
Whatever, Rose

Rose never know she would wake up on her favorite dating game, and she isn't even the main character?

Thalia_9705 · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs


Her name is Roseevelt Everleigh and she would prefer to be called Rose.

Rose is not special, her grades on school is average and she didn't really have any friends.

But Rose is really pretty.

She has black curly hair and sweet smile, although the said girl can rarely be seen smiling but people said when she smiles everyone around her will fall due to her beauty.

Everyone adores her, but no one dare to get close to her since she has this intimidating look on her face that scare everyone.

Rose didn't need friend, she always said that to herself.

The said girl's life is boring, she didn't like anything, didn't hate anything and she didn't want to try or be anything.

Rose is bored.

What she usually did is play her favorite Japanese dating game, but saying it's her favorite might be a lie as well since she didn't have anything that she particularly like or love.

Sometimes Rose thinks of making friends with people around her age, the said girl is in high school and she could try to initiate a conversation and be friends with the others.

But what if they hate her?, what if she talks too much or make any mistake?

So she didn't do it.

Rose didn't do anything.

Her life feels empty.

And Rose isn't doing anything about it.

Rose feels adamant about waking up in the morning, she didn't hate it nor like it.

Her morning routine consist of waking up, staring at her blank face on the mirror (secretly admiring her own face but she won't admit it at all) then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

She expected to see her black curly hair and deadpan look not forgetting her brown eyes-on the mirror.

She didn't expect to see a red haired girl with green eyes.

Since when her hair is straight?, did someone dye her hair red?. Then why is her eyes green?.

Rose held her face and pinch her cheek, this must be a dream-it won't hurt-

But her cheek hurts.

This is not a dream.

Rose screams.

Apparently, Rose transmigrate to the dating game that she recently played- "Cold love"

And she is an antagonist on this story.

A screen appears in front of her after she accepts reality, a transparent screen that is written :

"Congratulations for being chosen as the villain, Rose!.This is your reality now, face it. Your task is to make the male leads hate you.I suppose you know who the male leads are?"

Rose nodded, still in disbelief.

"Good"the words changed "well here's the catch"

A screen shows 'hating percentage' with 5 male shadows, Rose knows there are 5 male leads on this game and it seems like she has to increase the hating percentage.

"The percentage will appear on top of the male lead's head"is written on the screen.

"You have to make each of the male leads's hating percentage reach 50 percent"

"If one of the male lead's hating percentage reach 100 percent-"

"You will die"

Rose spends the night crying, and this is the first time she feels a strong hatred to waking up.

If the hating percentage reach 100 percent, she will die.

She asked the screen what will happen if each of the male lead's hating percentage is still on 0 percent and the screen didn't say anything.

So she has to make the male lead's hating percentage reach 50 percent and she will win this game (?) and get back to her world (?).

She spend the night not only crying but also writing her plan and the game's character.

Step 1. Find a friend (if she will be killed a probability of someone saving her will be large).

Find many friends?, she will think about the amount of people later-she has to make at least one.

Her character (a villain on this game) is originally named Clarita, but the screen says everyone will call her Rose.

Clarita is jealous that the female lead has many males around her but instead of bothering the female lead (main character) she blames the males for liking this girl instead of her and bothering the males.

What a #girlboss.

Clarita didn't have any friend and her reputation isn't bad, she is sneaky so no one knows she is bothering the males.

Remind Rose of herself, in didn't have any friend and her reputation.

Rose tried to remembers the side characters trait and personality, befriending them should be easy.

An intimidating looking girl walked passed her.

Her name is Lia and she is actually really chill despite the fact that people avoid her because she looks intimidating.

She ran after the intimidating looking girl.

"H-hello"Rose grins, did she stutter?.So much for first impression to be friends.

Lia looks confused "you need anything?"she asked bluntly, not many people come up to her and greet her.

No one did actually.

"Wanna be friends?"asked Rose.

Lia blinks and shrugged after "sure"she said.

Rose grins as they walked together.

According to the plot, today is the first day of school and Rose wouldn't say it went badly.

This story's main character is named Cherry.

She is a cheerful and sweet girl who make everyone awe in adoration.

Cherry's hair is pink, contrast to her name (a weird detail that Rose notices).

"Do you know her?"Rose asked Lia.

Expecting her to answer 'no' since it's their first day of high school and why would they already know each other-

"I do actually"Lia replied "we went to the same junior high school"she said.

Rose nodded "she looks..."she didn't know what to say "different then the others"cringe.

"What is she like?"she asked Lia.

Lia stares intently at Cherry who sits two rows in front of them.

"...i don't like her"she replied.

Rose nodded, although she didn't understand.

Isn't Cherry like really sweet and adored by others?, is Lia jealous?.

She shrugged, well they are in the same class so she will know the reason.

Hi everyone, this is my first time writing on this website so please go easy on me. Sorry for the bad grammar and hope you enjoy the first chapter, expect more updates. Thank you for reading :D

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