
What? SHE is My Online Girlfriend?

Adapted from MTL *Food War: Kobayashi Rindou is My Online Girlfriend*

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82 Chs

【Chapter 063】 The upcoming hell camp

Erina with the extraordinary talent 'God's Tongue'. The taste was even deeper than that of Kikuchi Yuanguo and others. As soon as the meat was eaten, she immediately felt an incomparably pure deliciousness.

It like that there was no mottled umami only with a faint fragrance which makes people indulge in the deliciousness in an instant.

At this moment, she already knew why the three reviewers voted unanimously for Shijun. Because the other party's cooking was really impeccable.

No matter how critic the tongue of God was, it couldn't find the slightest fault.More importantly, she felt a strong artistic conception from the other party's cooking.

Curiousity like when she saw the sea for the first time. The excitement of cooking for the first time, the frustration at the first failure!

Erina couldn't tell. Was this the exact Shijun's life experience? Or wa he trying to tell the diners something.

But she could clearly feel that the other party was enjoying every meal.

It is no wonder that Shijun could face every cooking session very plainly. It turned out that he was used to enjoying the joy of cooking.

Everything seems to be instinctive, integrated into his bones.

Erina couldn't help but think.When she was cooking?

Were you happy? She herself has no answer.

But she was very sure definitely not as relaxed and happy as Shijun.


Erina opened her eyes and murmured, "I lost."

A tsundere, like her, couldn't say anything against her heart at this time.

She could only look at the tall man in front of him with an incomparably complicated look.

This time, she lost convincingly.

However, Erina frowned slightly, swearing in her heart.

One day, I must defeat this Chinese person.

Looking at the other party's expression, Shijun knew that this woman had realized where she had lost.

It's not just the freshness of the ingredients.

The most important point is that the other party was not enjoying the food nor the cooking.

No matter what you do, if you were not happy, how could you do it well.

It's a matter of mentality, not technology.

The technique wa not good, you could practice hard again and again.

The mentality was wrong, and no one could help.

Shijun hoped that this talented girl could figure this out as soon as possible.Only in this way could the future go further on the path of chefs.

Just a little care of Erina and Nakiri Senzaemon's face.

After all, he had been in Tōtsuki recently, and I had been living relatively freely. He still wanted to continue this happy life, and he always wanted to give something back to the Nakiri family.

However, Shijun, who was showing care would not forget about the bet.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "Remember to report to the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute tomorrow!"

Erina was stunned for a moment, and instantly remembered the conditions of 'doing errands'.

Her pretty face immediately turned red.

'I am angry'

Thinking of the fate that she would face next.

Erina, who was arrogant, felt that she had the heart to die.

Originally, she was grateful to Shijun for mentoring myself, but this was instantly forgotten by her.

"Humph! Don't think I'll thank you, it's impossible in this life!"

Erina, who had calmed down, snorted coldly.

It's just that Shijun has long gone, and we don't know if he heard it or not.

The two alumns looked at Shijun's back.

Inui Hinako couldn't help but sighed: "Tōtsuki is also ushering in another golden age. I wonder what kind of story these juniors will carve?"

Sonoka said with a smile, "Who knows, they still need to go their own way in the future!"


The morning sun shines on the ground.

It is now May.

Kobayashi Rindou had been away for thirty-one days.

Shijun was carefully calculating the time, hoping that autumn would come soon.

Today happens to be his day off.

He was bored and came to Isshiki Satoshi's vegetable garden.

The results of Shijun and Erina Shokugeki came out. In an instant, it caused a huge sensation in Tōtsuki Gakuen.

But as the concerned party, just like a normal person, he still did his own thing every day normally.

However, there was an addition of beautiful figure in the research society.

Naturally, it was Nakiri Erina who lost the bet.

He had to say that although this girl was a Tsundere, she was a good hand in management. No wonder she dared to grab so many sites before.

Erina's original research institute, restaurant, and cooking room have all been handed over to Hisako for management.

Now she helped Shijun take care of the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute.

Shijun, who liked to be lazy was naturally happy to run around to the Polar Star Dorm to laze.

In the garden. Shijun stretched, but when he was about to enter the room, a shadow suddenly rushed over.

"Hey, calm down, what do you want to do?"

Shijun hugged Yoshino Yuuki, the frizzy girl.

After getting acquainted with the Polar Star Dorm group, he probably understood each person's personality.

Yoshino Yuuki was lively and cheerful, but she was a quite good at cooking forest game.

"Hey, when did Shijun come?" Yoshino Yuuki said confusedly, but then she remembered something and shouted: "Do you know, the training camp is about to start?"

"Training camp? What is that?"

Shijun was a bit at a loss, since he basically couldn't remember much of the plot.

"What? You don't know? It's the first 'hell training' that our first-year students will face!"

Yoshino Yuuki, who has always been lively, was a little nervous at the moment, her face wad pulling her hips.

Not far away, Tadokoro Megumi's expression froze, as if she heard something terrible.

Even Sakaki Ryoko, who has always been steady, turned serious.

Shijun feels a little weird. Why did everyone become different after hearing the term "Training Camp"?

"It seems that Shijun has no knowledge of this aspect"

"The so-called 'training camp' actually means that all first-year students go through brutal cooking trials in the deep mountains every day. If you do not achieve a passing score, you will be ordered to withdraw immediately.

I remember that I went on for several days at that time, and many students were dropped out of the school. The training was really brutal. "

Isshiki Satoshi, who was wearing only an apron, explained.

"Yeah, this is Tōtsuki's competitive education, the selection of the 'rough diamond' that the headmaster of the academy called. I heard that more than half of the students will be eliminated. God, this time is miserable, I will definitely be expelled!" Tadokoro Megumi muttered to herself.

During this time, she learned a lot from Shijun. But that deep-seated lack of self-confidence still made her worry about her future.

Tadokoro Megumi was instantly terrified by the residential training, which has always been called 'hell training camp'.

"Don't worry, you are the little secretary of our research club, no one can make you drop out." Shijun patted his chest and assured.

During this period of time, Tadokoro has been busy with the affairs of the research society.

Shijun naturally wouldn't leave his own people alone.

For some reason, hearing the other party's words, Tadokoro Megumi suddenly felt inexplicably relieved, and a smile appeared on her face.



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