
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs

White Lotus Betrayal

Alexa slowly opened her eyes, the gentle rocking of the horse lulling her from the light doze she had fallen into. She was nestled snugly against Yvariel's powerful back in the saddle, her arms wrapped securely around her mistress' midriff. Behind them on the road, Eira and Lena rode their own mounts, the duo of wenches following dutifully wherever their mistress led.

Alexa's thoughts drifted back to the previous day's training in Whiterun. After Yvariel had thoroughly drained her balls in their willing holes, Alexa had approached Eira and Lena about receiving some more hands-on instruction. The two women were all too eager to help, unaware that Alexa's System recognized them as Skill Trainers.

Eira had swiftly taken Alexa under her wing, guiding her through a series of weapon drills and combat stances. With each precise movement and corrected form, Alexa could feel the skills integrating into her muscle memory at an accelerated rate. One-Handed had rapidly increased by 5 full levels to 19 under Eira's tutelage.

Similarly, Lena had run her through endless repetitions of nocking, drawing and loosing arrows - first slowly, then with increasing speed and mobility. No matter how swiftly Alexa cycled through the motions, Lena's keen eyes caught every minute flaw and inefficiency to correct. By the end of the Archery training, Alexa's skill had similarly surged from 9 to 14.

Flush with her rapid progress, she had even experimented a bit by asking Eira for some basic shield instruction. While her Block skill did slowly increase to 11 over the course of an hour, it lacked the exponential surge she experienced with the other disciplines. It seemed her System only acknowledged each individual as a Skill Trainer of a single skill path.

The next morning, Alexa had been granted a rare moment of solitude to refresh the blessing of Akatosh's shrine before their departure. She had then used the opportunity to use the Spell Tome: Oakflesh twice, and the knowledge integrated flawlessly into her mind.

Spell Tome: Oakflesh

Weight: 1 | Value: 376 | Mastery: 100%

Improves the caster's armor rating by 40 points for 60 seconds

Now, with the protective flesh spell at her disposal, Alexa could effectively double her armor rating on demand - giving her a much-needed boost to her survivability against any threats they might face on the road. She made a mental note to keep the spell's magicka cost in mind, as her current paltry reserves of 130 would be rapidly depleted by its usage considering she didn't have any Alteration Perks yet.

That brought her thoughts to the perks she had selected upon her recent level ups. After much consideration, she had decided to invest both of her new perk points into Restoration Mastery. Her ability to quickly heal herself from injuries could very well mean the difference between life and death out in the unforgiving wilds. The perk's benefits of reduced magicka costs and increased spell potency for the Restoration school would ensure she could keep herself patched up without draining her limited resources too rapidly.

Restoration Mastery (2/2)

Cast Restoration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Restoration spells are 0.25/0.5% more powerful per level of Restoration.

A small part of Alexa's mind still nagged at her, feeling foolish for not immediately noticing the stat increases that came with leveling up. It was only when she glimpsed the blinking icon in the corner of her Skills menu that she remembered she could selectively advance her core attributes: Magicka, Health or Stamina.

After briefly wavering between priorities, Alexa settled on a balanced distribution. Her focus would predominantly lean towards boosting her Magicka reserves to accommodate future spellcasting. But she couldn't neglect Health and Stamina either - being a squishy mage would just get her killed, and having pitiful Stamina meant being overburdened and sluggish.

So for now, she had mapped out a simple cycle: Magicka three times, then Health, Stamina, and repeat. Maybe it wasn't the most optimized path, but it ensured steady progression along all three vital attributes as she leveled. She could always make adjustments later if her needs changed.

Alexa's thoughts were abruptly shattered by a piercing scream echoing from up ahead on the winding road. The party instantly snapped to alertness, hands flying to weapon hilts.

They spotted a young woman frantically scrambling backwards in the dirt, her tattered dress bunched up around her waist. A massive, brutish-looking bandit towered over her, breeches undone as he forced himself between her desperately kicking legs. Her muffled sobs carried on the wind.

Before anyone could react, the bandit threw his head back with a guttural grunt, hips jerking erratically as he reached his release and pumped his victim full of cum. With a cruel laugh, he pulled his pulsing member free, thick ropes of his sticky seed splattering obscenely across the woman's milky thighs.

"Take that, you fucking whore!" he snarled, bringing a meaty hand down in a vicious backhand across her face. The woman crumpled sideways from the brutal slap, stunned.

The bandit hastily refastened his breeches and took off at a sprint down the road, easily outpacing Yvariel's attempt to give chase. He disappeared over the next hill, leaving the broken, defiled woman behind.

She lay there motionless for several moments, the graphic evidence of her violation slowly oozing out to matt in the dirt around her splayed legs. Eventually, she managed to pull her dress back down with trembling hands and shakily pushed herself upright.

Eira and Lena immediately rushed to her side, offering a waterskin and pulling the traumatized woman into a comforting embrace as Yvariel and Alexa rejoined them more slowly.

"Easy now, you're safe with us," her mistress said in a low tone, eyes roving over the woman's messy state. "I am Yvariel, leader of this adventuring party. These are my wenches, Alexa, Eira and Lena. What's your name, girl?"

"K-Kara," she hiccuped out between racking sobs, burying her face in Lena's comforting bosom. "I was just traveling to the next village when that m-monster attacked me..."

Alexa watched with pity as the young woman named Kara broke down sobbing in Lena's embrace. There was an undeniable beauty to Kara's delicate features - large doe-eyes now reddened from crying, full lips trembling, chestnut hair spilling over her shoulders in tangled waves.

