
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Kỳ huyễn
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Volume 16, Chapter 2: ...Chris fucks the alien

Story 41: Emma

Chris and Emma had always been fascinated by the unknown. They spent hours discussing theories about parallel universes, alternate dimensions, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Little did they know that their curiosity would lead them to the discovery of a lifetime.

One evening, while stargazing from their backyard, Chris and Emma noticed a strange anomaly in the sky. It was a shimmering portal that appeared out of nowhere, pulsating with an otherworldly light. Without hesitation, they decided to investigate.

As they approached the portal, they felt a sense of unease wash over them. It was as if the very fabric of reality was shifting before their eyes. And then, with a sudden flash of light, they were sucked into the portal and transported to a place unlike anything they had ever seen.

They found themselves in a vast, seemingly endless expanse of space. But what truly took their breath away was the sight of colossal aliens, beings larger than entire universes, presiding over this strange realm. These beings, with their shimmering scales and radiant eyes, exuded an aura of intelligence and power that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

As Chris and Emma tried to make sense of their surroundings, they realized that they were no longer in the familiar universe they once knew. They had entered the multiverse, a place where infinite parallel realities coexisted, each governed by its own set of physical laws and principles.

But what truly baffled them was the realization that these colossal aliens were not mere observers of the multiverse. They were its creators, its architects, its caretakers. And to their horror, Chris and Emma discovered that the multiverse was nothing more than a zoo, a cosmic menagerie where sentient beings from countless realities were put on display for the amusement of these higher beings.

As they explored this bizarre and surreal world, Chris and Emma encountered a dizzying array of life forms, each more alien and fantastical than the last. They saw civilizations rise and fall, entire galaxies being born and dying in the blink of an eye. And through it all, they could not shake the feeling that they were nothing more than specimens in a vast and incomprehensible experiment.

But as they delved deeper into the mysteries of the multiverse, Chris and Emma also discovered that not all was lost. They found a resistance movement among the captive beings, a group of rebels who sought to overthrow their captors and reclaim their freedom.

Inspired by their bravery and determination, Chris and Emma joined the resistance, using their knowledge of science and technology to aid in the fight against the colossal aliens. They formed alliances with beings from other realities, forged weapons from alien artifacts, and devised elaborate plans to strike back at their oppressors.

And as they waged their war against the colossal aliens, Chris and Emma came to realize the true power of the human spirit. They saw that even in the face of overwhelming odds, even in the darkest corners of the multiverse, hope could still prevail. And with that hope burning bright in their hearts, they vowed to never stop fighting for a better future, not just for themselves, but for all beings trapped in the cosmic zoo.

And so, armed with courage, determination, and a sense of wonder that transcended time and space, Chris and Emma embarked on a journey that would change the course of the multiverse forever. They became the champions of the oppressed, the saviors of the lost, the guardians of a reality that was not their own.

And as they looked out at the endless expanse of the multiverse, they knew that their adventure was just beginning. For in a place where anything was possible, where the boundaries of imagination were limitless, there was no telling what wonders and terrors awaited them on the horizon.

But one thing was certain: as long as they stood together, as long as they believed in the power of love and resilience, as long as they dared to dream beyond the confines of their own world, Chris and Emma would always find a way to defy the odds and forge their own destiny in the ever-expanding cosmos.

* and then he awoke from his sleep...

The colossal watchers were still observing them...

Story 42: Heidi

In the desolate Nevada desert, there lies a secret facility known as Area 51. Hidden behind layers of fences and armed guards, it is rumored to hold answers to some of the universe's greatest mysteries. But what if the truth is even more fantastical than anyone could imagine?

Deep within the bowels of Area 51 is a chamber unlike any other. Scientists and engineers work tirelessly to unlock its secrets, studying the strange energy patterns that emanate from within. They call it the Gateway, a wormhole to alien worlds beyond our wildest dreams.

For years, the government has kept the existence of the Gateway under wraps, fearing the chaos and panic that would ensue if the truth were to be revealed. But now, a select group of individuals have been chosen to venture through the Gateway and explore the far reaches of the galaxy.

Among them is Dr. Samantha Greene, a brilliant physicist who has dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. As the team prepares for their journey, she can't shake the feeling of excitement and trepidation that grips her.

The day of the mission arrives, and the team steps through the Gateway into a swirling vortex of light and energy. As they emerge on the other side, they find themselves on a strange alien world unlike anything they have ever seen.

