Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause. The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there. Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent. For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other. Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy. How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face... Read my story to find out. ( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination. And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )
[ Rewritten ]
It was another day in the office for Ozpin, as he sips his coffee he looked at list of students that had applied for admission here in Beacon.They all looked like promising warriors, and he was looking forward to nurture these children into fine warriors.
As he contemplated at things like life and peace, a thought came to him.
If the grim were to be completely removed from the face of Remanant, what would happen next.
Would there be lasting peace, or would there be another war. Humans and Faunus have never been on good terms with each other.
Although progress had been made since centuries after the great war. It was not really enough.
Their physical difference, although very small was enough to separate the humans from the faunus.
These differences had created a huge rift between them, and till this day some humans cannot stomach the thought that the Faunus are just like them, except for a few additional body parts.
The world would have been a better place, if everyone can accept eachother despite the differences. Because we are all are different, no one is the same.
If we can just accept these differences wouldn't we all be less different? And wouldn't that lead to peace ?
But that would be a far fetched dream in Remanent. It would decades, if not centuries for that to happen.
Thankfully, somehow both the two races can work together because of the existence of the Grim. The Grim was everyone's enemy, and this gave both races a common enemy to fight.
But if the Grim were to be completely eradicated, the both races would eventually turn against each other and another war could occur, a war that would be even more worse than the previous one.
And if war was taken in concideration, another thought came to him.
The Vikings.
He remembered them well, with enthusiasm he went to their land and for the first time he managed to set foot in their land, he saw Hell and never wanted to go there again.
Hell was not the one people know, where sinners were punished in an eternal burning pit, where they will burn, wail and gnash their teeth for all eternity, as described in the many fictional books.
But it was land ruled by pagans, where the fittest and strongest survived. If you're weak, you will die. It was truly horrifying. There were 536115 the elderly to young children.
These people should not have existed here in Remanent. But there they are surviving in the harsh land of Hedninger.
He feared what would happen if they ever felt like invading the other kingdoms.
Despite being called as Barbarians, their technological advancement was nothing to scoff at.
There was a reason why the Grims were never a threat to them. And underestimating them could be a big mistake.
His thoughts were interupted when someone entered his office.
'' Professor, there is something I need to show you. ''
In came Glynda Goodwitch, and on the top of her head was an eagle sitting, as if he had found a good spot to lay his weary body.
'' What is that eagle doing on top? '' Ozpin asked in curiousity.
'' That's not that important. '' She went to him and handed him a memory chip.
'' It came with the eagle. ''
Looking at the memory chip suspiciously, he inserted it in his scroll. Luckily there was no virus in it.
The chip asked for a biometric security pass. Which needed his voice, and his fingerprint.
Inside the chip were two folders.
One was a message.
'' Ozpin,
If you are reading this, then It would have been a week since I wrote this message.
I have good news, my grandfather's dream has been accomplished. All the clans here in Hedninger have singed temporary peaceful treaty, and there will be no more unnecessary bloodshed in our lands. For how long this treaty will last I cannot be sure. But as promised by my great grand father, I will fulfill his end of the aggrement, since he is no longer with us.
Four of our most promising young warriors have set sails straight to vale and should reach there in a month time. My son is also among the four, and you need not worry about anything. I have groomed my son into a responsible young lad. I'm not sure about the other three, but my son would keep them in line.
Thank you for helping us, hope that you have a great future ahead of you.
From Bjorn Torden
Grandson of Olaf Torden. ''
Ozpin was shocked, never would he have imagined that this day would come. After almost two centuries did they accepted it. It was timeto change the tide of the battlefield.
'' Professor, is something good in that message. '' Glynda asked.
'' We have received a huge opportunity to turn everything around. '' Ozpin was smiling like no tomorrow.
This message was a start to end the reign of terror of Salem and her Grim.
These four boys may not be strong enough to take out Salem, but their people could.
An army of Vikings was a force to be frightened of.
No kingdom could hope to beat them in war, except for Atlas.
He was not overestimating their strength, but it was the truth.
Now Ozpin needs to play his cards well.
Then he noticed, that there was another was another folder.
He opened it and saw a file that had the information of the four young vikings comming to Beacon. It has their photos, their basic identifications, but their semblance was not mentioned.