"Those bandits..." Kara whispered, somehow making her voice sound even more vulnerable and sweet. "They kept me for days, t-taking turns raping me over and over until I thought I would die." Her lip quivered as fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. "That man you saw was the last one left after the others finally had their fill of me and moved on."

Alexa felt a pang of sympathy, her heart going out to this poor, defiled flower. Kara truly looked the picture of innocence lost - a fragile thing, utterly shattered by the depravities forced upon her. The naked anguish in those big, soulful eyes was almost too much to bear.

"My things..." Kara sniffled, glancing up beseechingly at the group through wet lashes. "They were taken into the forest over there. A small pack with some clothes and supplies. I-I can't go back there alone, not after..." She trailed off, shuddering.

"Of course you won't have to," Yvariel said gently, placing a comforting hand on Kara's shoulder. Her voice took on a protective edge. "We'll retrieve your belongings and get you somewhere safe."

Kara's grateful smile in that moment could have outshone the sun. "Thank you, truly. I was so scared and alone until you all arrived." She reached up to take Yvariel's calloused hand, holding it between both of her own tender ones. "The Divines guided you here to save me."

The group followed Kara off the main road and into the dense forest, the young woman leading them deeper between the towering pines. She chatted idly as they went, painting a picture of humble village life around Whiterun Hold.

"It's just a few small hamlets really, farming and trading what we can," Kara said wistfully. "Such a simple existence compared to your adventures, Lady Yvariel." Her eyes shone with admiration as she glanced back at the imposing woman.

"Yes, the life of a wandering adventurer is one of constant peril," Yvariel spoke. "Though it does have its...compensations." She smirked, giving Eira and Lena an appraising look. The two blushed and giggled coyly.

"You must be incredibly wealthy to maintain such a collection of wenches," Kara said, eyeing Alexa up and down with new appreciation. "What noble family do you hail from, if you don't mind me asking?"

Yvariel's lip curled with dark amusement. "The Merilis clan of Dawnstar. I am the sole heir to our considerable fortune and estates."

Kara's eyes went wide as saucers, openly gawking at the noble. "You're...you're nobility? A lady of true standing? Forgive me, I never would have guessed!" She flushed deeply, suddenly seeming unsure how to act.

"Think nothing of it," Yvariel said with a dismissive wave. "My wealth and titles matter little in the wilds. Now, where did you last see your belongings?"

Kara bit her lip, looking around uncertainly. "J-just up ahead, I think. In a small clearing beside that stream..."

She led them a few hundred feet further, emerging into a sun-dappled glade. Kara's face lit up as she spotted a battered rucksack lying beside the gurgling creek. "There! Those are my things!"

The young woman hurried over to scoop it up, rummaging through the contents with a relieved smile. The others hung back, letting her have her moment of respite.

That's when it happened.

"Now, lads!"

The cry came from the bushes as a dozen burly men erupted from the foliage, brandishing an assortment of blades, clubs and bows. Alexa's stomach plummeted as Kara whirled around, an evil smirk twisting her delicate features.

"Fooled you, didn't I?" she sneered at the stunned party. "Stupid cow-lickers, wandering right into my trap!"

Alexa's mind was reeling, but she forced herself to react on instinct. With a frantic gesture, she cast Oakflesh, channeling her meager magicka reserves to harden her flesh against incoming blows.

Alteration increased to 1

Alteration increased to 2

Not a moment too soon - an arrow slammed into her leather pauldron, punching through the material but failing to penetrate her magically-fortified skin. It left a nasty welt and Alexa cried out in shock and pain, but the wound was far from lethal.

Light Armor increased to 7

Yvariel was already in motion, her greatsword leaving its sheath in a blur of shining steel. She met the first bandit's overhead chop with a deafening clang, forcibly redirecting his blade before replying with a savage counterstrike. The Nord's head flew from his shoulders in a grisly spray of arterial blood.

Eira and Lena fanned out, the two wenches drawing their own weapons to put their backs to the stream. Alexa fell into a defensive stance between them, sword and shield at the ready as three bandits closed ranks around her.

The first rushed her with a wild overhead swing. Alexa managed to get her shield up just in time, grunting with the impact as the blow clanged off her protection. Before he could recover, she slashed out with her blade in a vicious counterstrike, opening a deep gash across his exposed forearm. He bellowed in agony, stumbling back and clutching the wound as crimson poured between his fingers.

Block increased to 12

From the corner of her eye, Alexa saw Eira dispatch one of her own attackers in similarly brutal fashion, her curvy form flowing with deadly grace as she danced around his clumsy swings before burying her sword in his kidney. The bandit collapsed to his knees, gargling up a thick stream of blood before pitching forward to the forest floor in a lifeless heap.

The respite was short-lived as a new threat emerged - one of the bandits let loose a torrent of scorching flames from his outstretched palm! Alexa instinctively raised her shield, grimacing as the magical conflagration licked around its edges and seared her exposed flesh. She held firm, however, keeping the deadly spell from hitting her directly.

With her free hand, she hurriedly gestured for the Healing spell, mending her minor burns as best she could. There was no time to be gentle - the fire mage was already winding up for another gout of searing death!

Restoration increased to 1

Alexa braced herself for the onslaught, determined to weather the storm until an opening presented itself to strike back. She gritted her teeth, raising her shield high once more as the mage held up his other hand that was already glowing fire-red.

That's when a massive force slammed into the back of her skull with a sickening crunch.

