
Weiss : Journey Beyond The New World

When the world is filled with wars is it possible to find peace in it? I just want to live peacefully, but it doesn't seem like it will happen quickly.

InVoS · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Greed Starts Everything

Long ago, God created the world beautifully and peacefully. It is said that the creation of the world itself took a very long time compared to the human lifespan.

A hot ball was compacted and compressed by a force called gravity at its centre. The outermost side of the ball begins to create a crust and becomes solid. The earth is created until it forms a shape, almost like a ball but the surface is not flat. There are depressions and bumps visible on its sides.

Water was created and added to the ball, filling the depressions. Seas and rivers began to form and irrigate the surface of the sphere.

These waters evaporated in the sun's heat. They evaporated and gathered to form a layer that coated the planet. Now the temperature was just right.

The seeds of life were blown upon the world. From the void began to grow trees, mosses, fungi and grasses.

Animals began to be created in the seas and on the land. It was time for the final process, creating beings with wills and minds.

It would be good if they were different, let them get to know each other and live together. These creatures include humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, and fairies.

After creating everything, God left the world to his creation to preserve and take care of it.


Humans have the shortest lifespan compared to others, but they are also the most fertile in terms of reproduction.

Elves are said to have the longest lifespan, but it seems to have weakened their breeding instinct.

Dwarves are almost human-like but slightly longer-lived.

Elves' forms are unique and different, and they rarely interact with other creatures.

Dragons are a very physically strong race, but for some reason, they are only created in very small numbers and are difficult to breed.

At the beginning of the world's formation, representatives of each race had actually met and been given territories to live in. Dragons in the north and south, elves, dwarves, and humans in the middle, dividing into three east west and centre.

Until one day a greedy human leader appeared and started wars with other regions, not only among humans but even involving the elven and dwarven races.

Perhaps it was because of the ongoing wars that caused a phenomenon where negative feelings united and mixed with spirits to create a demon race filled with hatred for other races.

They are born from the negative emotions of living beings mixed with magical energy, so their affinity for magic is very high.

From here, the demon race began to join the war and destroy other races.

Realizing this, the other races retreated and began to take care of the interests of their race to survive the demon race.

The war will continue, but this time the enemy has increased. Is it possible that peace will come someday?

~~To be Continued...

This is just the prolog, so i hope people can get imagine how the world in this story is.

InVoScreators' thoughts