
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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145 Chs

Chapter 6: Passion

Author's Note:

It has been six months since the last update.

Welp, what shall I say? I took a break from writing. First, I took a break from this story, and then from writing in general. I'm not as motivated when it comes to writing when I started writing fanfiction in 2018. I don't want to fully give up on writing, I still enjoy it, but I will be less productive than I once was. I used to upload 1-2 a week back in the good old days. These days, I see what I can do but I will keep working on this series and other series. Updates may take longer but they will come. Maybe not 1 chapter per week, maybe 1 chapter every 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe once a month, I don't know. I will try at least 1 per month.

I no longer play World of Warcraft and my love for the universe has decreased since Blizzard drove Sylvanas' character arc against the wall on purpose. I don't like the development of her character nor the fact that they turned her from a beloved character into a hated one. I still love Sylvanas with all my heart and I will always love her, no matter what Blizzard will do. And I will keep working on my version of Sylvanas, which is obviously better than what Blizzard did. I think you guys can agree with me on this one.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Dark Lady watches over you.


"I told him what you wanted to tell me, mistress," Taskmaster said as they looked at the white-haired woman who stood in front of the wall opposite to them.

"Did you give him the necklace?" Elena asked, her arms were folded in front of her chest.

"I did. Although, I doubt he will agree to a meeting."

A cocky grin could be seen on Elena's lips. "Don't worry, he will."

"How can you be so sure?"

Elena's smile became even wider. "I just know it." She moved away from the wall and made her way to Taskmaster, removing their skull mask. Her red eyes wandered over the ugly scars that covered Taskmaster's face. "It's a shame that I had to disfigure you. You were so beautiful once. But now..."

Taskmaster snatched the mask out of Elena's hands and put it back on. "I learned my lesson, no reason to remind me of my past failures."

Elena put her hand on Taskmaster's back and let it wander downwards, stopping at their butt. The necromancer didn't react, they remained quiet and just looked at the Scourge commander in front of them. Elena buried her slender fingers in the flesh, a provoking grin could be seen on her lips. "I hope you won't fail me again, otherwise..."

"I won't fail you."

"I hope that for your sake."

"What do you want me to do, mistress?"

"I want you to go to the Eastern Plaguelands and cause trouble."

"I'm good at causing trouble."

"I know," Elena replied. "That's why I put you in charge of our forces in the Plaguelands."

"I won't disappoint you, mistress."

Elena tightened her grip. "I hope you do, otherwise, I have to punish you."

Taskmaster remained quiet, their blue eyes were still staring into Elena's crimson ones. Elena removed her hand eventually and stepped away from her underling, leaving the room quickly.


"You are right, that's your mother's necklace," Sylvanas said when she was done examining the golden piece of jewellery.

"Liadrin had a similar necklace but she didn't have a photo of my siblings inside the pendant. It can only be my mother's," Kelrian replied, sounding worried.

"I wonder how the Scourge got it. Just because they had the necklace, doesn't mean they have your mother. Your mother could have lost it and the Scourge just found it without finding her. This is an obvious trap. Elena wants to lure you out and then do stuff I don't want to imagine."

"I agree with you on the point that this is a trap. The question is, does the Scourge really have my mother or is that just one of their mind games?"

A thoughtful look appeared on Kelrian's face. "Even if they have my mother, she wouldn't be alive anymore. There is no way they didn't turn her into an undead creature, into one of their servants. There might be a chance that we can free her but I rather wish she died in the Third War and someone burned her body. I don't want her to have to serve that bastard."

"I wish the same, but I have the bad premotion that she is in the hands of the Scourge," Sylvanas told.

"So, you think they are not bluffing?"

Sylvanas shook her head. "I was forced to serve the Scourge for over a year, I know a little how the leadership is ticking. I doubt they are bluffing."

"In case my mother is a member of the Scourge, what do we do about her?"

"I'm not sure what we should do, but I know what we shouldn't. We shouldn't go for Elena's bait. Nothing good will happen if we meet with her. That's a terrible idea."

"You are probably right," Kelrian replied quietly.

Sylvanas stepped closer to him and put a hand on his left cheek, caressing it. "I need you to keep a cool head in this matter. I know your mother is very important to you, she is also very important to me. But we need to remain calm and not let our emotions speak and act for us."