Light Armor increased to 8

Light Armor increased to 9

White-hot agony exploded through Alexa's head as she crumpled bonelessly to the ground. Her sword and shield slipped from suddenly numb fingers, clattering to the grassy soil beside her. Dazed and gasping, she could only watch helplessly as the world spun in dizzying circles around her.

The last thing her fading vision made out was Kara, standing over her with a wicked smile. The treacherous bitch was flanked by a fresh wave of bandits emerging from the tree line - at least ten more by Alexa's bleary count.

"Quickly now, you fools!" Kara barked at them. "Take this stupid wench while the others are distracted! She's the most valuable thing here!"

Those were the last words Alexa heard before several pairs of rough hands seized her, hoisting her up and dragging her away from the fray. She tried to struggle, to call out for help, but could only muster a feeble moan before the darkness finally took her...


Alexa came to with a throbbing headache, and her vision slowly adjusted to the dim light. She was naked, bent over with her wrists and ankles shackled to some kind of wooden stock. A pillory, she realized dumbly.

Looking around, she realized she was in a cell of some sort, bars on three sides. The other cells held more naked women, some being actively violated by rough-looking men. Grunts and muffled cries filled the stale air.

The creak of a door made Alexa's head snap up. Kara sauntered in, that sweet innocent facade now replaced by a cruel sneer. A burly Imperial thug followed close behind, already unlacing his breeches.

"Awake at last, are we?" Kara purred, running a delicate finger along Alexa's jaw. "Don't worry, you're safe now...safe with us."

The Imperial barked a harsh laugh at that, positioning himself behind Alexa's pillory. She felt his calloused hands grip her hips firmly as the thick head of his cock prodded at her lower lips.

"N-no, please don't..." Alexa whimpered, fresh tears stinging her eyes.

But the brute just grunted and thrust forward, impaling her in one brutal stroke. Alexa cried out at the sudden violation, her slick walls stretching wide to accommodate his impressive girth.

Kara simply watched with a cruel smile as the Imperial began to rut away, his heavy balls slapping loudly against Alexa with each thrust. When Alexa opened her mouth to plead again, the smirking woman produced a thick ring gag and secured it between her teeth.

"That's better," Kara purred, running a hand through Alexa's sweat-dampened hair. "We can't have you distracting the men with your whining."

The Imperial chuckled darkly at that. "Gotta admit, this one's a prime piece," he grunted between thrusts. "Best-lookin' cunt I've had in ages!"

"Yes, she's quite the beauty," Kara agreed, giving Alexa's cheek a mocking pat. "And do you know why, Alexa? Because you're Yvariel's precious new wench. The most valuable thing she had other than herself."

Alexa's eyes went wide at that. How did Kara know her mistress? And why was she doing this?

"Ahh, so you understand now," the treacherous woman smirked. "Yvariel was a fool to travel with such an obvious prize in her company. Did she really think no one would try to take you?"

The Imperial grunted, increasing his pace as he neared his peak. "Shit...what're we gonna do with this one, eh? Keep her for ourselves for a bit?"

"Don't be stupid, Brutus," Kara snapped, using the man's name. "She's far too valuable for just us. We'd never get what she's worth."

Brutus growled in displeasure but didn't argue, his thick cock still sawing in and out of Alexa's abused slit. "Well we can't sell her to some bigshot noble. Wouldn't do if her last owner came sniffin' around, y'know?"

"Precisely." Kara's eyes lit up with a wicked gleam. "No, I have the perfect buyers in mind. There's a rather...upscale establishment in Falkreath, catering to more discriminating tastes. Alexa here would fetch a pretty prize from them, I'd wager."

The Imperial - Brutus - considered this as his thrusts became erratic, harsh grunts escaping his throat. With a final slam forward, he hilted himself fully and let out a long, guttural groan. Alexa felt a rush of hot seed flooding her insides as the Imperial cummed in her, his cock pulsing and emptying again and again.

"Ahh, you're probably right," Brutus panted once he'd finally finished. He pulled out with a wet pop, thick cum immediately drooling from Alexa's well-used slit. "Yeah, a fancy whorehouse would pay top coin for a pretty thing like this..."

Alexa whimpered softly around the ring gag stretching her lips, the harsh words stinging nearly as much as the brutal violation she'd just endured. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly? One moment she was a novice adventurer in Yvariel's party, and the next...this.

"Ahh, don't look so glum," Kara crooned, trailing a finger along Alexa's jaw. "You should be honored, really. Getting to serve men of real quality like Brutus here." She smirked at the sneering Imperial. "Much better than whatever dregs you were forced to open your legs for before, I'd wager."

Brutus snorted derision at that. "You got that right. Ain't no unwashed vagrant putting his cock in something this pretty if I have any say." He gave Alexa's shapely rear an appraising grope, making her flinch.

"Speakin' of which, we best get this prize on the road," the bandit rumbled. "Don't want to keep the lads waitin' too long for their turn..."

Alexa's eyes went wide with dawning horror at those words. Surely he didn't mean...not all of them? The very thought made her want to retch.

With a flick of his dagger, Brutus severed the ropes binding Alexa's wrists and ankles to the pillory. She immediately crumpled forwards, too dazed and weak to even attempt an escape. Rough hands seized her by the arms, dragging her limp, naked form out of the cell.

The "lads" Brutus had mentioned quickly became apparent - a wild band of a dozen or more bandits loitering in the larger chamber beyond. Crude jeers and lewd catcalls instantly assailed Alexa as she was hauled out on display, her lush curves utterly exposed for their depraved enjoyment.

