
What's wrong with my wife

Jonas, the Duke's heir, best swordsman, besides his accomplishments, is also loyal to his wife, but his wife persecutes him and does not love him, but Jonas discovers that he knows nothing about his wife after her death. After finding her diaries, secrets begin to unfold.

xnnax · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

the present

"Leo tell me, what would you do if you had a wife like mine?!" Jonas asked his secretary, Leonard, to answer him, "Your Majesty, The Duchess may have misunderstood you  There must be something you don't know."

"This is impossible. Leo. I don't know how to deal with her. I see her once a month and we have been married for 3 years. Maybe there's something wrong with me. You didn't see how you look at me as if I was something disgusting." 

"Your Majesty, Probably the Duchess think you're cheating on her? You don't know what women are talking about in the social world ,The Duchess may have heard a rumor about you."

"Maybe you're right. Forget it."

"how many times have I forbade you from calling me your majesty ،we have been friends since childhood."

"But you are higher than me, I can't"

Seriously, when do you give up your stubbornness?


On the other side, sitting here, the Duchess (Sarah)At the tea party, listening to all the muttering around her

"Then Duchess, When are you going to have a baby?" The Countess said confidently.

the duchess replies, "I'm still young and my husband doesn't want to have children now. In fact, I would be happy if I had a child now, if you knew how excited I am to see a child who looks like Jonas." The Duchess said these words, intending to offend the Countess, because she knew that she was in love with her husband and still is.

Marquise Ripley said,"I'd rather have a child who looks like you, Duchess, because your so beautiful"

For the Duchess to respond to her smiling"Thank you Marquise"

I will send you an invitation to come to my house, Marquis, and I beg you to accept it."

The Duchess continued to speak to the Marquis, ignoring the one who was inflamed with anger (Countess Marie)


After the party ends, she leaves the country, heading home, sane about the amount of time she spent in the party, as it has exceeded 12 o'clock, so that her husband receives her while he hides his anger. "Do you know what time it is now?"

"I was so drunk that I didn't know the passage of time"

"Seriously, are you drunk, I don't see any traces of drunkenness?"

Jonas was thinking to himself, "We don't meet until the 15th every month to have a baby, and now she's drunk and spends all the time at the party."

Jonas is upset by Sarah's behavior as he thinks she spent most of the time at the party to avoid staying with him in the same room ....


*In the Duke's room*

"Listen, Duke, I forgot that today is the day we meet, and I'm really tired and my head hurts"

"what is wrong with you Do you even know why we meet every month Isn't it for the sake of having a child But every time you appear with an excuse to avoid holding you Why? "

"Do you want to know why I forbid you every time from touching me, do you think that I do not know that you desire my body and that I do not want to give my body to someone who does not love me."

what do I want your body? Seriously. You don't have a sexy body to say that. Even though the Duchess has a sexy body, he doesn't want to admit it out loud even though she covers it with a neck-length garment.

"and what else?! You give your body to someone who doesn't love you?! Who told you... that I don't love you?"

Sarah was left in shock at Jonas' words until he was shocked and stiffened in his place and turned red, and calm prevailed between them. Jonas cut him off and said, "Forget about it."

"What... but I don't want to forget it..."

"what are you saying" Jonas was about to burst out of shame

"As you heard"

Jonas stared at Sarah as if in a dream he had not expected that his slip of the tongue would have been enough to turn the situation between them.

Jonas noticed a pleasant look at him that was filled with emotion, "Why are you looking at me like that?!"

"How do I see you?"

"As if you're waiting for something from me to do." Jonas knew that Sarah was looking at him earlier as if she was looking at something disgusting because she thought he wanted her body, and it was all a misunderstanding.

Jonas approached Sarah and said,"Can I kiss you"

"Why do you ask, do it."


Jonas kissed Sarah....

"Did you know it was my first kiss?"

"What?! Why are you lying?"

"I do not lie .."

"Really?!...it was my first kiss too..."

"Jonas, stop lying. It can't be your first kiss."

"Believe me, I saved my virginity to my wife."

They laughed at each other and talked until they fell asleep .