
Married Couple

Veronica was waiting for Varun infront of Civil Office Affairs.

She was wrapped in sea green midi skirt with black crop top and high-- heel pumps. Her long layered hair flipped or feathered back off the face with a bang. Her throat was covered with leopard patterned scarf.

At that moment, her eyes were drawn to a tall figure heading her way. She couldn't help but notice the ironed black suit , a white shirt which fitted the masculine body with shiny leather shoes. The young man had black short hairs.

Her heart skipped a bit.

Noticing her Varun said "Let's go"

"Hmm..." , In Veronica's eyes Varun had a rude cold and blunt persona.

The procedure finished within half an hour. Now both of them were married couple.

From afar Kabir and Alexa were standing to congratulate them.

"Atlast, our squad is formed", Kabir chuckled.

"Now its time for you to get marry", Veronica winked at Alexa.

"Soon, darling soon" , Alexa replied.

"Go, get some rest you both. We will meet soon", Kabir nodded.

Alexa whispered in Veronica's ear "Ready for wedding night!!. Don't be nervous. Everything will be smooth", she teased her.

Veronica blushed. She was red all over.

"What happened?" , Varun asked.

"Nothing, lets go. I am tired now" , she said while giving a slap on Alexa's forehead.

All 4 of them said farewell to each other.

"Get in the car!", Varun said

Veronica followed him.

"After two months my grandparents would be visiting us." Varun put his sunglasses down as he spoke.

"Hmm.. no problem" ,Veronica tied her scarf across her purse.

"If you want to go somewhere take the car. You don't need to ask me" , Varun looked her while he loosened his shirt.

"No need."

Varun didn't said anything.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.

As soon as they reached the mansion. Veronica was welcomed by servants.

"Mam, if you want anything you call us anytime."

one of the maid told her.

Veronica felt overwhelmed and gave a broad smile while nodding her head.

Both of them were tired so no one spoke anything else. Varun showed the way to her room. They were going to live separately.

Her eyes sparkled after watching her room. Their was two windows. Wall behind her bed was painted showing a girl watching the scenery. Her stuffs were arranged neatly. There was swimming pool attached to her room. She got excited and thanked Varun. Her eyes were glittering with happiness after watching the pool.

Varun didn't said much but replied "Hmm..."

He smiled while walking towards his room.


After Veronica came out of the shower and dried her hair, because she was bored, she climbed into the bed and started checking her emails.

Considering her chat with Shanaya. When Shanaya went to drop her that night , she told Veronica

"I was eager to meet you beacuse when big brother told me about you he was smiling. He never sneered while taking a girl's name."

"He didn't had a girlfriend?", Veronica asked.

"He didn't but he had a crush on one girl named Aylin but soon it turned out to be a fling."

Veronica came back from her thoughts when she heard the knock on the door.