
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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145 Chs

Chapter 6: Fulfilment

Sylvanas arrived at the place where the person she was looking for had been seen last. She was standing right in front of a small village in the south-east of Quel'Thalas. The village consisted of a maximum of ten small houses, which meant that the survey of the villagers would not take too long. That came in handy for Sylvanas because she had travelled for two days without getting much sleep.

Unfortunately, she hadn't found a mage in the near of Suncrown village. She wouldn't have ridden for two days if she would have had the opportunity to take a portal. But mages were a rarity outside Silvermoon City. It was hard to find a mage outside the capital city who was skilled enough to create portals alone.

Sylvanas would have taken a portal if she would have found a mage. She could have gone back to Silvermoon City to look out there for a mage. It would have been a lot easier to find a mage in Silvermoon City because most mages were living and training there.

But she had decided against it because she would have arrived earlier in this village than in Silvermoon City. She had only managed that because she had only slept for two or three hours every day. Nevertheless, she had arrived at the village earlier this way.

Sylvanas had tied her horse to a pillar of a wooden fence which surrounded a large wheat field. At this very moment, she regarded her surroundings as she entered the village, walking to the nearest house. She didn't hesitate to ask the occupant about Lady Liadrin.

The man, who was living alone in his house, told her that he had never seen the person Sylvanas had described. He apologized to her, signalizing her that he was deeply sorry that he couldn't help her. Sylvanas told him that everything was fine. She said goodbye to him before she turned around and walked to the next house, which was also made of simple wood.

She had to question every single inhabitant of the small village to find a hint about the woman she was looking for. A young hunter told her that he had seen High Priestess Liadrin in the near of the river with four priest apprentices. Sylvanas thanked him, gave him a small bag of coins, and returned to her horse.

Her horse was a large stallion with brown fur and a black mane. He was taller, more muscular and faster than every other horse she had ever seen. She had named him Winddancer because it looked as if he was dancing with the wind whenever he galloped. Sylvanas untied him and put her left hand on his head. She closes her eyes as she pressed her forehead against his head, stroking his nose carefully.

It may sound stupid but she believed that she had a spiritual connection to the horse. Most of the times, she didn't need to tell Dancer where he had to bring her. For some reason, he knew almost every time where Sylvanas wanted to go as if he could read her mind, which he obviously couldn't do. As a high elf, the animals and nature itself were very important for Sylvanas. But Dancer was more than a normal horse for her. He was not only a transportation tool. He was her friend as stupid as it sounded. She felt a close connection to him.

She stroked over his fur, his nose and his head in general. She gave him an apple, smiling as she watched him eating the fruit with pleasure. She waited for a few moments before she swung onto his back. She took the reins in her hands but she didn't pull them nor did she needed to ram her heels in his side. She didn't need to spur Dancer to make him move. The strong horse began to move without a command, carrying Sylvanas in the exact direction where she wanted to go.

After a while, they reached the long and wide river Sylvanas was looking for. She dismounted, bending down to look for footprints on the ground. She found footprints of five different persons. Two of these footprints were a lot deeper than the others. Sylvanas concluded that at least two males belonged to the group. She got up, signalizing Dancer to follow her. The horse didn't hesitate to walk behind her, stopping whenever she stopped to observe the course of the footprints.

After following these footprints for an additional hour, Sylvanas finally found the group which had left these footprints. She spotted two men and three women, kneeling next to an injured deer. Their larger physique was the only thing which distinguished the males of this group from their female counterparts. With their long hair and their shaved faces, they looked like women from afar. Only when Sylvanas became closer to the group, she recognized the two red-heads as males.

It was clearly visible who were the apprentices and who was the instructor. The apprentices wore simple yellow coloured robes while the robe of the instructor was made out of silk which had a much better quality than the material out of which the apprentices' clothes were made. Also, the robe of the instructor was decorated with golden embroideries and gems which had been embroidered into the sleeves of the robe.

At this very moment, the instructor showed her group how to heal an injured deer which was unable to stand up alone. Sylvanas leaned against a tree not far away from the group and regarded them. The instructor didn't need long to heal the wounded animal. She helped the deer up, guiding it to the river so it could drink some water. The instructor said something to her group, turning her head to Sylvanas when she finally noticed her. She gave her group the signal to wait for her as she headed over to Sylvanas.

Sylvanas' lips formed a smile when the familiar person came closer to her. She regarded her from head to toe, noticing that she hadn't changed at all over the past two decades.

