
What it means to be an Uchiha (Dxd fanfic)

What does it mean to be stronger? When do you know you're strong? Is it when you're able to protect your loved ones from anything or is it when you're able to destroy enemies? But is being strong, all that's needed to live a peaceful life? Sometimes life doesn't work out the way we want it to be but we will always be given a choice if we look hard enough. Join me as we see how our MC goes through the ups and downs of life. MC will travel to his mother original world. I don't plan for him to go to any other world but we'll see. This is fanfic. I do not own anything other than the OC. There will be many mistakes but I hope it's at least readable. thank you for giving this story a shot.

Okazaki_sat · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Cleria Belial(1)

Two years later...

Even after a year, Itsuki was not able to complete his current mission.

He brought up the system missions tab.

--- mission----

name:To become the best.


100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 pull-ups

100 leg raises

10km run

Rewards: The third wish unlocked

"Yo Hina! I've done this pretty much every day since I was given the mission. Why am I not able to complete it?"




"Hina?!? You there?!?"

"Sorry, Itsuki. I forgot to explain to you about the mission. The thing is...

You need to do the things needed until you reach satan class level. I'm sorry I will update the mission now"

---- Updated mission----

name:To become the best.


100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 pull-ups

100 leg raises

10km run

*Important information*

[Do this every day till you reach satan class only then you would receive your reward]

Rewards: The third wish unlocked

"Hina weren't you a system made my ROB. I can't believe even you can make mistakes"

"Well, you're right about the system being made my ROB but me being your system guide. I am a living being and we do make mistakes sometimes."

Did I hear something that I'm not supposed to know

"Wait hina did you.."

Without letting him finish his sentence hina interrupted him.

"Now that your mission is updated you know what to do. Get your ass down to training young man! Or do you want me to punish you"

Itsuki felt an ominous feeling. He knew it better to not ask her about her slip up, well at least not now.

Being obedient is the best way to deal with this situation.

"Yes, boss! Already on it!"

Days went by just focusing on improving myself with knowledge of the naruto series I manage to figure out that I affinity with all so I pretty much stole all jutsu ideas from the shinobi world. From Chidori to Rasengan and many others. Improving on my usage of wood style was quite hard as other than a few jutsu that was shown in the anime. The rest of it I had to figure out myself.

Then one day...

---- New mission ----

--Chain mission--

1 - Find out the reason behind Cleria Belial disappearance.

2 - ?????

3 - ????


" uh, I see the time has finally come.

My time to devour holy energy has come. Those exorcists who used those amplified holy objects. Since they borough it for me, I can't be rude and deny such amazing gifts right?! Hehehe"

There was only one thought that was going through hina head.

'Such a seamless idiot'

And what was with the laugh at the end? Was supposed to be an evil laugh? God this boy is cute.

Itsuki for some reason felt chill behind his back.

" Alright it's time to plan how to find her because not much was revealed in the anime nor the novel but before that. hina show me my status"


Name: Uchiha Itsuki

Race:Half-human, Half-devil.

Age: 10

Bloodlines: Uchiha(100%)



Strength: High-class devil(current strength)

Chakra:∞[by increasing his Senju bloodline chakra constantly flows through him]

Abilities: Sharingan(two tomoe)

Chakra control.

Law of destruction(low level)

Devour [One of his wishes]


"So even after training every day, it seems I've yet to increase my strength. Hina am I doing something wrong? Why is my strength still at the high-class devil?"

"What the system shows is your overall strength. Over the years you put all your attention to the body instead of devil magic so your overall strength did not increase much. But that doesn't mean you're not strong. You're basically a cheat with the jutsus you've learned."

"Alright thanks for the vote of confidence hina"

Making his way down to kuoh church. The best way to find out info about the Cleria Belial case is to beat the shit out of those cannon folders of the enemy side. Doesn't that how it works in anime?

Found a few idiots who walking around the church, preaching about how they going to kill the slut.which I presume was Cleria Belial. Well, time to act I guess.

Itsuki went ahead a sneak attack them from the back and once they recovered they were immediately under gentjutsu.

--inside the gentjutsu--

Torture for hours upon hours.

Only after a few hours did Itsuki manage to squeeze out the information he needed.

Once out from the gentjutsu those cannon folders couldn't handle the pressure on their mind so they lost consciousness.

After knowing what kind of people they were. I had no remorse. My mom always told me that if o see trash in the street I have to pick it up and throw it in the bin and that's what I did.

Took the trash out.

Just being a good citizen here, nothing to look at.

Now to go through what I have learned from those cannon folders. It seems they know about her whereabouts.

So they have a spy working for them but that can't be because only masomi knows her location but why would he let the church know of her location.

The shocking info is that Cleria Belial is pregnant and she is about to go into labour any day now. That's likely why the couple is ruining away from the public eye. They know a child between a devil and a church member will not be accepted.

So it's likely some devil made a deal with the church. It's has zekrom written all over this bull crap.

----Mission Update----

--Chain mission--

1 - Find out the reason behind Cleria Belial disappearance.

2 - Get to Cleria Belial before it's too late.

3 - ????


Well time to get my ass over there. They should be going through the forest. Even though it's obvious they would do that, the church members won't believe she would take that route.so it's the best route for her.

"Hina, I hope the mission reward is worth it!"

sorry, I'm just not a fan of what I wrote so I'm trying to do better. Chapters make take longer to be released but the quality should get slightly better. Well hopefully.

Okazaki_satcreators' thoughts