Kelrian nodded. "I agree. As much as I want to meet my mother again and free her, I have to resist. Playing into the Scourge's cards won't do us any good."

Sylvanas put her other hand on Kelrian's right cheek, caressing it as well. "Remember, I'm always there for you. You can come to me at any time and tell me what bothers you."

Kelrian put his hand on Sylvanas' and ran his thumbs over the back of her hands. "I know. Same counts for you."

"I'm fine for now," she responded, stepping on her tiptoes. She leaned in and pressed her lips on Kelrian's, feeling him return the kiss without hesitation. It was a simple kiss, no licking, no biting and no tongue but it was a good one nevertheless. She pulled away, her eyes found Kelrian's again. Her facial expression became serious again. "I have no doubt that this Taskmaster will show up again sooner than we hope for. We need to kill him... or her... Whatever gender Taskmaster belongs to..."

"It's hard to tell whether they're male or female. But that shouldn't make a difference."

"It doesn't. We live in a world where men and women are powerful alike. In fact, most of my dark rangers are women and even back then, before the Third War, I had more women than men in my elite."

"Swiftness is essential for a Farstrider and males are usually heavier than females due to the muscle masses they have. No wonder women are usually faster than men. That counts for elves at least. Not sure about other races," the Chosen explained.

"Back to Taskmaster, when they show up again I want you to hunt them down and kill them. If they are in our reach of course. I don't want you to go on a suicide mission. If the chances of killing them stand good, then you must take the opportunity and kill that necromancer."

Kelrian nodded. "I will."

"Until then there is not much else to do. I mean, there is lots of stuff to do but nothing that needs to be done immediately. Our next goal is to reclaim the areas in the Plaguelands that fell to the Scourge."

"I bet Taskmaster shows up once we go there."

"Most likely."

"We need more than just a few dozen soldiers to drive the Scourge out of the Plaguelands."

"The Alliance promised to send reinforcements for that cause."

"Enough to retake Andorhal?"

"I don't know but Andorhal is not on top of our priority list."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow, a frown appeared on his forehead. "Why not? There are hundreds of Scourge minions in there. Not to mention that the city is not far away from our borders."

Sylvanas thought about his words. "I didn't express myself correctly, sorry. What I wanted to say is, that Andorhal is on our priority list but we won't be able to retake it without losing dozens of soldiers. It will be a bloody battle. I don't want to lose too many soldiers, so I suggest we should retake the other areas that are not as heavily guarded as Andorhal."

"Hmm. I don't like the fact that Andorhal is still in the hands of the Scourge and still will be for an unknown amount of time but it seems we have no other choice than to ignore it for the moment."

"Years ago, a young human noble tried to retake Andorhal with the help of the Argent Dawn and mercenaries. The attempt went wrong, more than a hundred soldiers died. The Scourge may have also lost dozens of minions but their ranks have been refilled with the soldiers of that foolish noble. We would have to gather a great army to retake Andorhal and after what happened in Undercity and Stormwind, the kingdoms are more alerted than ever. They sent more soldiers on patrols and put more soldiers in outposts, cities and important bases. We don't have the men to cover our territories and put a great army together. For now, all we can do is retake the areas that are not as heavily guarded as Andorhal."

"I understand," Kelrian replied.

Sylvanas nodded. "Good."

"When shall I go?"

"Want to leave me already?" Sylvanas asked jokingly.

"Of course not. I just want to know when this expedition will start so I can get prepared for it."

"Expedition? You are not going to explore anything, my dear."

Kelrian chuckled. "I know. Wrong choice of words. I still want to know when it will start."

"As soon as the reinforcements arrive," Sylvanas told.

"And when will that be?"

Sylvanas shrugged. "No idea."

"I hate waiting."

Sylvanas approached him and wrapped her arms around his upper body, pressing her body against his. "Don't worry, I know a lot of things we can do in the meantime."

Kelrian chuckled. "Of course, you do. Sadly, I need to go back to Shattrath City and tell the naaru what happened."

Sylvanas pulled a face. "Really?"

Kelrian nodded, a sigh escaped his lips. "Unfortunately, yes."

