

[ S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters] (New York City)

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, or just S.H.l.E.L.D is American extra-governmental counterterrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining peace and security around the nation and global as a whole.

MACUSA or Magical Congress of the United States of America is the magical body in charge of governing the wizarding community of the United States of America, it had a strict rule of no interactions with the muggles or nonmagical beings. Unlike most western countries, MACUSA didn't have any connection with governing bodies.

In the late 1970s, MACUSA decided to form a connection with S.H.I.E.L.D due to the rapid increase in technology and S.H.I.E.L.D having files about them despite their constant memory-erasing on many of their agents.

S.H.I.E.L.D demanded that MACUSA would provide any information on all the individuals that could cause harm to the non-magical people, in return the S.H.I.E L.D would help the MACUSA in keeping their existence safe from the world. Only a few individuals in the S.H.I.E.L.D knew about the existence of the wizarding world.

Ever since the deal was made, MACUSA and S.H.I.E.L.D had worked together in preventing many rouge wizards from exposing the community.

Even the agents who are sent on a mission along with wizards to hunt the other rogue wizards are obliviated as a part of the deal, which mentions that no third party other than certain individuals approved by MACUSA should never know the existence of the wizarding community.

S.H.I.E.L.D constantly monitors the internet for information on the Wizarding community, if they find anything concrete proof, it is taken down and erased from the internet, and the information on the people who found out about the Wizarding Community to MACUSA, who in turn erase the memories of the people who upload about Wizarding community.

Despite 35 long years of partnership, both organizations don't completely trust each other and are on a constant lookout for attacks from each other.

MACUSA gave a S.H.I.E.L.D a strict warning to never recruit any wizard or witch and warned wizards and witches from the consequences of working for any government organizations and exposing the community from a young age.

The information about wizards and witches isn't documented only passed through the verbal process to ensure secrecy.

Due to the rise of the new Dark Lord, a meeting between the president of the MACUSA, the director of Statute of Secrecy Task Force, and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D was scheduled today.

Nicholas Joseph Nick Fury or just Nick Fury is a renowned spy and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

He is a war veteran from World War II, one of few people to know about the Wizarding community even before the deal between S.H.I.E.L.D and MACUSA was made.

He knew of the Wizarding community after he witnessed the duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald in 1945.

He held information on many powerful individuals in the Wizarding community both through MACUSA and his sources.

He was probably the most paranoid man on the planet, after a few encounters with wizards, he developed a combat form that would help his agent fight against them which relied heavily on distance and agility.

Right now, he was looking out of a window in his office waiting for the call from The President of MACUSA, Samuel G. Quahog, and Nathan Bones, the director of Statute of Secrecy Task Force.

Statute of Secrecy Task Force (SOS) was recently formed to monitor the outbreak of magic to the muggle world due to the increasing attacks from Voldemort.

As soon as SOS was formed, it allied with S.H.I.E.L.D to contain the after-effects of Voldemort's attack on the muggle world.

"Hello, Director."

"Hello, Mr. Fury"

Two mirrors on his table showed the images of Samuel and

"Hello, Mr. Quahog, Mr. Bones. I was expecting documents on the New Dark lord who appeared in England. there has been an increase in attacks on a few towns on the outskirts of states in England. What information do you have on this individual that goes by the name Voldemort?"

Fury questioned the president as he took his seat in front of the mirror.

"At least, for now, the problem of the New Dark lord is only affecting the wizarding community of Britain and he has no solid foundation here in the USA. The Britain ministry has stated that it is taking steps to contain and eliminate this new dark lord as possible. I think we shouldn't act as the Wizarding community of Britain has stated that it would take care of its own problem"

President gave all information he knew, but Fury wasn't pleased, this information was not enough.

"What information do you have Mr. Bones? Why isn't Britain willing to get help from S.H.I.E.L.D? Our agents could join your Aurors in combatting the force of Voldemort."

"As I said before, the Ministry of Britain can handle the forces of Voldemort. The Ministry isn't willing to get aid from any muggle organization. And S.H.I.E.L.D does combat Voldemort's force in the muggle area. Didn't you recently capture a bunch of Death Eaters ?"

Fury scoffs and spoke, "Yes, we were able to capture Death Eaters but it was too late, A whole village was burned down to the ground. How do you expect to cover that up? Has SOS come up with a valid excuse?"

"Yes, the people who survived the attack were obliviated and told that their village was attacked by a terrorist group. With the muggle government's help, this false news was circulated. SOS has people around Britain, who will notify the SOS and S.H.I.E.L.D as soon as there is an attack on muggle areas."

Fury nods and says "Have a good day, gentlemen" and turned the mirror down on the table.

He might have agreed on the deal that forbids S.H.I.E.L.D from hiring Wizards/Witches but never truly followed.

He would continue breaking the deal as long as the MACUSA and SOS didn't find out and it meant keeping huge damages at bay.

After ending the call, he waited for his agent victor bell, who he personally trained and sent on a mission to get information on Voldemort.

