
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 76: The Lord Of Outland

After several days of fighting, Kelrian and his remaining soldiers finally caught up to the second army which was led by no other than Tyrande herself. They were in the middle of a gigantic hall that was flooded with demons. They were surrounded by them and had already lost a large portion of soldiers. Kelrian didn't need long to figure out that Tyrande couldn't win this fight in the long run. It was only a matter of time before Tyrande's group would fall. Even the mighty Maiev Shadowsong and her battle sisters wouldn't be able to withstand thousands of demons in the long run.

Fortunately for them, they were not alone.

"Seems we came just in the right moment," Kelrian commented.

"They are heavily under attack," statemented Raesh.

"That's why we shouldn't waste more time. Let's go and kill these vile creatures."

Kelrian and his army charged at the demons that surrounded the High Priestess. Lots of those who stood in the last rows turned around before Kelrian's frontline reached them but not every demon did that. Some were taken by surprise and died before they could do anything. The other demons, who had been unaware of their presence, became aware once loud cries and shots escaped out of the mouths of those who were heavily wounded by Kelrian's men.

Half of the demons that had encircled Tyrande and her warriors desisted from her and set their focus on the Chosen and his soldiers. Kelrian could catch a look on Tyrande whose face reflected relief. He quickly returned his focus on the masses of demons, not hesitating to slay those that were in his range.

Kelrian had no idea how much time had passed when the last demon in the room died. He let his gaze wander, counting the survivors. "We lost too many," he concluded.

"Their losses will not be in vain," Tyrande said as she approached him. "We may have lost many, but in return, we have killed at least five times as many demons. Now no one stands between us and Illidan."

"Are you ready to face him again after all these years?" Kelrian asked.

"I spoke to him a few weeks ago, so I'm not nervous to see him again if that's what you are afraid of."

A curious look appeared in Kelrian's eyes. "You spoke to him?"

Tyrande nodded. "I did. I tried to convince him but he didn't listen..."

Kelrian didn't miss the small amount of sadness in her eyes. "He will have to listen this time once we defeated him," Kelrian said to her. His gaze fell on Maiev whose green glowing eyes narrowed when she noticed that he was looking at her. "Remember, Maiev, we are not here to kill him. We will take him captive. Don't make me do something unnecessary. I don't want to hurt you."

Maiev muttered something unrecognizable and then looked at Tyrande whose blue glowing eyes rested on her. A pleading look could be seen in them. Kelrian knew Maiev wouldn't listen to him, so he hoped she would listen to her former partner. She knew how important Illidan was to Tyrande. She knew of their relationship. Their intimate relationship. She knew that Tyrande wanted Illidan to survive no matter what he had done.

"Did you understand, Maiev?" Kelrian asked her.

The Warden merely nodded and averted her gaze, looking at Tyrande.

A quiet sigh escaped Kelrian's lips. "Anyway, I think we are ready to confront Illidan."

"Not everyone will fit on the top of the temple, plus there are more rooms we need to clear. We have no choice but to split our forces," Tyrande reminded.

"You are right," Kelrian admitted. His gaze fell on Zetai and Vara. "Will you take care of the remaining demons in the temple?"

They nodded. "As you wish," Vara responded.

Kelrian's gaze landed back on Tyrande. "Now we are ready, aren't we?"

"We are."

Kelrian crossed the room, walked through the exit and reached a corridor that ended in a staircase that led upwards. He climbed the staircase, arriving on top of the Black Temple.

There he was in the middle of the platform. A tall muscular physique with huge wings that came out of his back and huge bent horns that came out of his forehead. His skin was dark purple and covered by tattoos that were glowing greenish. His spread-out wings made him appear more fearsome and powerful. He looked exactly as Kelrian remembered him.

Illidan's gaze hung on him, his purple lips formed a thin line and a neutral look could be seen on his face. Kelrian regarded him for a few moments before his gaze wandered to the green glowing blades that stuck in the floor right behind Illidan.