"Well don't just gawk, you mangy bastards!" Brutus barked out a laugh. "Line up and stick your cocks where they belong - in this pretty cunt's mouth and holes!"

The resulting stampede of grabbing hands and leering grins made Alexa's stomach lurch with visceral dread. This couldn't be happening...

But happen it did. Over the course of what felt like hours - or maybe days, Alexa couldn't tell - she was ruthlessly, repeatedly violated in every conceivable way by the insatiable throng of bandits. Cocks were crammed down her throat until she gagged and retched, only to be pulled free so ropes of hot spend could be hosed across her face and tits. Her cunt and ass were similarly plundered again and again, her anguished cries muffled by the ring gag as her abusers took their pleasure.

By the time the last bandit had drained his balls inside her with a grunt of satisfaction, Alexa was an utterly broken thing. Her body ached from the relentless pounding, every hole leaking thick white cum. Vivid bruises blossomed across her skin from countless rough gropes and slaps. Silent, hopeless tears streaked through the layers of drying seed caked on her once-lovely features.

"Tsk, what a mess," came Kara's familiar sneer as she sauntered over, flanked by Brutus and another bandit Alexa didn't recognize. "I certainly hope you didn't expect your new owners to pay full price for damaged goods, girl."

The treacherous bitch fixed Alexa with a pointed look, smirking as she trailed a finger through the pearly runnels of jizz glazing her abused tits. "Although I suppose it wouldn't be the first time they've had to...break in a new acquisition."

Brutus guffawed at that, giving Alexa an approving slap on her pert rear. "You'll do just fine at the Brothel, wench."

Alexa's dazed mind barely registered the words through the haze of pain. A brothel? So that was to be her fate - sold off to some seedy den of debauchery, doomed to suffer these violations endlessly at the hands of a parade of faceless men. She wanted to cry, to scream her despair to the heavens, but she could only let out a soft, pitiful whimper.

The other bandit - a wiry, feral-looking Bosmer - leered down at her with undisguised lust. "We really shouldn't be waiting around here too long," he rasped in a thick accent. "Need to get this fresh meat loaded up 'fore any more of them bloody Companions come sniffin' around lookin' for easy targets to thump."

Brutus scowled at that. "Aye, you've got a point there, Nir'ak. Round up the other girls and get 'em in the wagon, boys."

Under the bandits' rough handling, Alexa was hauled to her feet and half-dragged, half-carried through a series of dank, twisting tunnels. Her bare feet stumbled over the uneven ground, leaving bloody footprints in their wake as she was forced into the chill night air beyond.

A sturdy wooden wagon sat waiting amid the treeline, the unmistakable sounds of frightened whimpers and soft sobs emanating from the covered rear portion. As Alexa was unceremoniously tossed into the cramped interior, she saw that four other girls were already huddled there - presumably more victims captured by the bandits to be sold off like cattle.

One of them - a petite, dark-haired Breton woman - immediately scooted over to help prop Alexa into a sitting position, brow creased with concern. "By the Nine, they didn't go easy on you, did they?" she murmured, taking in Alexa's battered, defiled state with a sorrowful look. "Here, lean on me for now, sweetie. You're safe for the moment."

Alexa managed a tiny, grateful nod, fresh tears welling up at the woman's simple kindness. She lacked the strength to even voice her gratitude, utterly spent from the depraved ordeal she'd endured. For now, she could only mutely accept the comfort being offered as the wagon lurched into motion beneath the creaking of wooden wheels.

The gentle rocking motions quickly lulled Alexa into a mercifully dreamless slumber, her tired body craving the relief of oblivion.


Her eyelids fluttered open to the dim interior of the wagon, lit only by stray beams of moonlight filtering through the canvas covering.

The soft sobs reached her ears again, and Alexa turned her head to locate the sound. It was coming from a young Nord woman huddled in the opposite corner, her face buried in her hands as her shoulders shook with each muffled cry.

"Shh, it's going to be okay," the Breton woman murmured, wrapping a comforting arm around the distraught girl. "We'll get through this together."

"B-But I don't want to work in a brothel!" the Nord hiccuped, looking up with reddened eyes. "I was just trying to make it to Falkreath to find work..."

Her gaze landed on Alexa and her expression soured with bitter resentment. "This is the kind of thing a wench like her should suffer, not an honest woman like me! Why did they take us too?"

The Breton shot her a reproachful look. "That's not a fair thing to say. None of us deserves...this." She gestured vaguely at their surroundings.

Alexa shrank back, suddenly very aware of her own nudity and the dried fluids still coating her skin from the rapes. She wanted nothing more than to disappear from the judging eyes of these strangers.

The argument continued to escalate between the two women, and Alexa tuned it out and focused inward. She needed to formulate a plan, find some way to escape this nightmare before they reached the brothel Kara had spoken of.

Experimentally, she tried to open her Inventory, hoping to produce a weapon that could aid her. But a flashing notification immediately rebuffed the attempt.

Unable to access inventory while bound

Alexa bit back a groan of frustration. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Glancing down, she saw that her wrists were indeed bound by coarse rope, severely limiting her mobility and ability to defend herself.

There had to be a way to slip the bindings, though. Alexa began straining and twisting her arms, testing the knots for any give or slack. If she could just work enough space to undo them...

The wagon suddenly lurched over a deep rut, nearly toppling Alexa over. She grunted as pain lanced through her body, momentarily losing her concentration. When she recovered, it was to the sound of a new voice joining the heated discussion between the captives.

