
Old man?

The lean beef sizzles on the Griller, when it is already cooked, the grilled beef is soaked with melted mozzarella cheese and then covered with fresh succulent lettuce.

"Now that the beef is fully covered with lettuce, deep it with this white mayonnaise."

"Now, Repeat after me." Xiaobi guides the villagers how to eat such foreign premium cuisine that they have never tasted in their entire life. As if he is teaching tribal people to eat a foreign food. As they enjoyed eating their dinner, night passed by.

{December 26, 1013}

The next day, Xiaobi introduces the [Martial Training Hall Deluxe] He explains everything to the local villagers how it works, the same way how Waf explains it to him.

Due to how dangerous it is to those who aren't cultivators, Baizi, a Peak Level of Body Refining, was in charge of guarding the entrance of the [Martial Training Hall Deluxe]. Among the local villagers, he is one of those body refiners who reach the peak level of Body Refining.

In the Village, there are a total of three people who reach at the peak level of Body Refining, sooner or later, they will reach at the Early Stage of Qi Condensation, if things go well, without encountering misfortune.

Their breakthrough took a long time, because they don't have a Qi Condensation Pill to aid their cultivation. Despite Xiaobi being an alchemist, he can't do anything due to the absence of the materials required to refine a pill. The Game Store does sell the materials for pill refining, unfortunately the chances of obtaining the materials are slim, although, the chances of successfully refining an Early stage of Qi Condensation pill is high, it doesn't guarantee success.

{A month later, January 26, 1014}

The three broke through to the Early Stage of Qi Condensation. It was proven that Practicing in the Martial training Hall can fasten their cultivation stage, boost stamina, and enhance their reflexes. Those that are still at the Body Refining Stage are motivated to train, as more want to exceed their limit, temper their muscles and challenge things that are overwhelmingly stronger than them.

{5 months later, May 24, 1014}

The Village turned into a desert forest on the top of the plateau, huge trees intertwined with each other and some herbs shrubs grew anywhere at the side of the trees. The climber and creepers stick themselves on the tree branch and twigs. And only multiple thin rays of the sun can pass through in the Baiju village, which is at the very center of the forest. The local villagers felt fresh air emitting from the trees as the temperature drastically went down to 18 degrees Celsius. They finally beat the heat, children can finally play outside their house and wear any clothes they ever want without being restrained.

As the sun goes down, Baiju village become dim, as dim as inside the cave, due to the trees covering the light from the Moonlight. To address the issue, Xiaobi bought a [Solar Panel Flash Lamp 3,000] from [hardware], as time goes by the villagers are used to it and no longer surprise to what their Young Village Chief install in their village.

They are convinced that his master is a very generous immortal that gives out such an advanced magical artifact to his sole disciple. They mistook it as an artifact. Only magical tools that are refined by a master refiner, that are able to do this kind of magical tool.

For the solar panel to reach the beam of the light, the panel is attached with a very long thick pole, surpassing the height of the trees outside the village. That is how the solar panel is able to absorb light. And by night, the solar energy will be converted to electricity, solely to light the post lamp in every house.

It is surprising that the beast isn't attracted to an encircled thick green forest located at the corner south of Baiju village.

There are lots of things in the village that require innovation and reformation, but Xiaobi preferred to keep it slow. He wants the villagers to adapt to changes, and also , he wants them to come up with a way to improve by their own way by not relying on the things that he brought and installed in the Baiju village.

{3 months later, August 27, 1014}

Time pass by, the Fate Quest the he received in his previous years is almost complete to 90 percent. Once the Fate Quest has reached its completion, Xiaobi has to fulfill his Main Quest. To travel outside the border of Scorching desert, by then, he has to say farewell to his fellow villagers and expound his knowledge as he travel to meet new people, engage with unreasonable cultivators, and make connections to make sure his people won't be devoured by those big shots who plan to harm and plunder their interest.

(Shaking.... Shaking...) the ground is shaking as if two colossal forces are clashing with each other. Thankfully, the roots of the trees mitigate the shock impacted by the Plateau.

The villagers aren't alarmed and just chilling , they thought that their Young Village Chief had something to do with the ground's slight shaking.

Suddenly out of the blue, a long white bearded old man suddenly falls on the ground in Baiju village unconscious. The impact of the fall wasn't severe, due the branches cushioning his fall. The old man wore, like a Japanese kimono martial cloth. On the sleeve of his cloth, there is a symbol of a sky-blue bird soaring like a phoenix facing in the sky.

{Village Chief Hat, Baiju Village}

The old man was laid to rest on the bed of Xiaobi, since the hat of Xiaobi is more appropriate to accommodate and distinguish high profile guests, based on his appearance and clothing.

A few minutes later, Xioabi received a report from the local residents, and he went right away to his hut to deal with the old man.

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