"I hope you will come back to Undercity after that."

"Depends on what the naaru want me to do. I will try my best."

"You better do."

Kelrian couldn't help but smirk. "I'll see you as soon as I can." With that said he leaned in and kissed Sylvanas passionately, using his tongue this time. The kiss left him breathless when he pulled away, the feeling of missing already spread out in his chest even though Sylvanas was still there. He was missing her already and he didn't want to go but he knew he had to.

"I miss you already," Sylvanas admitted.

"So, do I."

"You should go, honey. Return to me as soon as you can."

"I will."


"What did the naaru say?" Sylvanas asked when her husband entered the room.

"Nothing extraordinary. I told them what happened and they advised me against attacking Andorhal. It might be the nearest Scourge base, but we do not have the manpower to pledge a full-scale attack. Not as long as we have to cover other fronts and areas," Kelrian responded.

"The problem is that nothing holds the Scourge from withdrawing forces and retaking the areas you have cleaned."

"You are right but that way they have to divide up their forces. There will be fewer creatures in Andorhal which increase our chances to retake it. Not to mention we can reclaim the areas again and force them to send out more troops. Sooner or later, we will be able to cleanse Andorhal," Kelrian explained.

"So that's your plan? Thinning out the Scourge army in Andorhal?"

He nodded. "That's the best plan the naaru came up with. Unless you have a better plan."

Sylvanas shook her head. "I don't."

"We need to reduce the Scourge's influence in the Plaguelands and we need to take care of that necromancer. The best way to achieve that is to reclaim the other bases and then deal with Andorhal."

Sylvanas nodded. "You are probably right." She seemed to be distracted in her thoughts.

Kelrian stepped to his wife and put a hand beneath her chin. "Everything alright, honey?"

"Yes, why shouldn't it be?"

Kelrian shrugged. "Don't know. Something seems to trouble you."

Sylvanas shook her head. "It's nothing. Nothing that needs to worry you."

"You can talk to me about everything. I hope you know that."

"I do, my love. And I appreciate that you worry about me, but I'm fine."

Kelrian didn't seem to be convinced but he nodded nevertheless and decided to not dig deeper. If it would be important, Sylvanas would let him know of it. If she didn't want to bother him with that, it was her choice and he respected that.

He ran his fingers over her chin to her left cheek and caressed it slowly while he stared into her crimson eyes. Sylvanas returned the staring and put a hand on Kelrian's right hip, drawing circles with her fingers. The corner of his lips formed a small smile, his hands wandered to her waist. He stared at her for a few more minutes before he pulled her closer, making their bodies touch.

The tension between them was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. A feeling spread through their bodies. A pleasant one. One the couple didn't want to stop.

Kelrian leaned in and pressed his lips on Sylvanas', noticing that the feeling inside him got stronger. His heart was beating much faster, his skin was tingling in excitement. Sylvanas returned the kiss without hesitation, her heart might not be beating but the feeling in her chest got stronger as well. Her body yearned for more. More touching, more feelings, more in general. She didn't see a reason why she shouldn't give her body what it desired.

She licked over Kelrian's bottom lip and even bit it gently, giving Kelrian a clear signal. She demanded access to his mouth and she usually got what she wanted. This case was not any different. Kelrian parted his lips and submitted to her, allowing her tongue to enter his mouth. Her tongue wrestled with his, winning the fight for dominance and brushing past it. She explored every corner of his mouth as if it was unknown territory, which it wasn't.

Kelrian couldn't help but sneak his tongue into Sylvanas' mouth after some time, doing the same she was doing. He held the kiss as long as he could, his chest was rising and falling in an inconsistent rhythm after they were done. He needed a few moments to pull himself together and allow his body to relax.

"In the past, I was often told that my kisses leave others speechless and take away their breaths. Not even the Chosen One is an exception," Sylvanas said with a small smile on her lips.

"You are the best kisser I ever met. Unfortunately, I have to breathe, otherwise, I would have kissed you much longer," Kelrian responded.

"Kissing is not the only thing where I'm very good at."

Kelrian grinned. "You are right. There is one more thing..."

