
When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering!?

"TOP", is it medicine to cure a deadly disease or a weapon to bring absolute world peace. That is what Yumeko-chan, Princess of the formidable kingdom, Deamwittz, and the daughter of the almighty King Delulu go on a journey to find it out, after getting dumped by his boyfriend for a very.... interesting reason. Despite the relentless efforts and sacrifices, Yumeko made to work her way through to reach the "Top", people in her surroundings will turn her life upside down. Even her magical diary will only show her the unfortunate event she will encounter just one minute before the disaster will occur. Some like to see her suffer because it turned them "ON", some... just want attention from her...while most of them want her to remain a sadistic girl. Therefore the question arises..... When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Check out my first novel, Ravenfalls for fantasy-action theme which is also filled with comedy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The cover page is a temporary one and it doesn't belong to me. Credit goes to the owner who made it. Tell me if you want to be taken down.

abyssallock · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

The Annoucement.

"I guess that was the last of them?" the palace guard Zaoi said to Cimp, who was on the same duty as him, to receive the nobles entering the castle gates.

"Finally?" Sig expresses it in a sign of relief by stressing his hand up.

Both of them then start rotating the handle of a lever, and shortly afterward the castle gate pulls down crashing in front of them with a loud noise.

"This year we have lots of guests didn't we?" Cimp asked after taking a long breath.

"True, we never had this kind of commotion ever since the coronation day."

"Is it because of the era or how should I put it... Maybe princess Yumeko is becoming more popular than the king himself"

"I won't be surprised. Haha"

Both Cimp and Zaoi burst out laughter as a kind of refreshment since they have been on the guard day for 3 hours straight.

"Good work, both of you." From behind Charice comes to them and appreciates their hard work.

"Sir Charice! good evening" Both Zaoi and Cimp quickly went on their feet to wish Charice with utmost respect.

"No need to be formal, I hope both of you are doing well." Charice tries to relax down the guard with a charming smile, but it ends up backfiring.

Narrator: The two guard starts to become more restless and excited as they feel a kind of triggered sensation after seeing such an angelic face.

"Sir Charice..looks radiant as ever."

"I want to marry him..."

Narrator: At that very moment, Cimp sinned, Zaoi have a girlfriend already.

"Have you guys counted how many guests we have received today?" Charice asked.

Zaoi and Cimp snap out of their dreaming state after hearing the question.

"Ah, sorry there were lots of them this time and some even came in clusters so we couldn't keep a track" Cimp replied with his hand scratching over the back of his head to hide his embarrassment.

"Ah, I see. No worries, it is understandable."

"By the way Charice-san, I heard from one of the nobles-is it true that the princess is making an important announcement today," Zaoi asked.

Charice's expression grew serious as he keeps on hearing the same news of the making a big announcement to the guest, which make him worry a lot.

"I... I better hope it is not something troubling.." Charice mutters softly.

"Yes?" Zaoi asked as he couldn't hear what Charice said properly.

"The princess would probably want to thank the royal family for their continuous support to the kingdom and for taking care of the citizen without wanting anything in return. it is no wonder why the princess wants to do it after all she is becoming older and one day will lead this country."

Charice quickly came up with an excuse to convince the guard and deep within his heart, he knows what he just said is very far away from the truth.

"To think that our princess has grown up to such a wonderful lady..it makes me emotional"

"True just yesterday she was just a little girl..how time passed by"

Narrator: It worked. Both of them fell into emotional tears after hearing a fake response that Charice just created in a moment. Such as the man name Charice, known for his quick decisive work.

"Now all that is left... is that typhoon"

Narrator: here in this statement, Charice is referring to King Delulu as a typhoon.

"I will take a quick round around the castle before heading inside. I know you two must be tired but try to hold the gate for some more time"

"yes sir!"

Then suddenly they see a person running far from the gate towards them.

"There is a problem!" The guard shouts as he keeps running out of breath.

He clutches the holes in the gate and informs Charice of the news.

Charice's eyes bulge out in shock as the least expected guest to come so early before the schedule. "What..."


"princess?" A maid knocks on the door as she calls out for the young princess who is dressing up for her birthday in the room.

"Princess, it is almost time" the maid calls out one more reminder that it is almost time to cut her birthday cake since most of the royals have assembled.

"I am almost done, hey Jessy get in" a sweet voice calls out from inside the room.

"Excuse me". The maid opens the door gently and quickly gets mesmerized by seeing a beautiful figure standing in front of her.

Narrator: Princess Yumeko stood still wearing a creamy gown, exposing her fair shoulders and her wide cleavage. Her hair was beautifully braided with a rose hairpin on the side. She also wears a heel that matches the creamy color of her gown.

With all the preparation and make-up, it is fair to acknowledge that She has been looking forward to this day. Her face glows in the light not just because of the foundation but also from her charming smile that is enhanced further with her red lipstick.

"Oh my...Yumeko-sama you look so beautiful" Jessy's eyes start to glimmer.

"Thank you" Princess Yumeko put a bright smile on hearing the compliment.

"let's go," the young princess then quickly dashed out of her room leaving the astounded maid behind.

"Yumeko-sama.." whispers of calling her names in awe fill, as she walks through the royal chamber.

"Yumeko-sama, you look splendid!"

"Oh my god, is that really our princess?"

"Yumeko-sama, you look so radiant today"

"Thank you, Greza" She slightly turns her face to thank the maid who just wished her, while she walks through the gaze and compliment falling on her.

"princess is that true that you are going to announce something important" one of the maids bravely called out as the princess makes her way towards the ballroom.

"who knows? I might " Yumeko turns and teases the maid.

"hueee, we are looking forward to it" the maid responds.

Yumeko strides in the hallway as she swings her hands with excitement.

I guess the time has come.... the time to tell everyone that I'm leaving the castle. I have decided that I wanted to live the life of a normal girl away from this luxurious life. You see, Being a princess is not cut out for me. From now on, I just want to live life by doing the things I want, the things I enjoy doing, and also to live a life with the person I love.

Yumeko's face is cherished and her eyes narrow down as she thinks of her boyfriend whom she has been in secretly in a relationship with for just 2 months.(lol)

It is thanks to him that I got the courage to fully stand firmly on this decision. I'm not afraid because I know he will stand by my side.

He is the first person I ever met to give me the love I wanted, not the fake affection I was granted since I was born because of my status.

My father always sees me as weak and I'm sure in near future he will toss me away to some random guy for marriage just to fulfill his goal.

Yumeko on the way, snatch out a drink from a waiter who is on his way to serve the royal guest.

"Yumeko-sama, stop that is a-"

but you are wrong father, right now Yumeko is different. I have become rebellious, Yumeko wants to be free. Saying that she gulps the wine in once and tosses the empty glass against the wall.

I will prove to you, that I have the resolve...I have a dream of my own. I want to go on an adventure, I want to experience a whole new life away from the castle.

I don't want to be nourished here further only to become an instrument for you.

Yumeko then suddenly stops walking as she stood at the top of the staircase, then she watches below all the members of the royal family that she invited have assembled there.

Look here father, this is where my new life is going to start. I will make sure no matter what it takes that you will acknowledge my resolve.

[Ballowing sound of Trumpet in chorus.]

"Ladies and gentlemen, the princess of Deamwittz has arrived" A royal curator announces from the balcony.

Hearing the announcement, everyone in the ballroom quickly drops silence and shifts their attention toward the glamorous princess standing at the staircase with a confident look.

Here, If people have yet to caught it.


Zaoi=Yaoi and

Cimp= Simp.

abyssallockcreators' thoughts