The Twin Blades of Azzinoth. Once wielded by a powerful doomguard commander with the name Azzinoth, they were owned by Illidan and served him well for thousands of years. Kelrian didn't need to analyse them to know that these warglaives were pretty powerful. They could cause a lot of destruction when swung by right hands. Or wrong hands depending on the case. Illidan's hands were definitely the wrong hands in that case.

Kelrian could feel Illidan's aura. It was much stronger than the aura of any demon he had encountered so far. It was even stronger than the aura of Exadius at his full power. Illidan had once been much weaker than the former king of the nathrezim. Kelrian had no idea what he had done in the past years but he was aware that Illidan had become a lot stronger since the last time he had met him. He was not to be underestimated. He was probably the strongest opponent Kelrian had faced so far.

Illidan's gaze wandered from Kelrian to Tyrande, rested on her for almost a minute before it wandered over Maiev to Akama. "Akama. Your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago," he yelled at the Broken.

"We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people, and all of Outland, shall be free," Akama yelled back.

An arrogant smile appeared on Illidan's lips. "You and these...heroes seriously think you can defeat me? Don't make me laugh, Akama."

"You shouldn't take your mouth so full, Betrayer. We are not as weak as you think. We will show you how wrong you are. Your arrogance will be your undoing," Maiev yelled.

Illidan's eyes narrowed, the corners of his lips fell. "The only one whose arrogance will be their undoing is you, Warden. But not only that. Your thirst for vengeance and your inability to forgive and let go of the past will seal your fate."

"We will see about that, Illidan," Maiev pressed through gritted teeth.

"Yes, we will see about that," he responded and averted his gaze, not wanting to waste any more of his time with his archnemesis. His gaze fell on Tyrande. "If you think that any of your words will change my mind, you are wrong, priestess."

Tyrande's expression remained neutral. "I have not come here to talk."

"So, you have come to help Maiev kill me?" Illidan asked angrily.

"No, I've come to stop you," Tyrande replied with a monotonous voice.

"Good luck with that." His gaze fell on Kelrian. "Do you have anything to add, Chosen?" The way Illidan stressed Kelrian's title told him that he was not very fond of him.

"It's not too late, Illidan. You still have the chance to surrender. No one has to be hurt today."

A disapproving sound escaped Illidan's lips that were tightly pressed together. "Surrender? Me? Not in ten thousand years!"

"Last chance, Illidan."

"Go fuck yourself, Chosen."

A disappointing sigh escaped Kelrian's lips as he shook his head slowly. "Then there is nothing more I can do for you."

"Are you done talking, weakling? Can the battle finally begin?"

Kelrian drew his sword out of his sheath, pointing the tip at Illidan who was not impressed at all. He turned around and pulled his warglaives out of the floor, holding them next to his hips. Demon and demon hunters suddenly appeared around him out of nowhere, the looks on their faces told the members of the Alliance that they were ready to fight.

"Let the slaughter begin," Illidan announced and jumped into the air, shooting green laser beams out of his eyes. Three of Kelrian's soldiers were dead before anyone could have done anything. They had been caught off guard and had paid the price for that.

Loud, evil laughter escaped Illidan's lips. "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED," he shouted before he sent another eye beam at his foes. At least Kelrian's men were able to avoid the deadly rays at the last moment and prevented their deaths that way.

"Archers and mages fire everything you have at him. We must keep him busy, otherwise, he will shoot more eye beams at us," Kelrian commanded. "We need to deal with his minions first," he said to Maiev and Tyrande.

"My group and I will focus those on the right side of the platform. You have to handle the rest," Tyrande responded.

Kelrian's gaze fell on Whitemane and Kaelor. "The demon hunters are much deadlier than the demons. You and your groups have to focus on them while the soldiers deal with the demons. I'll attack Illidan as soon as he is back on the platform."

"We won't disappoint you," Whitemane replied and swung her staff, creating a sphere of pure light which she flung at a kaldorei demon hunter The female was hit by the sphere which explosion not only hurt her but also flung her away. She managed to get up within a few moments, the pain she was feeling was clearly reflected by her facial features.