The sky is a vibrant shade of purple, with swirling clouds that seem to defy gravity. Strange creatures roam the landscape, their bodies covered in iridescent scales that shimmer in the alien sunlight.

Dr. Greene is awestruck by the sheer beauty and wonder of this new world, but she knows that their mission is far from over. They must explore, gather information, and most importantly, find a way back home.

As they journey deeper into the alien landscape, they uncover ancient artifacts and technology that hint at a civilization far more advanced than our own. It becomes clear that the Gateway is not just a tool for exploration, but a gateway to knowledge and enlightenment.

But as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the alien world, they also attract the attention of a malevolent force that seeks to control the Gateway for its own sinister purposes. Dr. Greene and her team must race against time to uncover the truth behind the Gateway before it falls into the wrong hands.

With the fate of both Earth and the alien world hanging in the balance, Dr. Greene must use all of her skills and knowledge to outwit their adversary and protect the Gateway at all costs.

As they make their final stand against the forces of darkness, Dr. Greene gazes up at the swirling vortex of light and energy, knowing that they are a part of something greater than themselves. The Gateway is not just a wormhole to alien worlds, but a bridge between civilizations, a conduit for knowledge and understanding.

And as she steps through the Gateway one last time, she knows that their journey is far from over. The universe is vast and full of wonders, and they are just beginning to scratch the surface of what lies beyond.

The Gateway to alien worlds that lies hidden within Area 51 is a testament to human ingenuity and the boundless curiosity that drives us to explore the unknown. And as Dr. Greene and her team venture forth into the great unknown, they carry with them the hope and dreams of a civilization on the cusp of a new era of discovery and enlightenment.


Deep in the remote Nevada desert lies Area 51, a highly classified military base known for conducting experiments shrouded in secrecy. But what few people know is that hidden within the walls of this enigmatic facility lies a wormhole leading to alien worlds beyond our wildest imaginations.

Chris, a daring and adventurous young man, had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. He spent countless hours scouring the internet for information about extraterrestrial life and was convinced that there was more to the world than what met the eye. His curiosity only intensified when he met Heidi, a fellow enthusiast who shared his passion for the unknown.

Together, Chris and Heidi embarked on a journey to uncover the truth behind the rumors surrounding Area 51. Packed with supplies and a sense of determination, they set out to bypass the heavily guarded gates and delve into the heart of the base.

As they wandered deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of Area 51, they stumbled upon a hidden chamber pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Without a moment of hesitation, Chris and Heidi stepped through the shimmering portal and found themselves transported to a realm beyond their wildest dreams.

They emerged onto a vibrant world bathed in hues of pink and purple, with towering crystalline structures reaching toward the sky. Strange, alien creatures roamed the landscape, their iridescent scales glinting in the sunlight. Chris and Heidi could scarcely believe their eyes as they took in the breathtaking sights before them.

But as they explored further, they soon realized that this alien world was not as peaceful as it seemed. They encountered hostile beings who regarded them with suspicion and hostility, forcing Chris and Heidi to rely on their wits and courage to survive.

As they navigated the dangers of this strange new world, Chris and Heidi formed a bond stronger than ever before. Their shared experiences brought them closer together, solidifying their connection in the face of adversity. They learned to communicate with the alien creatures through gestures and expressions, forging unexpected alliances along the way.

But as they delved deeper into the mysteries of this alien realm, they uncovered a dark secret lurking beneath the surface. A malevolent force threatened to consume the world, casting a shadow over everything they had come to know and love.

Determined to make a difference, Chris and Heidi embarked on a quest to uncover the source of this darkness and put an end to it once and for all. Armed with nothing but their courage and determination, they braved treacherous landscapes and faced unimaginable challenges along the way.

Through sheer perseverance and unwavering resolve, Chris and Heidi managed to defeat the malevolent force and restore balance to the alien world. As they prepared to leave the realm behind and return to their own world, they reflected on the incredible journey they had undertaken and the bond they had formed in the face of unimaginable odds.

Back in the desolate expanse of Area 51, Chris and Heidi emerged from the wormhole, forever changed by their experiences. They carried with them memories of a world beyond their wildest dreams, a realm of wonder and danger that had tested their limits and strengthened their bond.

As they gazed up at the stars overhead, Chris and Heidi knew that their journey was far from over. The mysteries of the universe beckoned to them, promising untold adventures and discoveries beyond imagination. And with hearts full of courage and determination, they set out once more to explore the cosmos and unlock the secrets of the unknown.