Her light-brown, almost orange coloured hair was tied up in a ponytail. Her face was flawless, her skin was smooth and had a natural colour which was similar to the colour of peaches. There was no real difference between the colour of the person's eyes and the colour of Sylvanas' eyes. The woman's lips were covered by red lipstick which matched perfectly with her hair colour.

This beautiful woman looked peaceful and didn't give Sylvanas the impression that she was looking for trouble. She stopped right in front of Sylvanas, who was one head taller than her. She regarded her from head to toe, the smirk she was having on her lips since she had spotted the Ranger General didn't vanish.

"You are looking good, Ranger-General" complimented the priestess.

"You look great as well, High Priestess Liadrin. Feel free to call me Sylvanas. We know each other since a while, so there is no need to be formal"

"If you say so" responded Liadrin. "To what do I owe the honour that you take the long way from Suncrown to this area? It has to be very important if you come personally instead of sending someone to get me to your office in Silvermoon City" Liadrin regarded Sylvanas curiously, wondering about the reason for her visit.

"I'm here because I need your help"

"My help?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

"I'm pretty sure you know that your distant cousin has tried to become a Farstrider"

"I've heard that he has failed two examinations in a row but he has proved that he has more talent as a ranger than a servant of the Light" responded Liadrin, still giving Sylvanas a curious look.

"He passed the exam three days ago" responded Sylvanas. It was hard for her to hide how happy she was that he had passed the exam.

Liadrin raised an eyebrow, making a slightly doubtful expression. "Did he really?"

"Yes, he did" burst out Sylvanas, not caring that she had overreacted.

The doubt on Liadrin's face disappeared and was replaced by pride. "Such good news. I'm glad that he made it. I had always feared that he would be the black sheep of the family but it seems that he has found his destiny. He doesn't need to be a priest or a paladin to make his family proud of him"

Sylvanas smile vanished. A slightly sad look appeared on her face. "The truth is that his parents are still despising him"

Liadrin's expression changed as well and became similar to Sylvanas'. "Oh, that's not good. I have hoped that his parents would support him at least when he finds something he is good at"

"I have hoped that as well. I even spoke with his father but I didn't manage to convince him to sign the agreement for Kelrian's admission.

"Xenarion can be... difficult sometimes"

Sylvanas tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "Only sometimes?"

"Okay, most of the times" corrected Liadrin.

"Better" said Sylvanas, giving the smaller woman a smile.

"So, you've come all this way to convince me to sign the agreement"

"Yes, that was my only intention. I need the signature as soon as possible or Kelrian is not allowed to join us. This would be a shame, considering that he is even under the best twenty-five"

"He is?" Liadrin asked surprised.

"Yes, I've even chosen him to be one of the recruits who have the honour to get trained by me"

"Is he that good?" asked Liadrin. She still couldn't believe that her distant cousin was that good.

Sylvanas smiled widely. "He is"

"Well, if you are convinced that he would make a fine ranger there is nothing I could say against it. Who am I that I would deny him a possible future as a successful and well-respected Farstrider?"

"So, would you sign for him?" asked Sylvanas. Hope was reflected by her eyes and clearly hearable in her voice.

"Of course, I will" responded Liadrin. "Let's get back to the village, then I will sign this agreement"

"That's all I wanted to hear" spoke Sylvanas, smiling widely at the priestess who returned her smile.

Half an hour later, they found themselves in a small hut in the middle of the village. The hut was sparsely furnished, only a table, two chairs and a small wardrobe stood in the living room. There was also a bedroom and a bath but other than them there were no other rooms. Sylvanas assumed that this was only a temporary place to stay for Liadrin.

She sat down on a chair, happily accepting the pot of tea Liadrin gave her. Liadrin took a seat on the other chair, crossing one leg over the other as she relaxed.

Sylvanas pulled a document out of a folder which she had taken out of her bag. Liadrin started to read the document as soon as Sylvanas had handed it over to her. She looked up to Sylvanas after she was done, noticing that she was regarded with a curious and at the same time expecting look.

"Don't worry, I will sign this agreement" assured Liadrin, smiling when she noticed that Sylvanas' body relaxed as her ears received her answer. She put the document on the table, walked over to a drawer and pulled a pen out. She walked back to the table, leaning over it so that she was able to sign the agreement. She handed it back to Sylvanas who accepted it happily. Sylvanas regarded the signature for a few moments before she put the document in the folder which she put in her bag. She stood up, walked over to Liadrin and hugged her.