Sylvanas shoved her husband to her bed and pushed him, making him fall and land on his back. Kelrian lifted his upper body a little and propped himself up on his arms, giving his wife a curious look. Sylvanas climbed on top of him and put her hands on his chest, pushing him back down. Her mouth found his again and her hands wandered downwards, fumbling with the buttons of his jacket. One button after the other was opened as the fire between them broke out.

They exchanged salvia in hungry kisses, their clothes got creased but that didn't bother them in the slightest. They only cared about each other at this very moment. Sylvanas opened the last button of Kelrian's jacket and removed it with his help. His undershirt quickly followed, her hands wandered to his muscular stomach. Her fingers glid over his abs, her tongue left a wet trail on his neck but that was not everything she left there. She didn't just lick his neck, she also kissed and bit it gently, leaving marks behind that will eventually turn into love bites. The left side of his neck was covered by at least a dozen of these bruises.

Kelrian's eyes were closed as he enjoyed the caresses of his lover, one of his hands was in her hair, and the other one groped her left butt cheek through the fabric of her leggings. He massaged it gently and eventually pulled her leggings down so that he could touch the bare flesh. Sylvanas couldn't help but moan quietly but that didn't stop her from continuing.

Not much later, the other side of Kelrian's neck was covered by biting marks. More and more pieces of clothing were removed with time, the noises that escaped their lips became louder, the pleasant feeling inside them became much stronger.

Cries of pleasure filled the air when flesh met flesh, their bodies were so tightly pressed together that an outsider could have the impression that they were glued together. They were inseparable, sweat ran down their bodies but that was not the only liquid that was released.

After hours, they were lying in the middle of the bed, there was still no distance between their bodies. Kelrian laid on his back, his right arm was wrapped around Sylvanas who laid on her left side, her front was pressed against his side. Her head rested on his chest, her eyes were closed as she listened to Kelrian's loud and infrequent breathing. Her neck still hurt a little and so did her back and buttocks but she didn't mind the pain, not to mention it was only a matter of time until it would vanish. It had turned out that getting choked had felt much better than she had expected.

Sylvanas' fingers brushed over Kelrian's sweaty skin but they didn't go further than his waistline. She knew he was exhausted from the activity they had been carrying out over the last few hours. He needed rest and she would give him that. She felt his fingers brushing over her back that showed the one or other mark. It was not as scratched as his back but the whip marks were clearly visible. Sylvanas had no idea how their love-making that had started traditional had so quickly turned into another direction. In the end, they had done it more the traditional way and less with whips, shackles and blindfolds. Nevertheless, they had enjoyed every single moment of it. That was all that mattered.

Sylvanas had no idea how much time had passed as Kelrian pulled her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her body. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw two golden orbs directed at her. Kelrian regarded her but said nothing. She also chose to remain silent. She just pressed a quick kiss to his lips and watched his lips form a smile after she pulled away.

His hands roamed over her back, one of them eventually landed on the back of her head. He tangled his fingers in her hair, toyed with it and then pulled on it. He pulled her head back a little, smirking as the quiet painful noise escaped her lips. He did the same as Sylvanas had done hours ago, leaving marks on her neck. Once he was done marking his territory, he let go of her hair but he didn't remove his arms. He had a firm grip on her, making her unable to get up on her own. She didn't want to get off him anyway, so she didn't mind being trapped.

Nonetheless, he released her after a while and allowed her to get up. She sat next to him and waited for him to get up as well, kissing him a few moments later. The kiss was quick but passionate enough to satisfy both parties. "I love you," Sylvanas said and regarded him for a few more minutes before she got up.

"I love you too, honey," Kelrian replied. Unlike his wife, he didn't get up yet. He remained on the bed.

"We need to change the sheets," she remarked as she walked in front of the bed where all of her clothes were scattered. She picked up her panties and put them on first, then her leggings but she didn't put on her bra and her top yet.

"What are you waiting for?" Kelrian asked curiously.

Sylvanas smirked at him. "I want to give you the opportunity to regard my breasts a little longer before I cover them again."

"How kind of you," he commented as he let his gaze wander to her D-cup breasts. He licked his lips as he took a closer look at her melons. Like always, they were a feast to his eyes.