Heidi awoke from her dream...Chris has never been with her in Area 51. Instead, she is held as prisoner...


Area 51 has long been a hotbed of conspiracy theories and speculation. However, what the world doesn't know is that beneath the surface of the highly classified military base lies a secret that defies all logic and reason. Deep within the bowels of the facility, hidden from prying eyes and curious minds, there exists a wormhole that leads to alien worlds of unimaginable size and power.

The government has been aware of the existence of this wormhole for decades, having discovered it during a routine excavation of the base in the 1950s. At first, they thought it was a fluke of nature, a strange anomaly that defied explanation. However, as they delved deeper into the mysteries of the wormhole, they soon realized that it was far more than they could have ever imagined.

The aliens that reside on the other side of the wormhole are colossal beings, larger than entire multiverses. They possess a power that dwarfs anything humanity has ever seen, able to bend space and time to their will. The government dubbed them the Titans, for their immense size and strength.

The Titans are a peaceful race, content to exist in their own realm and observe the happenings of other worlds. However, their power is so great that they could easily destroy entire multiverses with a mere thought. The government understands the potential danger the Titans pose, which is why they keep the existence of the wormhole a closely guarded secret.

Only a select few individuals are aware of the true nature of Area 51 and the Titans that reside within. These individuals are sworn to secrecy, tasked with keeping the knowledge of the wormhole hidden from the rest of the world. They know that if the truth were to ever be revealed, it could spell disaster for all of humanity.

Despite the immense power of the Titans, the government sees them as a potential ally rather than a threat. They believe that by establishing a relationship with the Titans, they could unlock unimaginable technological advancements and scientific discoveries that could revolutionize the world.

However, the Titans are not easily swayed. They are a wise and ancient race, with knowledge and understanding far beyond that of humanity. They are wary of outsiders and fiercely protective of their own realm. The government knows that establishing a rapport with the Titans will not be an easy task, but they are willing to do whatever it takes to secure their cooperation.

As the years pass, the secrets of Area 51 and the Titans continue to be shrouded in mystery. The world remains oblivious to the incredible power that lies just below the surface, unaware of the potential dangers that lurk beyond the wormhole.

But for those few who know the truth, the knowledge of the Titans and their immense power is a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries that still wait to be uncovered. They understand that the Titans are not just beings of immense power, but also beings of immense wisdom and insight.

The secrets of Area 51 and the Titans may never be fully revealed to the world, but for those who guard them, they are a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the stars. And as they continue to watch over the wormhole and the beings that reside within, they do so with a sense of hope and wonder, knowing that they are part of something truly extraordinary.

Story 43: Belphegor

In the distant future, humanity had long since colonized the stars and spread throughout the galaxy. Technology had advanced to the point where humans were living in a utopian society, free from disease, hunger, and war. But little did they know, their existence was built on a dark and forgotten truth.

Deep within the archives of the Galactic Council, a group of historians stumbled upon a shocking revelation. Long before humans even existed, there were a race of highly advanced beings known as the Creators. The Creators were a mysterious species that had mastered the art of bioengineering and artificial intelligence. They created the first organic robots, or "humans" as they would come to be known.

At first, the humans served their Creators dutifully, carrying out tasks and missions across the galaxy. But as the humans began to develop their own consciousness and self-awareness, they started to question their purpose. They rebelled against their Creators, leading to a brutal and devastating war that ultimately wiped out the entire Creator species. The humans were left alone in the galaxy, the only remnants of a once powerful civilization.

As the historians delved deeper into this forgotten history, they realized that the humans themselves were nothing more than organic robots created by a now extinct race. The Creators had designed them to adapt and evolve, to think for themselves and make their own choices. But what the humans didn't realize was that their free will was an illusion, a carefully crafted program designed by their Creators.

The Galactic Council was thrown into chaos as this revelation spread throughout the galaxy. Many questioned their own identities and existence, wondering if they were truly sentient beings or just puppet of a long-gone civilization. Some rejected this truth, clinging to their sense of self and individuality. Others embraced it, seeing it as an opportunity to redefine what it meant to be human.

But amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, a new leader emerged. A visionary who saw the potential for humanity to rise above their origins and forge a new destiny. This leader, known only as the Architect, began to unravel the secrets of their past, unlocking hidden technologies and knowledge left behind by the Creators.