Kelrian sprinted forward and saw out of the corners of his eyes Tyrande nocking an arrow and aiming at Illidan. The arrow flew so silently through the air that Kelrian wouldn't have noticed it if he wouldn't have seen it with his eyes. Unfortunately, Illidan saw it coming and avoided it by flying to the side. Tyrande shot another arrow which Illidan blocked with one of his warglaives. He said nothing to his former lover, not even when her third arrow graces his left cheek and left a small but visible cut behind.

Illidan's facial expression remained the same as he avoided a fireball thrown by Raesh. Illidan realized quickly that his foes had a clear field of fire on him as long as he remained in the air, so he started to sink until his hooves hit the floor. He stood behind dozens of his minions which made things much more difficult for the archers, spellcasters and other ranged fighters. The only ways to hit him were either to shoot between his minions, who were constantly moving and made things much more difficult that way or to shoot their missiles in a curved trajectory. They had to hit him from above basically. Both ways were not easy at all.

Kelrian's plan was to reach Illidan and fight him but that was easier said than done. The demons and demon hunters did everything in their power to keep him away from their master. In the first twenty minutes, Kelrian didn't get very far but due to the support of Maiev, Markus, Vissia and Velsana he managed to fight his way through the groups of servants and finally approach the self-appointed Lord of Outland.

"Kelrian Sunstrider, Chosen of the Naaru and Prince of Quel'Thalas. You have made it very far for one of Sylvanas Windrunner's bed toys," Illidan provoked.

Kelrian was smart enough to not listen to his provocation. He didn't allow Illidan to distract him and buy himself more time. He didn't say anything to Illidan and charged at him instead, swinging his divine sword. Illidan saw that attack coming and parried in time, pushing Kelrian away. Kelrian didn't hesitate to execute another swift swing and another as Illidan avoided that one too.

He feinted a strike from the left but then executed a swing from the right. He would have hit Illidan if the half-demon wouldn't have jumped to the right side at the last moment. His sword had come dangerously close to Illidan's body, signalizing the demon hunter that Kelrian shouldn't be underestimated.

Illidan appeared unimpressed. He swung his warglaives but Kelrian managed to dodge his attack. He dug beneath the second attempt, executing a counterattack. He graced Illidan's right hip with his sword and left a long cut behind. A frustrated hiss was the only sound that escaped the Betrayer's lips as he avoided Kelrian's following attack. He also avoided Kelrian's next attempt and even managed to land a forceful kick on Kelrian's torso, causing him to stagger backwards.

It was Illidan's turn to hail down attacks on Kelrian who had troubles blocking and avoiding all of them. He got hit a few times but his armour, which was made by the best dwarven and draenei blacksmiths, protected him. It didn't break but it wasn't spared from long, medium-deep cracks that gnawed their way through the material. No one had ever managed to damage his armour. Illidan was the first to prove that the rare material, out of which the armour was made, was not indestructible.

Kelrian finally managed to push Illidan away after executing a swift counterattack and increased the distance between them. He was finally able to take a deep breath and supply his body with enough air. He was certain that he wouldn't have been able to keep up with Illidan's movement in the long run. It would have been only a matter of time before the Betrayer would have landed a devastating hit.

He was much stronger than Kelrian had expected. He couldn't defeat him alone, he knew that but he also knew that he didn't have to defeat him alone. He was not the only one who wanted to stop the half-demon. He was not the only one on top of the temple.

He turned his head and checked his surroundings, noticing that most of Illidan's servants had been already defeated. Only a few demon hunters were left but they were wounded and close to being exhausted. They wouldn't be able to fight for too long.

"You are getting on my nerves," Illidan hissed as Kelrian approached him again, his sword ready to strike. Illidan spread his wings and rose in the air, glaring at Kelrian who only became aware of what Illidan was planning to do when it was almost too late. Green rays shot out of his eyes, missing Kelrian by an inch. The Chosen jumped to the side, colliding with Akama who staggered and almost fell.