"Would you two shut your bloody traps already?" The words were spoken with a thick Nordic accent, coming from a sinewy, dark-haired woman Alexa hadn't noticed before. "You're gonna get us all flogged if the guards hear you carrying on like that."

The Nord girl opened her mouth to respond, a defiant look on her face, but the Breton cut her off with a harsh "Shhh!" She shot the newcomer an apologetic look. "You're right, I'm sorry. We'll keep it down."

An uneasy quiet fell over the cramped interior of the wagon. Alexa took the opportunity to resume struggling with her bindings, carefully working and twisting the coarse ropes.

The uneasy quiet was abruptly shattered as the wagon suddenly lurched to a halt, nearly toppling the captive women into a tangled heap. Muffled curses and shouts drifted in from outside as the driver brought the horses under control.

Alexa's heart leapt into her throat, hands instinctively ceasing their struggle against the bindings. Were they under attack? Had Yvariel and the others caught up to them? She strained her ears, desperate to make out any hint of a rescue.

The canvas covering was abruptly flung open, bright moonlight spilling in to silhouette the hulking figure of Brutus. His scarred visage twisted into a cruel smirk as he took in the terrified women huddled inside.

"Alright, you sorry whores, on your feet," he barked. "We're making camp here for the night. And you lot are going to earn your keep, understand?"

The coarse-looking Breton woman was the first to shakily comply, rising on unsteady legs to descend from the wagon with what remained of her dignity. The Nord girl followed suit, glaring daggers of defiance at Brutus even as she meekly obeyed.

When it was Alexa's turn, the burly bandit reached in to seize a fistful of her matted blonde locks. With a harsh yank, he dragged her bodily from the interior, paying no heed to her pained yelps as she was forced to crawl after him.

The scene that greeted Alexa's eyes was one of pure, nightmarish depravity.

Dozens of bandits had made their rough camp amid the twisted trees and boulders, crude tents and cookfires scattered haphazardly. Ale and vulgar laughter flowed freely as the men engaged in all manner of drunken festivities.

And at the very heart of the squalid gathering, a veritable harem of naked, sobbing women huddled in terrified submission. Their once-lovely features were marred by fading bruises, dried streaks of cum, and the hollow, haunted look of the utterly broken. Alexa felt bile rise in her throat as the horrific realization struck her - this was to be their holding pen before being sold to the brothel.

"You heard me, lads!" Brutus' gruff bellow rang out over the chaotic din. "New stock just arrived, fresh from the roads! I'd suggest sampling the goods while you can - it's gonna be a busy night!"

A chorus of lewd cheers and vulgar catcalls erupted from the bandits as they surged forward like a pack of ravenous wolves. Rough hands began groping and pawing at Alexa and the other new captives, stripping them of what little remained of their tattered coverings.

Alexa opened her mouth to scream, but a meaty palm clamped down over her lips to muffle the sound. She thrashed and twisted in a blind panic, only to feel her arms wrenched behind her back in an unforgiving grip. A hot, rancid breath washed over the back of her neck as a gravelly voice growled in her ear.

"That's it, bitch...struggle for me. Just makes me want to tame that sweet ass all the harder."

The crude words sparked a fresh wave of terror in Alexa's mind as she recalled Ulfgar back in Riverwood saying much the same to her before he nearly broke her. She redoubled her frantic efforts, kicking and bucking against her unseen assailant, but he was like an unmovable slab of granite behind her. There would be no escape, no mercy to be found here tonight.

Her struggles gradually petered out as the brutal reality of her situation sank in like a cold, dead weight in the pit of her stomach. Alexa went limp, resigning herself to her inevitable defilement with hot tears streaking down her cheeks.

That's when a new voice cut through the din, this one thick with authority and commanding respect. "What's all this then?"

The crowd of lecherous bandits parted like the salmon seas, revealing a towering, powerfully-built man swaggering into their midst. Even from a distance, Alexa could make out the telltale rippling of toned, battle-hardened muscle beneath his bare chest.

His cold, appraising stare swept over the assembled women, lips twisting in a sneer of disgust. When that penetrating gaze finally fell upon Alexa, she felt pinned like a terrified rabbit before a hungry sabrecat.

"You there," the man rumbled, the rough timbre of his voice sending an involuntary shiver down Alexa's spine. "The blonde. Bring her to me."

Two of the bandits immediately broke off, seizing Alexa's arms in vice-like grips and hauling her forward. She thrashed weakly in their grasp, but was simply overpowered by their brutish strength.

"Easy there," one of them leered, giving her a harsh shake that made her teeth rattle. "The chief's got plans for you, and you'll do best to cooperate nice 'n easy-like."

Alexa could only whimper softly as she was frog-marched towards the largest tent, the bandit chief's temporary lair. Her eyes desperately took in her surroundings, seeking any avenue of escape or rescue. But there was nothing - only the leering faces of depraved men greedily ogling her naked form.

The chief held open the tent flap, gesturing for them to bring Alexa inside with an impatient grunt. Once over the threshold, she was unceremoniously shoved face-first to the hard-packed dirt floor. A meaty hand fisted in her hair yanked her head back with a painful jerk.

"There now, that's a good girl," the massive Nord purred in a tone of mocking condescension. "You're gonna make this real nice for your chief, you hear?"

Alexa could only let out a terrified squeak as the towering brute loomed over her prone, helpless form. His calloused hands roamed freely over her trembling curves, groping and pawing at her massive tits with undisguised lust.