Sometimes, he still couldn't believe that he was engaged to the most beautiful woman on Azeroth. She was that to him at least and to the Forsaken. The sin'dorei still found her beautiful but most of them were not attracted to undead creatures. Kelrian was one of the few exceptions. He still found her very attractive in her undead body. He was attracted to her in life and still is in undeath.

Besides the colour of her eyes, skin and hair, not much had changed. Her breasts were still large, her body was slender but muscular, her ass was well-formed and her finely chiselled facial features were still gorgeous. High cheekbones, full lips, gorgeous eyes and a nose that fitted perfectly to the rest of her beautiful face. There were not many sin'dorei women who were on the same level as her. Alleria and Vereesa and their mother belong to the few who could keep up with Sylvanas in beauty.

Sometimes, Kelrian was wondering why he deserved such a fantastic woman like Sylvanas. He didn't think he was not worthy of her, but he had the impression from time to time that she was playing in another league. He knew he was handsome and a great guy but there were many others like him. In his opinion at least.

Sylvanas saw things different. He was handsome, maybe not the most handsome elf that ever existed but that didn't matter to her. It was true that looks matter to a lot of elves, but they were not a superficial race. Looks mattered but the character of a person was also important. More important. Sylvanas met a lot of beautiful women and men in the past who were real assholes. She didn't want to spend time with such people. She judged a person by their character and their actions, and not by their looks, status or something else.

Kelrian was the greatest man she had ever met. He would do everything in his power for his family, his people and the Alliance. He would even sacrifice himself if it would be necessary for the greater good. Sylvanas didn't like the thought of that, she didn't want to lose him, but she understood him. She wanted to defeat the Scourge by any means and protect Azeroth from the Lich King's wrath. She would do everything in her power to make Arthas pay for what he did to her people, her family and herself. For everything, he took from her. Her life, the life of her unborn child, several members of her family including her mother, her niece and her daughter.

Kelrian was also pretty smart, powerful and rational. He always had his emotions under control, better than she had, and always kept a cool head. He was probably the bravest man she had ever met. He was not afraid to take any fight even if the odds were against him. But he only took necessary fights, he knew when to take on a fight and when to these matters, he was not so different to Sylvanas.

They were similar in many ways, that was one of the reasons why they were such a good match. They could always understand what the other was going through, they always supported each other and they did everything in their power to protect each other. Even if they didn't share the same opinion on a matter, they always respected each other and listened to what the other had to say. They argued rarely and none of the arguments went out of hand. When one of them knew that the other was wrong, they did everything to peacefully convince them. They were not the perfect couple but they harmonized very well. Their relationship was anything but toxic. It was probably one of the healthiest.

Sylvanas smirked when she realised that Kelrian didn't stop staring at her rounds. She brought one of her hands to her breasts and gently nudged her nipple with her thumb, cupping her breast after that. She teased him a little before she put her bra on, refusing to comment on the little amount of disappointment she spotted in his eyes. "Don't worry, my love. There will be enough occasions where you will see me wearing not much or nothing at all."

Kelrian grinned. "I'm counting on it." He went to the edge of the bed and got up, fully aware that Sylvanas was watching his every move with great pleasure. She didn't feel ashamed as she regarded him getting dressed. The beige long-sleeved shirt and the blue pair of trousers suited him. Not to mention that the pair of trousers accentuated his butt which was eye candy.

Sylvanas stepped to him and ran her fingers over the soft material of his shirt. "You should wear casual clothes more often, you look great in them. I mean your armour or your robes look great on you too, but this is a nice change."

"I will keep it in mind, my love."

Sylvanas smiled at him. "Great."

"What do we do now?"

Sylvanas shrugged. "Spending more time. You are not just my sex toy, so I don't release you right after you brought me pleasure. You are a lot more than that. You are the love of my life and I want to spend much more time with you and do a lot more things with you than just having sex."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

A thoughtful look could be seen on Sylvanas' face. "I haven't walked through the gardens in Silvermoon for years. I might no longer love nature as much as I have in life, but I never say no to taking a closer look at beautiful flowers and other plants."

Kelrian took Sylvanas' hand and intertwined their fingers. "Sounds great. We should do that."

Sylvanas smiled at him. "Wonderful."