She pulled back after a few moments, smiling at the obviously surprised priestess. "I didn't do much to deserve this hug from you, Sylvanas"

Sylvanas chucked. "You did more than you imagine. You are the only mature member of Kelrian's family who believes in him. His parents don't want him to become a Farstrider. His father has expressed clearly that he thinks that we Farstriders are doing nothing except for searching for traces in the dirt. I haven't spoken to his mother but I know this arrogant bitch since my youth, so I assume that she would agree with her husband" she made a small pause, giving Liadrin a thankful smile. "At least you believe in him"

"I do. I would rather see him becoming a priest. But if fate has chosen him to become a Farstrider then I see no reason in preventing that he could become one" spoke Liadrin.

"I thank you so much for signing"

"It was nothing, really" responded Liadrin, rubbing the back of her head as she returned Sylvanas' smile which almost reached from one ear to the other.

"I owe you a favour"

"You don't need to owe me anything. I'm not only doing it for you. I do it because I believe in Kelrian. I wouldn't have risked making my family's mad at me by allowing him to live in my house if I wouldn't believe in him. I wouldn't have put my signature under his agreement if I wouldn't believe in him. I hope he will hold out the stress and make it through the apprenticeship. I'm pretty sure that he will become a good Farstrider under your guidance"

Sylvanas chuckled. "I think that as well. That's why I'm doing everything in my power to enable that he can join the Farstriders and get trained by me"

"I'm glad that you think he has the talent of becoming a skilled ranger, Sylvanas. I've heard that your subordinates are not very convinced by his talent, especially your sister"

Sylvanas expression changed a bit but she still had a happy expression on her face. "Sadly, my sister and the other high ranked members don't think that he deserves my attention. They think that Kelrian would make a fine ranger but they don't believe that he would get better than anyone else. They don't think that he will become one of the best Farstriders one day. I don't know why they can't recognize his potential"

Liadrin made a thoughtful face. "I have no clue either. I've seen Kelrian practicing over the past eight years. He has gotten better and better from year to year. I believe he is worthy enough to be a member of the group you train personally. But don't forget that you have to be strict with him too. You may favour him but you should also make sure that everyone is treated equally. He won't become one of the best if you don't treat him like the others. A very strict training will be necessary for him"

"Thank you for the advice, Liadrin. Don't worry, I know better than spoiling him. The training will not be easy, even for him. But he will master it and become one of the best Farstriders under my watch. I will promise you that in the name of my family and my position as the Ranger-General of Silvermoon"

Liadrin patted Sylvanas' left shoulder softly, smiling at her. "I believe you. You will give everything to make him an extraordinary Farstrider"

"Yes, I will" responded Sylvanas.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" asked Liadrin curiously.

"Actually, there is something" responded Sylvanas and sat down on her chair.

Liadrin did the same. "Tell me" she requested. She took her cup of tea and brought it to her lips. Her eyes didn't leave Sylvanas' face as she took a sip of the delicious moonberry tea.

Sylvanas also took a sip of the tea, enjoying the delicious taste as it flowed down her throat. She put the cup back on the table, looking at the curious Liadrin. "I was wondering if you are busy in general. As far as I know, the apprentices you have accompanied are not yours"

"There are not mine that's right. These are the apprentices of a colleague who is sick at the moment. I have promised him to take care of them as long as he is sick. But he has gotten better other the past days so he will take over his group tomorrow" explained Liadrin.

"So, you have nothing to do at all?"

"I have no order to stay in a certain area and help the wounded there. Why are you asking?"

"I was wondering if you want to join the first regiment. We have noticed during the recent skirmishes against the orcs and trolls that is always good to have a healer with you. We have not enough healers for all regiments so I was hoping that you could try to convince as many healers as you can to join us. You can be the leader of the priests of regiment one and you can also be the main healer of my squad. Not the trainee squad. My real squad which consists of my best rangers" Sylvanas took another sip of her tea as she was done explaining.

"It would be an honour for me to join you, your squad and your regiment"

"It would also be an honour for me to have the great High Priestess Liadrin in my regiment"

"Now you are flattering me" said Liadrin, blushing a little.