"Been too long since I've had me a prime piece of fuckmeat like you," the chief growled, already unlacing his breeches to free his thick, pulsing cock. "You're gonna take this all night long, cunt. And you're gonna thank me for it when I'm done."

True to his word, the depraved man subjected Alexa to a relentless ravaging that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. He hammered into her helpless form again and again, and grabbed her ass to shake it on his cock. Whenever she tried to cry out, his meaty palm would clamp over her mouth to muffle the sounds into pitiful whimpers.

By the time the chief finally reached his peak, hilting himself fully and releasing a bestial roar of completion, Alexa's body was utterly spent once more. She lay there in a crumpled, sobbing heap as he pulled free, his cock slick and glistening with their combined fluids.

The bandit chief gave a dismissive grunt, wiping himself clean before collapsing onto the pile of furs serving as his bed. Within moments, his deep, rumbling snores filled the tent as he slipped into a sated slumber.

Alexa remained where she was, huddled on the floor as fresh tears streaked down her cheeks. She ached in a hundred different places, every part of her screaming in agony from what she'd endured. But even through the haze of pain, a tiny spark of hope refused to be extinguished.

During the frenzied thrashing of her defilement, Alexa's bound wrists had loosened ever so slightly. It was a miniscule amount of slack, but just enough for her to work her hands free with some effort. Glancing over at the sleeping form of her tormentor, she slowly, carefully began to twist and pull...

It took a couple of minutes, but at last the coarse ropes fell away, leaving Alexa's wrists chafed and raw yet blessedly unbound. She bit back a whimper of relief, not daring to make a sound and rouse the chief from his deep slumber.

Her eyes darted around the tent, quickly locating the bandit's discarded weapons and armor. Inch by agonizing inch, Alexa slithered across the floor, her abused body protesting with every movement. But the searing determination to seize this chance at retribution overpowered any discomfort.

Finally, her fingers closed around the hilt of the chief's steel dagger. The cruel blade felt almost comfortingly familiar in her grip as she slowly, silently turned towards the snoring brute behind her.

Alexa's chest heaved with ragged breaths, eyes wild and crazed. Memories flooded back of that horrible night in Riverwood when Ulfgar had nearly broken her. Of the agonizing degradation she'd endured at his hands before he met his own grisly end upon her blade.

This bastard was no different. Just another cruel, sadistic monster in a long line of men who had brutalized and defiled her. And he would suffer the same fate as Uflgar before him... ALL men should suffer the same fate…

With a animalistic snarl of pure fury, Alexa lunged forward and brought the dagger down in a vicious arc. The bandit chief's eyes shot open just in time for the razor-sharp steel to part his vocal cords in a gruesome spray of blood.

She didn't stop there. Rage and hatred fueled her actions as Alexa straddled the massive Nord's thrashing body, plunging the blade straight into his ear canal with a sickening crunch. She twisted it viciously, feeling the steel punch through his brain in a spray of bone fragments and viscera.

The bandit chief's convulsions gradually slowed, his remaining eye going glassy and lifeless. But Alexa was far from done exacting her brutal vengeance. With a animalistic snarl, she wrenched the dagger free and brought it down in a savage arc, hacking again and again at the dying man's groin.

Sneak increased to 8

Sneak increased to 9

One-Handed increased to 20

Shredded flesh and spurts of blood painted the tent interior as Alexa methodically mutilated her tormentor's genitals. She sliced through the thick root of his cock, then kept cutting and sawing until the entire shaft lay in ragged chunks around her.

Not satisfied, she grabbed the bandit's ruptured ball sack and squeezed until the bloated testicles within popped wetly through the shredded skin like grotesque grapes. Alexa stepped down with all her weight, feeling the organs burst beneath her bare feet in a nauseatingly warm gush.

Finally, she scooped up the mangled lumps of flesh that were once the chief's manhood and began stuffing them into his slack, blood-frothed mouth. Alexa packed his throat full until his cheeks bulged obscenely, leaving him to choke on the remains of his own ruined maleness.

Only once her vengeance was complete did the haze of fury begin to lift from Alexa's mind. She sat there amid the butchered ruin that was once a man, her naked form slick with still-warm blood and gore, chest heaving from the exertion.

A distant part of her mind recoiled in horror at what she had done. But the rest of Alexa felt only a deep, primal satisfaction at having dealt out such vicious retribution against one of her tormentors.

Pushing herself to her feet, Alexa took a deep breath and willed her inventory panel open. One by one, she materialized the chief's weapons and armor into the space - a wicked-looking mace, and a set of ornate steel armor. No sense leaving such valuable gear behind.

As the last item disappeared into her inventory, Alexa's gaze hardened with resolve. The bandits' vile treatment of her, the rapes and degradation, it all ended tonight. She would cut a swath of vengeance through their entire squalid camp if need be.

Carefully peering out through the tent flaps, she scouted the area. Most of the bandits were passed out in drunken stupors, snoring loudly amid the dying campfires and scattered filth. Two guards, however, still stood watchful vigil at opposite ends of the camp.

One was a grizzled, barrel-chested Nord with a thick beard, idly scratching himself as he leaned on a woodsman's axe. The other was a wiry Bosmer, his sharp features alert as he paced back and forth on nimble feet. Both would need to be dealt with swiftly and silently if Alexa hoped to press her attack.

Sliding the bloody steel dagger into her inventory for the moment, Alexa instead summoned her Nordic bow. Her fingers caressed the ornately carved wood, feeling the reassuring solidity of the weapon in her grasp.

