
002 Let's get a divorce! _1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Betsy Russell's knees were covered in marks left behind from Isa Hughes's high heels. The spotty bloodstains resembled her shattered heart.

Betsy was in such pain that she frowned and knees buckled, ready to kneel on the scattered shards of broken porcelain.

Standing aside, Isa Hughes chuckled at Betsy's pitiful state, crossing her arms and slowly backing up to enjoy the show.

Jared Hughes observed Betsy's pain and assumed she would finally admit her wrongdoing.

Just as Betsy's knee was about to touch the ceramic shards, she straightened her back. Her almond eyes were filled with desolation, and she softly bit her lips in stubbornness!

"Betsy Russell, are you trying to rebel?" Grandpa Hughes, seeing Betsy's nonchalant attitude, shouted in anger.

Upon hearing Grandpa Hughes's voice, Betsy suddenly laughed. She cast her distant gaze at Grandpa Hughes and then slowly directed it towards Jared Hughes.

"Yesterday, I didn't push Chloe Lindsey into the pool. She jumped in herself," Betsy explained bit by bit, seeing that Jared Hughes still didn't believe her, she stood up straight, "You never believed me, so..."

"Let's get a divorce, Jared Hughes!"

Jared Hughes was slightly stunned. He thought Betsy would sincerely apologize, he was simply too naive. How could a woman as inherently bad as Betsy ever admit her mistakes?

What he didn't expect though, was for Betsy to propose a divorce?

Betsy withdrew her gaze from his face. Walking away with an air of arrogance, she limped slightly due to the pain Isa had inflicted on her, making every step taken incredibly difficult.

Regardless, Betsy held her back straight, fearlessly advancing towards the door.

Back in her room, Betsy controlled her pain and messaged Heather Scott her close friend, quickly tended her wounds and packed her things.

She had lived in the Hughes family for three years, but she had very few belongings there.

Betsy was dragging her suitcase out of her room as Jared entered from outside. Without giving him a single glance, she left with her suitcase and feet stained with spotty blood, stepping out in her high heels.

As Betsy walked out of the Hughes residence, she sat on her suitcase heartbroken.

The world was spinning before her eyes. Right before she passed out, Heather finally arrived.

When Heather got out of the car, she saw Betsy sitting on her suitcase looking ghastly pale. She was furious.

"Betsy, what happened to you?" Heather saw the many injuries on Betsy's legs and the patches of blood. Her heart ached and tears filled her eyes. "Where is Jared Hughes?"

Betsy tried smiling, however, everything went dark and she collapsed.

Heather skillfully caught Betsy, looking at her pale face with worry. Realizing Betsy had a fever, she was filled with both anger and concern.

"Is Jared Hughes dead? You're so sick and he isn't here to care about you!"

For now, Heather didn't have the time to settle the score with Jared Hughes. She helped Betsy into the backseat of the car and threw the suitcase into the trunk.

She glanced at the Hughes's residence not far away. She didn't have time to confront the Hughes family now, she quickly got into the car and drove straight to the hospital.

When Betsy woke up, it was already afternoon the next day.

Heather was sitting by her side, typing rapidly on her laptop. Sensing that Betsy woke up, Heather closed her laptop.

"Betsy!" Heather said sternly, standing up straight with her hand on her hip, "You have a forty-degree fever, and you're wounded at your knees and feet. Did the Hughes family do this to you?"

Betsy was taken aback, recalling what had happened yesterday, her eyes dimming.

"Betsy, what's so good about Jared Hughes? You're injured so badly. I called him to come immediately and he hung up on me!" Heather was angry the more she thought about it. She thought Jared was an animal with a human face.

Betsy sat quietly, listening to Heather speak, and tears uncontrollably fell down.

When she was beaten and scolded at the Hughes's residence, Betsy did not cry. But upon hearing Heather's words, she couldn't help herself.

In the past, Heather has reminded her many times that Jared was not as good as she thought, but Betsy always turned a deaf ear to her words and still decided to be with Jared.

She was wrong, she was really wrong.

She shouldn't have thought that she had the capacity to warm up Jared's cold stone heart. From beginning to end, Jared only had eyes for Chloe Lindsey.

And she, she was a jester in the Hughes family's eyes, amusing them with her ludicrous love for Jared.

No wonder Chloe always called her foolish.

In this whole world probably only she was this foolish, incessantly loving a man who doesn't even like her.

"I said something wrong," Heather quickly handed Betsy a piece of tissue and sat at the edge of the bed. Heather was too honest for her own good, consoling Betsy with a sigh, "Don't cry. Jared might be busy so he…"

"He won't come over." Betsy took the tissue and wiped away her tears, gazing at Heather with teary eyes.

"He will. He will come after he is done with his work," Heather didn't want Betsy to cry anymore and said, "After we have lunch, let's get discharged from the hospital. It's been a while since we've lived together. We can call Little Six and others, we…"

Betsy looked at Heather, lower her voice and asked, "Where's my phone?"

Heather was slightly surprised. She didn't give Betsy her phone initially because Betsy's incident with the Hughes was making headlines, and netizens were all criticizing Betsy.

"Betsy, those people from the Hughes family…"

"Surely many people on the internet are scolding me, right?" Betsy forced a self-deprecating laugh. During her three years at the Hughes's residence, she had become accustomed to netizens criticizing her, "I don't really care about those naive netizens."

Heather hesitated, then handed Betsy her phone and said indignantly, "You're just too soft. If it were me, I would have already fired back."

Betsy remained silent, looking down at her phone. The top three trending topics were all about her pushing Chloe into the swimming pool, resulting in Chloe's miscarriage.

The netizens' comments, as always, were one-sided, all criticizing her. They even cursed at her ancestors.

Betsy forced a smile on her pale face, put her phone down, got up from bed and said, "I'm going to wash up."

Heather watched Betsy's thin figure with worry and sighed helplessly. She still couldn't understand why Betsy was adamant to marry Jared Hughes.

After cleaning up, Betsy came out to see Heather preparing the meal.

"Come quickly, I made everything you love." After laying out the meal, Heather walked over to Betsy and took her by the arm, leading her towards the dining table, "Eat a lot, look how thin you are."

"Ok," Betsy smiled at Heather and sat on the couch, pretending to be happy, "After lunch, will you accompany me to get a divorce?"

Heather looked at Betsy in disbelief, then broke into a bright smile, nodding her head.

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