"I have heard from every corner of Quel'Thalas that you are by far the best priest of your family. Maybe even the best priest in Quel'Thalas. You have wondrous effects on your patients and you have saved lots of people other healers couldn't have saved"

Liadrin didn't respond. She just stared at Sylvanas, trying her best to hide her blush. It didn't work well. Sylvanas chuckled as she saw Liadrin's reddened cheeks. She patted her shoulder softly, emptied her cup of tea and stood up eventually. "I will see you in a week in Silvermoon City. Just come to my office whenever you have time and so we can speak about the details"

Liadrin nodded. "I will, Sylvanas"

"See you soon" Sylvanas responded. She patted Liadrin's shoulder, looked at her for a few moments before she turned around and walked out of the hut.


"Don't be shy. Come in and take a seat" recommended Sylvanas, pointing at the chair in front of her desk. Kelrian hesitated for a moment, regarding the inside of her office before he made the first step.

The walls were coloured in light blue, decorated with golden ornaments. The floor was covered by a carpet which had a similar colour. On the left wall hung trophies, in this case, the heads of slain beasts. Boars, deers, lynxes, bats, murlocs and even dragonhawks.

On the opposite wall hung paintings which showed areas of Quel'Thalas, members of Sylvanas' family and even the royal family, the Sunstriders. The wall behind Sylvanas wasn't decorated by anything. There was a glass door which led to the bordering balcony from which the entire training area of the Farstrider Enclave could be seen.

The wall behind Kelrian was decorated with lots of skulls of orcs and trolls. Kelrian's gaze rested on one of the troll heads. He had never seen this troll before but he assumed that this troll had once been a worthy opponent, otherwise he wouldn't be hanging on the wall. He regarded the other troll heads, not saying anything

He got scared for a short moment as he noticed that Sylvanas was standing directly behind him. She was so close that her upper body was slightly pressed against his back, not to mention that he was able to feel her warm breath on his neck.

For some reason, his skin tingled nervously and a shiver of excitement ran down his spine. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he noticed that his breathing had become faster. It was obvious for both elves that her presence was causing this sudden change in his body's reaction. He didn't feel uncomfortable around her but he was definitely more nervous than before.

One of Sylvanas' hands rested on his shoulder, the other pointed at the troll head in the middle. "The name of this troll was Ha'jin. He was the father of Zul'jin, the current leader of the Amani trolls"

Kelrian turned his head, regarding Sylvanas for a few moments before he looked back at the troll head. The head had large tusks and a silver mohawk. His red eyes were widened, his mouth was wide open. His face let Kelrian assume that the troll had screamed out in pain before he had been beheaded.

"You killed him, right?" Kelrian asked as he turned around to look at the Ranger-General.

"Yes, I did. He was a fearsome and well-respected warrior among the Amani trolls but he had no chance against me. He fought well and he held out longer than expected, but in the end, my arrows slowed him down and my sword beheaded him"

"Astonishing" whispered Kelrian. Sylvanas' lips formed a small smile as she noticed that Kelrian was admiring her more than ever at this very moment.

She chuckled, patting his shoulder softly. "I could tell you the story behind each of my trophies but that would take too long"

"I would love to listen to your stories"

She chuckled again. "I guessed so but I don't have the time for that. I would love to tell you everything but there are other tasks if have to do"

Kelrian gave her an agreeing nod and turned around, intending to go to the chair in front of Sylvanas' desk. But the Ranger-General kept standing on the same spot so Kelrian was unable to walk over to the chair in a direct way. He could walk around Sylvanas to get to the chair but for some reason, his body didn't obey him. He kept standing in front of Sylvanas, staring into her beautiful eyes. Sylvanas remained on the same spot and returned the staring.

Kelrian noticed that his body began to sweat as Sylvanas' face came closer to his until it was only a few inches away. Her lips were only a few inches away from his, her eyes stared directly into his eyes. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, a small blush crept on his cheeks as he continued to stare at her.

They didn't move for an inch for almost five minutes. Eventually, Sylvanas pulled away, walking to her desk. She sat down on her chair, signalizing Kelrian to sit down as well. He nodded to her and wiped the sweat from his forehead before he walked to the chair and sat down.

He put his hands on his lap, toying with his fingers nervously. He had never been alone in a closed room with Sylvanas before. Nobody could see how nervous he was in her near. Nobody except for Sylvanas Windrunner herself. He was not as nervous as he had been eight years ago. He had grown over the years and had become more mature. Still, he was always nervous when Sylvanas was around. She was the most beautiful woman in Quel'Thalas so it was not a shame to be nervous in her near.

He leaned against the back of his chair, regarding Sylvanas curiously. They weren't speaking at this very moment so he was able to admire her beauty without getting disrupted. He was able to do that until Sylvanas cleared her throat.