With skill born from Lena's training, Alexa nocked an arrow and drew the bow taut. She sighted down the shaft, picking her first target - the watchful Bosmer. Her breaths came in slow, controlled intervals as she fought to steady her aim despite the hands still slick with drying blood.

The twang of the bowstring was almost deafening in the stillness as the arrow streaked across the camp. There was a meaty thunk, followed by a gurgling cry that was abruptly choked off. The Bosmer clutched at the shaft protruding from his throat, stumbling a few steps before collapsing to his knees. Bright arterial blood pulsed from the wound in time with his fading heartbeats.

Sneak increased to 10

Sneak increased to 11

Archery increased to 15

Alexa was already in motion, another arrow nocked and ready to fly as she slipped from the tent. She darted from tree to tree, a ghostly nude figure leaving a trail of bloody footprints in her wake. The grizzled Nord guard squinted in her direction, alerted by the gurgling sounds of his companion's death throes. His eyes went wide when he finally registered the naked, blood-drenched woman drawing a bead on him with her bow.

"Ysmir's beard, what in Oblivion's name--?!" The words barely left his lips before Alexa's aim proved true. The arrow punched through his exposed neck in a spray of blood, dropping the big man to the ground like a felled oak.

Sneak increased to 12

In the sudden silence that followed, Alexa let out a shuddering breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her heart thundered in her ears, blood thrumming with a heady mixture of terror, relief and some other primal emotion she didn't want to dwell on too deeply right now.

Level increased to 5

A wild grin blossomed across Alexa's blood-streaked features as the notification of her level up flashed before her eyes. Immediately, she tried to open her Skills menu, only to let out an annoyed sigh when she realized she would need to actually rest before being able to assign her new perk point.

Shaking her head, she dismissed the thought for now and turned her attention back to the grisly work at hand. With a flick of her wrist, the Nordic bow disappeared back into her inventory, leaving her free hand to grasp the hilt of the bloody steel dagger once more.

The carnage she had inflicted upon the bandit chief's corpse was just the beginning. A deep, primal hunger for vengeance burned within Alexa's core - these depraved men had brutalized her in every way imaginable, and now it was her turn to dish out some retribution.

Slipping from the tent like a nude wraith, Alexa moved among the scattered campfires and crude shelters housing the remaining bandits. Everywhere she looked, the squalid brutes were strewn about in drunken, snoring heaps, some even cradling the limp, cum-drenched forms of their helpless captives against their chests.

The very sight made Alexa's lip curl in disgust. These were not men, but wild beasts lacking even the most basic shred of human decency or restraint. Beasts that desperately needed to be put down.

Her bare feet made no sound as she ghosted up behind one such slumbering bandit, his beefy arm wrapped possessively around a sobbing Breton woman's waist. Alexa's grip tightened around the dagger's hilt as she positioned herself, taking a moment to enjoy the anticipation.

Then, with a savage grunt of exertion, she brought the blade down in a vicious arc, opening the bandit's throat from ear to ear in a thick spray of arterial blood. The man's eyes shot open, bugging in shock and terror as he convulsed and gargled, spraying the horrified woman beside him in red liquid.

Alexa didn't linger to watch him bleed out. She was already moving on to the next target, a wiry Bosmer caught in the throes of a drunken stupor. One deft strike punched her dagger up through the pointed ear and deep into his brain, instantly stilling his twitching form.

Over and over she struck, each kill more brutal and vicious than the last. Arterial geysers painted the trees and boulders in pulsing crimson as Alexa cut her way through the camp in a remorseless frenzy. Gaping wounds were torn in exposed bellies, allowing ropes of intestine to spill free with wet slaps to the dirt. Blades sank deep into eye sockets with meaty squelches, punching through to pulp the brains within.

Any who managed to rouse from their stupors and spot Alexa's bloody nude form were swiftly cut down before they could raise the alarm. A lucky few managed to unleash garbled screams before having their vocal cords severed in a welter of blood. But their cries swiftly drowned beneath the sickening noise of slashing blades, death rattles, and Alexa's own ragged, bestial pants of exertion.

When at last the final bandit collapsed in a twitching heap at her feet, Alexa paused to catch her breath. She was utterly drenched from head to toe in still-warm gore, the metallic tang of blood flooding her senses until it was nearly overwhelming. Her skin felt slick and sticky, matting her sweat-dampened hair to her skull in clumps.

A series of notifications blinked into existence before her eyes, marking the great progress she had made.

Sneak increased to 13

Sneak increased to 14

Sneak increased to 15

Sneak increased to 23

One-Handed increased to 21

One-Handed increased to 22

One-Handed increased to 23

One-Handed increased to 28

Level increased to 6

Level increased to 7

Level increased to 8

Alexa couldn't help but let out a breathless giggle at the notifications. Who knew killing men would be so… profitable? If she killed all the men of Skyrim, wouldn't she become amazingly powerful?

The sound of retching pulled her from her thoughts. Alexa turned to find the other captive women - those she had rescued - staring at her in abject horror. The Breton was on her hands and knees, splattering vomit across the blood-soaked earth as her body convulsed. Beside her, the young Nord was milk-pale, shaking her head in mute denial of the nightmare around them.

"You..." the Breton gasped out between heaves. "Y-You're...a monster!"

Alexa's grin widened as she slowly sauntered over, leaving a trail of bloody footprints in her wake. She crouched down beside the traumatized woman, idly toying with the steel dagger that had so recently dealt out such butchery.

"A monster?" she echoed in a sultry purr. "No, my dear...I'm your salvation."

