" Adam, I tried walking away before he could say any more insults. "Don't you dare walk away from me you slut." Slut, that was new. Was that what he thought about me?

"What do you want?"

"No, no. I asked you first, what the hell are you doing here?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, but it is. Everything that happens in this school is my business. Especially when it involves you." Of course it was, after all he was one of those who harmed me the most.

"I-I only came to pick up some homework I forgot and a book from Mrs. Bustille's library. That's why I'm here, are you happy now?" There was silence before I started to walk faster through the corridors. I had already cried enough today, so I hurried to Mr. Donatien's office. My parents were already waiting for me to leave. As we walked through the doors and through the gates of the school, I looked back for a final time. And let out a goodbye.

As promised, here is the first chapter of my new book. I hope you like it and please don’t forget to criticize, comment, and vote for my story. As a small writer, I’d really appreciate it. Also, if you have some ideas for my story, comment them and let me know.

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