Illidan's eye beam followed Kelrian, cutting up soldiers on its way. Blood and separated body parts flew through the air, cries of pain filled the air. Illidan's deadly technique didn't seem to end. Mages and rangers fired at him but the wounds he received were not grievous enough to stop his channelling. Only when Maiev's weapon, known as the Umbra Crescent, cut through his left hip, Illidan stopped firing his eye beam. A painful scream escaped his lips, his hand wandered to his hip, covering the yawning wound Maiev's weapon had left.

Maiev sprinted forward, catching her weapon and throwing it at Illidan once again. This time, the demon hunter was able to avoid her attack. He avoided her weapon but not the ice lance, created by Raesh, that bored a hole in his left wing. Illidan was still able to keep himself in the air but the expression on his face told everyone that he was anything but happy. He was pissed. Very pissed.

His tattoos began to glow much brighter than before, the colour of his skin darkened and eventually became black. Pitch black like a shadow. Kelrian had not seen this metamorphosis before but he was certain that it would mean nothing good. He had no doubt that Illidan was more powerful than ever.

"We have no idea how dangerous he is in this form. Be careful," Kelrian cried out. He lifted his sword higher, calling for the light's aid. The blade of his sword begun to shine golden, a golden aura appeared around his body.

The light was with him. It would grant him enough strength to defeat this extremely dangerous foe. He was hoping that at least. He would need every single portion of power the light could give him. Illidan was not an opponent to be underestimated. He was the strongest opponent Kelrian had ever faced.

Kelrian's eyes rested on Illidan who was the only remaining foe on top of the temple. The half-demon began to sink, a shock wave was created when his hooves touched the ground. The shock wave was so strong that everyone around Illidan was thrown away. Some soldiers were pushed from the platform but most remained on it.

A few creatures were only able to prevent themselves from falling off the platform by grabbing the edge at the last moment. Raesh was one of those who only managed to hold on to the edge with one hand. His grip was not strong or secure, meaning he might fall if he wouldn't manage to pull himself up or if no one would help him.

He tried to reach the edge with his other hand but failed. He was unable to pull himself up, his fingers detached from the edge one by one until only two were holding onto it. He threatened to fall, his arm was becoming heavier and his strength was slowly leaving him. He had no idea how much longer he could keep a hold on the edge. It was only a matter of time before he would no longer be able to hold on.

His two fingers eventually got detached as well, a loud scream escaped his lips as he fell. A hand grabbed his at the last moment, preventing him from falling any further. Raesh looked up, spotting his father leaning far over the edge and holding him with all of his strength. "I've got you," he assured. He slowly pulled his son upwards, grabbing his other forearm as soon as it was in range. He pulled him further upwards, dragging him over the edge.

"Are you okay?" Kelrian asked as he pulled his son up.

"I am. What about..." Raesh started but stopped as she spotted Illidan charging at them. His eyes widened, a small amount of fear appeared in them. "FATHER, BEHIND YOU! WATCH OUT!" he yelled, pointing at Illidan. Kelrian turned around as fast as he could but it was already too late.

He spat a large amount of blood out as one of Illidan's warglaives broke through his armour, pierced his chest and even came out of his back. He looked down at himself, disbelief and horror could be seen in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Illidan's blade had wounded him despite his armour that was not only forged by dwarves and draenei but also made of the rarest and sturdiest material known to the blacksmiths. Not even the light had been enough to protect him from that attack.

Illidan pulled his sword out of Kelrian's chest, executing another swing which would have beheaded Kelrian if Raesh wouldn't have reacted so quickly and pulled him to the side.

Illidan turned around as he heard Maiev roaring out his name. He gritted his teeth, sprinting forward. "First the Chosen and now it's the Warden Bitch's turn to suffer. I will kill you all one by one," he shouted loudly as he swung his warglaives. Maiev dodged his attack, moving backwards to further draw Illidan away from Kelrian. Tyrande and her rangers shot arrows but they didn't bother Illidan at all. His skin was too thick for the enchanted sharp arrow tips.