The dagger flashed in the low firelight as Alexa brought it up, gently trailing the razor edge along the whimpering woman's jaw. She leaned in until their faces were just inches apart, allowing the scent of death to wash over the poor thing.

"Tell me, did you enjoy having those men defile you?" she whispered, her tone taking on a cruel edge. "Having their filthy, stinking cocks crammed into every hole while they grunted and panted like the beasts they were?"

The Breton let out a terrified whimper, trying and failing to pull away from Alexa's intense stare. Her dark eyes were wild, haunted by fresh trauma.

"I thought not," Alexa sneered, reaching out to brush a sticky lock of hair from the woman's sweat-streaked brow. "That's why I killed them, you see. Ended their pathetic, worthless existences in the most agonizing ways I could conceive."

She held up the dagger, allowing the fresh blood coating to glisten wetly. "I crushed their manhoods beneath my feet until they burst like overripe fruit. Gouged out their eyes and let their brains dribble through my fingers as they thrashed."

By now, all of the women were staring at Alexa in mute horror, as if she truly were some unholy abomination arisen from Oblivion. The young Nord girl whimpered and held out her hands as if to ward her off.

"Foul deceiver!" she cried. "You are no rescuer, but a Daedra in truth - a handmaiden of that foul Prince of Lies and Conspiracy, Mephala!"

Alexa's eyes were wild with fury as the ungrateful whelp dared compare her to one of the Daedric Princes. How dare this pathetic girl look upon her bloody work and judge, when Alexa had saved her from a fate worse than death?

"You dare?!" she snarled, every word dripping with venom.

In a blur of movement, Alexa launched herself at the cowering Nord girl. Her lithe, nude form tackled the hapless woman to the ground, pinning her there with surprising strength. The girl's eyes went wide with terror as Alexa straddled her hips, raising the wicked steel dagger high.

"N-No, please! I'm begging you!" the girl squealed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her hands came up in a futile attempt to shield her face and throat from Alexa's blade.

The other captives looked on in shock and horror, frozen by the extreme violence playing out before them. The dark-haired woman who had comforted Alexa in the wagon let out a choked cry.

"Sweet Divines, stop this madness!" she pleaded, hands clasped imploringly. "You've already won your freedom - show mercy!"

But Alexa's mind was too far gone, consumed by the feral bloodlust that had carried her through the bandit camp's massacre. This whimpering girl beneath her had dared insult and condemn her righteous actions. For that, she deserved no quarter.

With a crazed roar of exertion, Alexa brought the dagger plunging down in a wicked arc. The razor-sharp steel punched through the soft flesh of the Nord's exposed throat with sickening ease, punching deep until it grated against her cervical vertebrae.

A gurgling scream tore from the girl's lips as her carotid artery swelled with blood. Her hands clawed feebly at the embedded blade, smearing her own hot life's blood across Alexa's arms and massive breasts as she thrashed and choked.

Alexa simply watched with a cold stare as the light rapidly faded from the girl's eyes. She twisted the dagger viciously, rending flesh and musculature in a spray of gore before wrenching it free. The dying girl's struggles grew weaker and weaker until she lay still, a thin trickle of blood dribbling from the ragged ruin of her throat.

Only then did Alexa rise from the fresh corpse, chest heaving. She turned her impassive gaze upon the surviving captives, who could only cower in frozen horror at the display of wanton brutality.

"Who's next?" The words dripped from Alexa's lips with a deceptively casual tone as she idly flicked sticky ropes of blood from the steel dagger clutched tightly in her grip. The light had already faded from the dead girl's eyes, which remained frozen open in an expression of pure terror.

The remaining captives could only cower in speechless horror, whimpering prayers to the Divines between muffled sobs. Alexa's dead-eyed gaze swept over them with casual indifference.

"Pathetic," she spat, flicking gore from the dagger. "You should be thanking me for freeing you from the clutches of those depraved savages."

Turning on a heel, the blood-drenched avenger began to methodically search the camp. One by one, she rifled through the crude tents and belongings of the now-slain bandits. Anything of value - septims, jewels, lockpicks, even well-crafted weaponry - quickly vanished into her inventory.

One particular item that caught Alexa's eye was a set of rugged leather armor, well-crafted yet clearly intended for a man's bulkier frame. A malicious grin split her blood-streaked features as an idea struck her.

With a mere thought, she equipped the armor pieces through her inventory. The System instantly reshaped the protective garments, stretching and contouring the supple leather to hug her exaggerated hourglass curves.

When the transformation completed, Alexa let out a breathless laugh of delight. She was now clad in skintight black leather armor, the material clinging greedily to every dip and swell of her lush figure. Shamelessly revealing, but nevertheless offering protection against potential threats.

She quickly approached the makeshift paddock where the bandits' horses were secured. The powerful beasts snorted and stomped restlessly as she neared, able to smell the reek of fresh blood and death clinging to her skin.

Alexa paid their distress no mind. She simply selected one of the larger draft horses - a sturdy chestnut stallion - and worked the lead free from its hitching post. The animal's ears flattened in unease, but her firm grip on the lead kept it from bolting.

Only once she was mounted did Alexa spare the captives one final, dismissive glance over her shoulder. The haunted, broken women watched her go with hollow, empty stares. Alexa didn't bother wasting words on them.

With a sharp kick, she spurred the mighty stallion into a gallop and rode off into the night, leaving the bandit camp's carnage far behind. The only sound was the thundering of heavy hooves against the hard-packed path, swiftly swallowed up by the enveloping darkness of the Skyrim wilds.