Name: Tor Torden
( Check paragraph comment for image)
Age: 18
Height: 6' 1''
Class: Warlord
Semblance: Not specified
Weapons: Shield and damascus sword.
The first was a very scary looking boy, the goatee was very misleading, as he was only 18 years old. His emotionless face was very intimidating and with his undercut hairstyle, it added more points in his intimidation factor.
The scars on his face which were on both his eyes and a fang like scar on his lips, seemed to be purposely engraved on his face to give a menacing look.
The blue tattoos on his forehead, was a very familiar tattoo to Ozpin as it symbolised that the young man belonged to the clan of Warlords, the '' Krig '' clan.
The same clan as Bjorn Torden.
'' Looks like this is his son. '' Ozpin commented, ' Tor Torden... Looks just like his Great grand father, but a little less scary. '
It had been 150 years since Ozpin met, Tor's grandfather. And what a day it was.
Looking at the next viking he was simply shocked at what he saw.
Name: Olaf
( Check paragraph comment for image)
Age: 16
Height: 6' 7''
Class: Raider
Semblance: Not specified
Weapons: Dane axe
The next boy a tall youth with muscles that could crush anyone. His skin was tanned, and with an undercut hair. His face had a very youthful look, that anyone can tell that he was a young lad.
''Don't'' you think he is a little too young professor? '' Glynda asked despite looking a adult, the boy was just sixteen.
'' Indeed it is. '' Ozpin replied. Usually only children who are seventeen or more are allowed to join Beacon.
But this boy was a Raider, and no raider was weak. All Raiders were giants and this boy was no exception especially for his age. They were less human and more monster like. They are always in the front of the battlefield, cutting down any foe in their path, and their endurance was the scariest part about them.
Looking at the next viking, the mark on his face was something that caught his attention.
Name: Havard Berg
( Check paragraph comment for image)
Age: 17
Height: 6' 1''
Class: Highlander
Semblance: Not Specified
Weapons: Greatsword.
The next boy like any viking he had met, very muscular and intimidating. With a fade haircut hairstyle it did not made him any less intimidating.
But the mark on his forehead, was something that needed his attention.
Every viking born to a clan are marked with blue paint. These marks are permanent and they symbolise who they are.
By looking at the blue tattoo on Havard's face, Ozpin knew he belonged to the Wolf clan, a clan of merciless and cruel sword masters.
Sword masters was little to vague, heartless butchers was a more fitting name.
Ozpin was seriously considering on how he will control such a dangerous child, he just hoped that Tor could keep him on a leash.
He ten shifted his gaze to the last viking of the list. He was the shortest, but his class dumbfounded Ozpin.
Name: Ragnar Svart
( Check paragraph comment for image)
Age: 17
Class: Berserker
Semblance: Not specified
Weapons: Twin battle axe
The last boy had a bit of a disfigured face, with a goatee, and deep grotesque scar on his right eye.
Berserkers, they type of Vikings you would not want to meet in a battlefield.
Vikings believed that the Berserkers are warriors possessed by the spirits of beasts.
And when these beasts arrive on the battle field, you better pray you die quickly, or it would be a pain full one.
Currently, people would ask how does Ozpin know so much about an entire race of people, when no one in the world know they even existed.
The answer is that Ozpin had already been to Hedninger.
That was about more than 150 years ago, it was there that he met the most scariest man in his many reincarnation.
It was Tor's great grandfather. That man was someone he never want to be enemies with. Possessing strength, cunningness and cruelty no man or faunus could ever possess. To make it worse, he never had his aura unlocked.
But unlike most bloodthirsty vikings of that time, he was diplomatic.
And because of this, Ozpin made a long term deal with him.
By helping him unlocking his aura and teaching how to unlocking the aura of others, he would send his vikings to fight for Ozpin against Salem.
But that would happen only after he unites all the viking clans.
And after more than a century, the vikings are finally his allies, more or less.
But Glynda thought otherwise. '' Are you sure about this Professor? '' looking at the pictures of these young vikings, she unsure that allowing them to stay in Beacon was safe for the other students.
These were not children who are going to be the future protectors of Humanity. These are murderers, mercenaries sent to do what ever are commanded of them to do.
'' Frankly Glynda, I'm not sure, but these young warriors are merely scouts, sent by their people, to find out if we are worthy to be their allies. ''
Now all they can do is wait for them to arrive.