Victor bell was a half-blood, son of a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and a pure-blood witch, he was an excellent student at Hogwarts and became an Auror after his graduation, after serving as an Auror for 5 years, he was approached by Fury with an opportunity.

After some persuasion from his father, he decided to work for Nick Fury.

Since his mother was a pureblood and last in her line, he was able to inherit the family name and a position in Wizengamot and entered the circle of other purebloods to get information on Voldemort. He was skilled in legilimency and obliviating people.

He was trained by his father in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and interrogation, which helped in his gathering intel.

Fury saw Victor enter his office and stand in front of his table.

"Report, Oz"

Oz was the code name of Victor.

"There has been a recent increase in the attacks from death eaters. Voldemort has started recruiting more people, mostly purebloods. The most notable families in sacred 28 support him but most of them don't openly attack muggles, they disguise themselves and attack the nearby villages. He is increasing his assault on the ministry as well. From what I was able together he is a very powerful dark wizard. He has many beasts under his command. He is a force to be reckoned with, he can cause devastating damage."

"Will you be able to enter their circle?" Fury questioned.

"From what I can gather, He is very skilled in the art of legilimency. I will be caught even before I enter the death eater. I am skilled in occlumency but not enough to keep him out. From what I have seen in a few people's minds, he enters their minds very easily. It would be a fruitless pursuit."

"Continue to capture and interrogate those you suspect to be a part of his circle, get as much intel as possible. Kill if you have to but I need information on his next attacks before they happen."

"Yes, Sir."

Fury gestured Victor to leave.

Fury makes a call to World Security Council but only one of them joins the meeting,

"I think it is time for us to intervene with the wizarding community of Britain. The loss from acting late would cause more damage and it could lead to a war between non-magical and magical people if the new Dark lord wins the war."

Fury informs the member of the council.

"Our answer hasn't changed since the last time. We will wait for the Britain wizarding community to deal with it. You concentrated on saving and minimizing the damage caused by them, appoint agents on the outskirts."

The member said and cut the call

"motherfu*kers, can't they understand that it would cause more problems later?"

Fury shouted in frustration.

He contacted his agents and gave them specific instructions.


[Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters] (New York)

The school was established by Charles Xavier to provide a place for mutants, keep them safe, and how to help them control their power.

Though it claims to keep children safe, it is attacked every month.

The school is run by Charles Xavier, a very powerful mutant with telepathic powers, he is also an expert in mutant biology and sociology.

He uses a machine by the name Cerebro to find the locations of mutants, it also boosts his telepathic abilities to a much higher level.

On one of his turns on checking for new mutants, he came across a newly awakened mutant but he wasn't able to locate that mutant as the signal vanished as soon as it appeared, he tried to find the mutant again but he wasn't successful, it was as if the mutant with that specific power didn't exist or the mutant must somehow be hiding his powers.

A bearded man with a cigar in his mouth puts an arm on professor Xavier's shoulder and asks "What happened, Chucks?"

"A new mutant appeared, Logan, but his signal disappeared as soon as it appeared, he must be either dead or something is clogging his presence"

"If he is dead then that isn't something new, someone new can't clog their presence from you, then he must be either under a telepath or must be a very powerful mutant, tell me, how powerful was the presence of the mutant?"

"Must be an alpha as the presence was brighter than many others I found" Xavier informed.

"I smell trouble. if the person is found by either magneto or any other it would problematic, did you find his location at least?"

Logan grunts as continued to push Professor Xavier's wheelchair; they discussed their theories on this new mutant and what his powers might be.

"No, I just felt the presence of that person and in the next second, it was gone. I fear someone might have captured the kid, Logan. I wasn't even able to get a look at his location "

"Let's forget about it for now. We have a lot of trouble on our hands right now. Magneto has been active recently. He has acquired a mutant who can locate the mutants with her power. He has been attacking many government facilities."

"Sigh! We must send X-men to stop Eric from causing more damage. Eric's attack will only further the government to approve the sentinel's project."

Logan scoffs "I don't understand why we can't just kill the man who proposed the idea of sentinels"

"If we killed him, it would further the public's distrust in mutants. I want humans and mutants to live in harmony"

"Let me tell you this, Chucks. Humans and Mutants are never going to live in harmony together. Haven't you seen enough? We were just attacked last month by an organization run by the government."

Logan shouts. He was annoyed by Charles's attitude towards the issue.

He saw his students getting dragged by their necks as if they were animals.

"Logan-" Charles was about calm Logan down but Logan cut him.

"Don't try to find an excuse, Charles. I saw my students getting dragged by their necks to be tested as if they were animals, lab rats. Children, who are not even 10 yet were loaded in tubes to be tested. You established this school to protect them, but we fail to do that."

Charles sighs in defeat, the last attack on the mansion has left many children with traumas and teachers with anger.

Logan continued to cuss at the humans and magneto as he pushed Charles's wheelchair.

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