

Beneath the foreboding cover of imminent storm clouds, a grey car moved with flawless precision amidst the frantic traffic. The driver of this vehicle exuded an air of composure, his facial features concealed by an aura of professionalism. Clad in a crisp navy-blue uniform, he appeared to be the embodiment of a chauffeur from an affluent household.

Silence was not merely a formality but a firmly established rule, familiar to the silver haired person seated at the back. He stood as the sole heir, the last remnant of his once-prominent family. Despite donning a suit, his own presence emitted an aura of detachment, failing to conceal his unmistakable young age.

Long lashes covered the indifference in his silver eyes, reflecting the environment, like water whose depth was yet inconceivable.

"Does the young master wish to stop by the coffee shop?" The driver maintained a respectful tone as he kept his focus on the road.

"Yes," the youth replied indifferently, showing no concern for any potential delay.

The driver refrained from mentioning the traffic or the urgency of the board director's request. Having learned his lesson from past experiences, he diligently adhered to his sole responsibility – ensuring the safe arrival of the young master.

That coffee shop held a special significance for the young master. Contrary to everyone's assumptions, it wasn't an upscale establishment with lavish amenities. Instead, it could be found nestled in one of the city's most impoverished neighbourhoods, its exterior adorned with advertisements and unknown stains.

What made it truly captivating, was the shop's apparent timelessness. The recipes have been a family legacy, a secret passed down from one generation to the next. While the establishment won many hearts, the owners consistently resisted any invitations to expand the business, politely declining all the potential investors.

Yet, the importance held wasn't about tradition or ancient tastes. "Moonlight White," or Yue Guang Bai, stood as a specialty tea with a rich tapestry of spicy notes, cool and minty herbal, and a subtle sweetness reminiscent of dried fruits. Many descriptions evoked imagery like "a stroll through a moonlit forest."

In that name, there resided a gentleness—a pure, unreserved expression of love devoid of ulterior motives. The person who had initially acquainted him with this tea had allowed him to savour something nameless yet profoundly cherished.

Regardless of the quality, quantity, or origin of this tea, the elusive taste remained just out of reach. Until recently, this desire has been a persistent yearning.

Every evening, without fail, the driver accompanied the young master to this shop. Although the young master's interest in the humble establishment remained a mystery, the driver never displayed any curiosity or interest.

A clap of thunder heralded the onset of a torrential downpour, enclosing the highway in a relentless sheet of rain, casting a veil over the cars.

Unexpectedly, a high-pitched sound announced a dreading turn of events.

Watching as two cars spiralling out of control amid the initial chaos, Adam understood that an impending death was inevitable.

At these last seconds, his unfathomable eyes finally revealed deep ripples.


With the first conscious breath, faint memories returned: the remains of a bone-deep coldness, a pair of sturdy arms that enclosed him protectively, unintelligible words and a pungent, herbal scent.

Adam's instincts conveyed and warned over the lack of a familiar environment. Refusing to give himself away, he continued to pretend that he was asleep, all in the favour of surveying the situation.

What that captivated his attention first was the pair of robust arms cradling him —one beneath his head, the other draped securely over his waist. A strong body shielded him, allowing Adam to feel less of the surprisingly coldness that greeted him.

The breath of the person carried an air of masculinity, tinged with a subtle danger, akin to the aura of a predator. These details had Adam entertain the story of a prey awoken in a wolf's den, protected with the intentions of simply turning him into a feast.

This conjecture amused him, deciding to test this "wolf" further.

Tensing, Adam shifted within the protective hold, feigning restlessness.

His actions weren't ignored by the figure beside him. Those strong arms dragged him further in their embrace, with a protectiveness that was hard to ignore. Low sounds, words whose meanings were still indecipherable, reached Adam's ears.

Not long afterwards, soft flesh met Adam's mouth. Forceful and possessive, the kiss revealed intentions heavy with desire.

The unconscious fluttering of Adam's silver eyelashes added a layer of ethereal beauty to the scene.

As the kiss deepened, Adam, compelled by a lack of air, abandoned his pretence of sleep. What met his open eyes was a familiar yet unexpected sight—a person he had believed lost to him forever.

Caught in a moment suspended between shock and recognition, Adam became a passive observer in the unfolding situation. The man above him seized the opportunity to fully explore, deepening the kiss.

Plundering, possessing...

This man defined the perfect predator.

This world I'm writing about, I fell in love with it.

Cheer up, we're fated to share it all.

Nightsvlcreators' thoughts