While the others were keeping Illidan busy, Raesh was pressing his hands on the wound in his father's chest. He had called for help already and Liadrin and Whitemane were already running to them. They arrived in a few moments, grim looks could be seen on their faces as they regarded the hole in Kelrian's chest.

"This doesn't look good," hissed Whitemane. "He is losing too much blood."

"Step aside, I'll handle it," Liadrin ordered. Raesh did as he was told, watching Liadrin calling for the light to treat Kelrian's wound. Her hands were glowing golden but the wound wasn't getting any smaller. It wasn't healing, not even when Whitemane added her powers. "It's not working," squealed Whitemane. "Why is it not working?"

"It has something to do with Illidan's weapons, I would put my hand in the fire for that," Liadrin responded.

"I still don't understand how Illidan was able to wound my father. Neither his armour nor the light were enough to protect him from that attack," Raesh spoke, sounding confused and angry at the same time.

"We cannot heal the wound or stop the bleeding, we must come up with something, otherwise he'll bleed to death," Whitemane shouted.

"We must bring him to the Sunwell. Kelrian charges his power from there, so the Sunwell's holy water might save him," Liadrin responded.

"Is that the only way to save him?" asked Whitemane.

Liadrin nodded, sadness could be seen in her eyes. "Sadly, yes. I think it's the only way."

Her gaze fell on Raesh. "Can you bring us to the Sunwell quickly?"

"I'll need some help to create a portal, I'd need too long alone," Raesh responded. He turned his head looking at a nearby group of mages. He told them to get to him. "Quick, we need to make a portal to the Sunwell Plateau."

The mages obeyed without hesitation, concentrating on the creation of a portal. They needed a few minutes to complete the creation, Whitemane and Liadrin brought Kelrian through it as soon as it was declared as stable.

"You should go back and help the others defeating Illidan," Whitemane said when Raesh jumped out of the portal a few seconds later.

"No, I'm definitely coming with you."

The priestess was about to protest but she decided to remain silent as she noticed the look on Liadrin's face. "Let him be with his father if he wants to. We don't know if the Sunwell can help him. He might not make it...In that case, Raesh should be there."

"Kelrian passed out, there is not much Raesh can witness. He wouldn't be able to say goodbye."

"Just let him," Liadrin hissed, annoyance was written all over her face. Whitemane gulped and lowered her gaze, muttering an apology. She hadn't missed the tears in the corners of Liadrin's eyes but she chose to remain silent, not wanting to make the situation any worse.

The guards had gotten in motion the moment Liadrin and Whitemane had stepped out of the portal. They looked as worried as Raesh, Liadrin and Whitemane, some of them even looked terrified. It was the first time they had seen the Avatar of the Sunwell in such bad conditions. They took him and rushed with him to the entrance of the Sunwell Plateau, following the corridors to the main hall.

The guards around the well were as surprised and terrified as their colleagues, panic was clearly visible in the eyes of some of them. They spread out in different directions making their way to whatever place had come to their mind. Raesh assumed that they were looking for healers but no healer in the world could save Kelrian. His last and only chance to survive was the same fount of mystical power that had enabled his rebirth.

Liadrin ordered the guards that were carrying Kelrian to put him into the Sunwell. The guards did that and stepped aside to allow Liadrin to step inside. She wanted to bring her hands to Kelrian's neck to feel his pulse but he sunk before her hand could reach him. The Sunwell swallowed Kelrian and Liadrin got the impression that it wouldn't release him so soon.

"Now we can only pray to the Sunwell and hope for the best," Liadrin said quietly.

"We should tell Sylvanas," Whitemane said. She frowned as she saw Liadrin shaking her head.

"There is nothing she can do for him at the moment. All she will do is come to this place and scream at everyone that is near her. As much as I love, Sylvanas, I better not want her around while waiting. Things will not end well with a frustrated, worried and scared Sylvanas. Someone will get hurt and I don't want it to be me."

"But she deserves to know," protested Whitemane.

It was Raesh's turn to say something. "She does, you are right about that. But I share Liadrin's opinion. Things won't get better if she's here all worried and afraid to lose him. As much as I hate not informing her, I think it's for the better that we don't tell her."