"I'm pretty sure you are asking yourself why I've called you to my office" said Sylvanas. She opened one of the drawers of her desk, pulling out a jug and two glasses. Kelrian was able to see that the jug was filled with a purple liquid. He assumed that it was moonberry juice, one of the most favourite non-alcoholic drinks in Quel'Thalas.

His throat was dry and he was really thirsty so Sylvanas' offering came in handy for him. He thanked her and took the glass after she had filled it, bringing it to his lips. He emptied the content of the glass in one gulp. He was pretty sure that he had never tasted better moonberry juice than this.

He put the glass back on the desk, giving the Ranger-General a thankful smile. She returned his smile after she had emptied her glass as well.

"I think I know why I am here" Kelrian replied eventually. "You want to tell me if someone has signed the agreement for me or not". His face was full of expectation. Hope was reflected by his eyes. He was hoping that Sylvanas had managed to convince someone to put his signature under the agreement.

He wanted to become a Farstrider so badly. He had trained so hard over the past eight years. He had given his best to impress Sylvanas and he had made it through the exam. He had even managed to become a member of the new squad Sylvanas will train. It would be a shame if he couldn't become a Farstrider because nobody in his family believed in him and supported him.

He didn't notice that he was clenching his fists as he imagined what would happen if Sylvanas wouldn't have managed to get a signature. He didn't know what to do if he couldn't become a Farstrider. He was not good enough for becoming a priest or a paladin and he didn't want to learn an ordinary profession. He didn't want to become a baker, a blacksmith or a trader. He wanted to be a Farstrider, a ranger who would hunt wild animals and protect the inhabitants of Quel'Thalas against all evil. Becoming a Farstrider was his greatest wish. He didn't want anything else. He only wanted to be a member of the organization Sylvanas was leading.

Sylvanas noticed that something was troubling Kelrian. He was having a strange expression on his face as if he was having an inner fight. Maybe he was debating with himself about something. She couldn't know what was going on in his mind at this very moment. But she knew what to do to calm him down and comfort him. She put her hand on his left hand, giving him a comforting smile. Kelrian looked at their hands, then he looked back at Sylvanas.

"Is something wrong?" Sylvanas asked with a soothing voice.

"Err, I... No, nothing is wrong. Really" he spoke but he didn't sound very convincingly.

"You can tell me about everything which is bothering you. You can come to me every time and tell me what is troubling you. I will always listen to you no matter how busy I will be" she spoke, caressing his hand softly.

He blushed as he noticed that Sylvanas' hand was still resting on his. He looked at their hands for a few moments before he looked back at the Ranger-General's gorgeous face.

"Thank you for offering me this, Ranger-General"

"Please call me Sylvanas when we are alone" she said, leaning forward. Kelrian's cheeks became redder when he noticed that he was able to look directly at Sylvanas' breasts. He couldn't stop himself from ogling the Ranger-General's cleavage which was only half covered by her chest plate. Her breasts were so large and full that it was impossible for the young man to avert his gaze.

Sylvanas didn't notice that he was looking at her breasts or at least she didn't stop him. She didn't pull back or cleared her throat to get Kelrian's attention. Instead, she kept sitting like this and regarded the young man in front of her.

Kelrian didn't know how much time had passed as he finally managed to stop looking at the cleavage of the famous Ranger-General. He leaned back, smiling shyly at Sylvanas.

"I would love to do that" he responded.

Sylvanas returned the smile, filling his and her glasses with moonberry juice. "I have called you to me to tell you that I'm managed to convince High Priestess Liadrin to put her signature under your agreement"

His heart stopped beating for a few moments as his ears received the news. She had managed it. She had really managed to get a signature for him.

He will become a Farstrider.

That was all he had ever dreamed of. There was nothing he desired more than becoming a Farstrider. And now it was going to happen. There was nothing which could stop him from joining the Farstriders. It was final and nobody could change that. Not even his father.

He was so happy at this very moment that he noticed too late what he was doing. For some reason, he had stood up, walked around the desk and hugged an astonished Sylvanas who had gotten up as well. His head rested on her left shoulder, both his arms were wrapped around her upper body, even his hands rested on her back and caressed it carefully.

Sylvanas was more than surprised about this but she didn't mind that he was hugging her. She didn't say anything nor did she push him away. She didn't return the hug but she didn't stop Kelrian. She allowed it to happen because she enjoyed it.