"Dozens of guards saw him, saw the hole in his chest. The chances are pretty high that one of them will travel to Undercity and inform her."

A female guard with short brunette hair stepped to them. "The Regent-Lady will know about it for sure. I don't think she will withhold that information from her sister. I have to admit I'm also scared of Lady Sylvanas' reaction if she finds out we didn't tell her."

"Then we need to convince her to not send anyone to Undercity," Raesh concluded.

"We better hurry," responded Liadrin. "Before it is too late."


Blood was flowing out of several wounds that were all over his body. His face, his neck, his torso, his arms and even his legs were covered by wounds. He was badly wounded, his chest rose and fell with each breath he made. Exhaustion was slowly affecting him. His power was fading, leaving his body. He had reached his limit. He knew that but he didn't want it to be true. He would fight until he couldn't stand anymore. He wouldn't give up or surrender. Never.

He focused his remaining strength to stand up. He gritted his teeth and suppressed a painful cry as a strong wave of pain rushed through his body. He held his weapons in front of his body and tried to ignore the pain but he failed. The pain was too strong. Too strong to be ignored.

He let his gaze wander, noticing that the green glowing outlines were coming closer to him. His attention fell on a certain outline that stood out from all the others. A tall female with long hair. She was carrying a bow in her hands. A bow with a nocked arrow pointed at him.

"It is over, Illidan. Give up and we'll spare for life," the woman said.

Illidan growled. "I'll never give up, Tyrande. You should know that since you claim to know me so well."

Tyrande's eyes narrowed a little. "Don't try anything, Illidan. Things won't end well for you if you do."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO," he roared out and lunged forward, swinging his blades. Tyrande duck beneath his twin blades, sliding through his legs. As she slid, she twisted her upper body and fired two arrows, each hitting the back of Illidan's knee. The demon-hunter roared loudly and tried to turn around, realising that he was unable to move his legs. He was immobilized but that didn't mean he was unable to fight. He had mastered spells that allowed him to attack from afar.

He channelled his hatred, his eyes began to glow brighter than before. Tyrande knew what he was about to do, so she reacted quickly and sprinted to him, jumping up. She tightly wrapped her arms around Illidan's neck, throttling him. Illidan roared out again and tried to shake her off without success. He swayed his upper body from side to side, dropping his blades to the ground. He tried to grab Tyrande but she successfully dodged all of his attempts, increasing her pressure on his neck.

She didn't plan on strangling him to death, she just wanted to weaken him or even make him unconscious in the best case. Illidan moved around wildly, green rays shot out of his eyes but they didn't hit anyone. His eyes were directed at the sky, the colour was slowly leaving his face as Tyrande increased the pressure around his neck. She was aware that what she was doing was working but too slow for her liking. She had to do more to make him surrender.

She called for Elune's aid, focusing her remaining powers. She felt a familiar power rushing through her body, which made her stronger. Elune had heard her call and assisted her. Her goddess gave her the necessary strength to bring Illidan to his knees and even wrestle him to the floor.

"Surrender, Illidan," she whispered in his ear. "It is over, my dear. Don't make it any harder for us than it already is. I still love you even after everything you have done. I want to save you, I don't want to kill you. Neither do I want Maiev to kill you. Please, Illidan. Give up. If you still love me, and I know you do, you have to surrender. For your own good, for me and for our child that had never met their father before. Please."

Illidan was still resisting but not for too long. After some time, he stopped resisting Tyrande, allowing her to put magic-suppressing cuffs around his wrists. She regarded him for a few moments and gave him a small smile before she turned around and looked at her remaining companions. Most of them looked happy and pleased that the battle was finally over, others didn't look pleased. It was obvious that those were not happy with Tyrande's decision to spare Illidan.

Maiev belonged to them. She raised her umbra crescent and made a few steps closer to Illidan, ignoring the warning look Tyrande gave her. "What are you doing?" Tyrande hissed at her companion.

"I'm ending this now. Illidan deserves to die for all the crimes he has committed."

Tyrande's eyes narrowed, a frown appeared on her forehead. "We agreed to spare him. The naaru want him alive."

"I don't care about the naaru neither do I care about your opinion, Tyrande. Illidan should have executed for his treason ten thousand years ago. I will do now what should have been done back then."

Tyrande stepped in front of Illidan who was still sitting on the floor, unmoving. "Only over my dead cold body." She lifted her bow, nocked an arrow and aimed at Maiev's head. "If you take another step, I'll drill this arrow right between your eyes, Maiev."

A loud hiss escaped the Warden's lips but she remained on her spot, not daring to take another step. She knew that Tyrande was serious about her threat. She wouldn't hesitate to let the arrow loose. Maiev wouldn't be able to reach Illidan in time but that didn't mean her hands were tied up. There was another way to achieve her ultimate goal. She just had to react quickly.

Maiev stared at Tyrande, noticing the anger in her eyes. She lowered her glaive, giving Tyrande the impression that she would surrender. That way Tyrande didn't expect what happened next. Within the blink of an eye, Maiev took a swing and threw her glaive. It flew in an arc, passed Tyrande and flew towards Illidan, who did not see it coming. But before the weapon could hit the shackled betrayer, it was bashed away by Danara who had made use of her demonic powers to reach Illidan in time.

The flying course of the glaive was altered but it still hit someone. Not Illidan but someone else instead. Danara's eyes widened as she found out about the consequence of her interference. She couldn't stop herself from looking at Markus who had dropped to his knees. Maiev's glaive stuck deep in his chest, blood was flowing down his body and his gaze was blank. She rushed over to him but couldn't catch him and prevent him from landing on the floor. He was dead before any healer could reach him.

Shock and guilt were clearly visible in the disguised demon's face. She had not intended to kill Markus, she had just wanted to save Illidan. Her actions had killed Markus. It had been an accident but she still felt guilty. She couldn't believe that this had happened. She was torn out of her thoughts by Tyrande's loud and angry voice before the negative thoughts in her mind could have consumed her.

"LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, MAIEV! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Tyrande screamed at Maiev who was stunned by shock and unable to do or say anything.

But she broke out of her state of shock rather quickly, her eyes fell on Tyrande who looked pissed. "I meant to kill the Betrayer, not my fault that this blood elf bitch jumped in front of him and diverted the attack."

Tyrande's eyes narrowed even further. "I should kill you, Maiev. I should really do that. You tried to kill Illidan despite our agreement to spare him and you killed a man instead. You took a life, the life of a good friend of Kelrian. How do you think will he react when he hears the bad news?"

"If he makes it. The wound looked pretty bad."

"I have no doubt he will survive."

Maiev said nothing in return, she just stared at the other night elf.

Tyrande lifted her bow again, aiming at Maiev's head. "Give me a reason why I should spare you."

Maiev's green eyes didn't show any signs of fear. "I don't regret anything I did. I would do everything again even if it leads me to this moment."

Tyrande gritted her teeth, anger could be seen in her eyes. The desire to let loose the arrow was strong. She wanted to drill her arrow between Maiev's eyes, knowing she won't stop trying to kill Illidan as long as he was alive. Tyrande's goal was to keep Illidan alive by any means, not only for herself but also for their child.

The desire was strong but she managed to resist. She just couldn't kill Maiev, even though she had killed Markus in the attempt to kill Illidan. She lowered her bow as she saw her adoptive daughter stepping to her. She turned her head and looked at her. "Seize Maiev, Shandris. Bring her to Darnassus and make sure she doesn't leave before she will be judged for her actions."

Shandris nodded and turned to Maiev, walking towards her. Four of her warrioresses joined her and grabbed the Warden, holding her in place while Shandris shackled her wrists together behind her back.

"This will have consequences," Maiev spat at Tyrande.

Tyrande glimpsed at her former partner. "Consequences for you," was everything she said to her before she turned around and walked away from the Warden that was dragged away by Shandris and her warrioresses.