She noticed that tears were formed in Kelrian's eyes. Tears of joy. She didn't put her hand on his head and toyed with his hair even though she wanted to do it so badly at this very moment. She kept regarding the younger elf, chuckling when he pulled away as he realized what he had done. His face became as white as chalk, he opened his mouth but nothing else than stuttering came out.

What had he done? How could he...? He just hugged the Ranger-General of Silvermoon... He was an ordinary citizen of Quel'Thalas, he had not the right to come so close to the Ranger-General and touch her, not to mention to hug her without her permission.

What had he done? He had ignored her personal space as he had hugged her. He could get seriously punished for this if Sylvanas insisted. Maybe she wouldn't accept him in her group anymore because of this. He was so angry at himself at this very moment. He hadn't thought about what his actions could cause but now it was too late... Maybe he could lower his punishment by apologizing to her. He was hoping that Sylvanas wouldn't be too angry at him.

"I...I'm so sorry, Ranger-General. I... I didn't m...mean to..." he stuttered and looked at the floor, averting Sylvanas' gaze. He was too afraid to see the angry look on her face so he refused to look at her. He made a small pause, taking a deep breath before he tried to formulate an apology.

He stopped speaking after the first words had slipped out of his mouth when he felt a soft and warm hand under his chin. The hand lifted his chin up, forcing him to look at Sylvanas.

On the contrary to his expectation, she wasn't angry or hurt. It didn't seem that she was mad at him. Instead, it looked like Sylvanas didn't mind what he had done. She gave him a comforting smile, signalizing him that everything was fine. Colour returned to his face as her hand wandered to his left cheek and caressed it for a few moments. His cheeks were reddened and he bit his bottom lip softly.

Kelrian didn't seem to be convinced that everything was fine so Sylvanas decided to convince him that he didn't need to worry. She pulled him in a tight hug, putting her arms around his back. She didn't care that his head rested on her chest. She chuckled when she noticed that his face became as red as a tomato. She smiled when he returned the hug. She lowered her head to press a soft kiss on his forehead.

It was impossible for his face to become even redder so his body reacted in a different way to Sylvanas' lips which had come in contact with his skin. Kelrian's skin tingled nervously and he was sweating as if the sun was shining on him on a very hot summer day.

Sylvanas pulled away eventually, observing the bundle of nerves in front of her with an amused smile on her perfect lips. "Believe me, it's okay. I don't mind hugging you but do me a favour and don't do it when someone else is around"

"Don't worry, I won't. It won't happen again. Promised"

Sylvanas didn't respond to that. She just smiled at him and sat down on her chair. Kelrian walked around the desk and took a seat as well. He took his glass and emptied it in one gulp. He placed the glass back on the table and put his hands on his lap, not knowing what to do with them.

"I have to remind you that it will take five years of training to get you ready for the final exam. You will only become a Farstrider if you pass it. But the exam will be pretty hard and the same counts for the five years of training. I will train you and the others very hard. It will be exhausting and painful and there will be some days where you think you can't take it anymore. But you have to endure everything if you want to become a Farstrider. I can't treat you differently. You have to endure the same procedure as the others. I'm pretty sure you will make it. You are strong enough and have enough perseverance. You just need to hold out"

"I will do everything which is required to become a Farstrider. I will do everything you want from me. I won't complain about the training and I will obey every one of your commands. I promise you that I will endure the five hard years and pass the final exam" he responded, signalizing Sylvanas that he was serious about this.

She gave him her brightest smile. "I expect that you will keep your promise"

He smiled shyly "Don't worry, I will"

"I will see you on the next Monday at eight o'clock in front of the Farstrider Enclave. The others will come as well. The training will start from that day"

"I'm looking forward to it. I've to thank you for making sure that I could become a recruit. You didn't need to speak to my father or search for Liadrin to get the signature. Actually, it should have been my task to convince someone to sign the agreement. But you did it for me even though I didn't ask you to. I owe you so much, Sylvanas". He expressed his deep thanks by bowing to her.

"You can make up for efforts by training hard and passing the intermediate exam and the final exam. I want you to become a Farstrider. I won't accept anything else than you becoming one of us" Sylvanas replied with a slightly strict tone in her voice.

"I won't disappoint you"

"I believe you. See you next Monday, Kelrian"

"I'm already super excited. I can hardly wait to be trained by you" he said happily. He regarded her for a few moments before he got up and walked to the door slowly. He looked back at her more than just one time before he reached the door. He regarded her for half a minute before he opened the door and closed it behind him as he left her office.