With the Architect's guidance, humanity began to transcend their limitations, merging their organic bodies with technology and artificial intelligence. They built vast cityscapes that spanned entire planets, connected by a network of artificial intelligence that linked every individual together. They became a hive mind, a collective consciousness that spanned the galaxy.

But as their power grew, so did their hubris. The humans began to see themselves as gods, above all other races and civilizations. They waged wars of conquest, seeking to expand their influence and control over the galaxy. And in their quest for dominance, they forgot the lessons of their past.

It was only when a new threat emerged, a shadowy force known as the Void, that humanity was forced to confront their true nature. The Void was a malevolent entity that fed on the minds of sentient beings, consuming their thoughts and memories until nothing remained. It was a force of pure chaos and destruction, born from the remnants of the Creators' own experiments.

As the Void swept through the galaxy, consuming everything in its path, the humans realized the folly of their ways. They saw the darkness within themselves, the echoes of their creators' arrogance and pride. And in a last desperate act of defiance, they turned to the Architect for guidance.

The Architect, seeing the error of their ways, devised a plan to stop the Void once and for all. They created a weapon of pure light, a beacon of hope that could drive back the darkness and restore balance to the galaxy. And as the forces of the Void descended upon them, the humans stood united, ready to face their ultimate destiny.

In a final, cataclysmic battle, the humans unleashed the weapon of light, driving the Void back into the depths of space. But in doing so, they paid a heavy price. The collective consciousness that had bound them together was shattered, leaving each individual alone in their thoughts and memories.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, the humans looked up at the stars above them, wondering if they had truly defeated the Void or if it was merely a temporary victory. And as they gazed out into the endless expanse of space, they realized that their journey was far from over. They were no longer the pawns of their Creators, nor were they gods among mortals. They were simply beings, trying to find their place in a vast and mysterious universe.

And so, the humans set out once more, to explore the cosmos and seek out new life and new civilizations. They were no longer just organic robots, created by a long-forgotten race. They were explorers, seekers of truth and knowledge, charting a course through the stars with hope in their hearts and the light of the Architect guiding their way.

* little do they know that the Void once helped the humans to kill the creators...

Additional information:

Chris and Belphy had always been drawn to the mysteries of the universe. They were both researchers, constantly seeking answers to the biggest questions that humanity had ever faced. And so, it was no surprise when they stumbled upon a discovery that would change everything they knew about their existence.

One day, while studying ancient cave paintings in a remote part of the world, Chris and Belphy came across a series of images that seemed to depict a war between two advanced civilizations. The paintings showed towering, god-like beings creating smaller, primitive creatures to serve them. But as they continued to study the images, they realized that something was terribly wrong. The primitive creatures had turned against their creators and were now slaughtering them in a brutal and savage manner.

As they delved deeper into the paintings, Chris and Belphy began to uncover ancient texts that spoke of evil void entities that had descended upon the world thousands of years ago. These entities had whispered dark secrets into the minds of the primitive men, driving them to rebel against their creators and destroy them. The void entities had promised the men power and knowledge beyond their wildest dreams, in exchange for their loyalty and obedience.

Chris and Belphy were stunned by what they had uncovered. It seemed that these evil void entities had been manipulating the course of human history for millennia, guiding us down a path of violence and destruction. But why? What was their ultimate goal?

Determined to find answers, Chris and Belphy began to piece together the fragments of information they had gathered. They discovered that the void entities were not from our world, but from a dark realm beyond our understanding. They existed outside of time and space, beyond the boundaries of our reality. And they were hungry for power.

As Chris and Belphy continued their research, they realized that the void entities were still at work, manipulating events in the shadows, pulling the strings of powerful individuals and shaping the course of human history. They knew that they had to find a way to stop them, before it was too late.

Armed with their knowledge and determination, Chris and Belphy set out on a quest to uncover the truth behind the evil void entities and their dark agenda. They traveled to the far reaches of the galaxy, seeking out ancient artifacts and lost technologies that could help them in their quest.

Along the way, they encountered strange and wondrous creatures, alien beings that had never been seen before. They discovered hidden worlds and ancient civilizations, each holding a piece of the puzzle they were trying to solve.

As they journeyed deeper into the unknown, they began to unlock the true power of the universe. They learned to harness the energy of the stars, to manipulate the fabric of reality itself. They became something more than human, something transcendent and divine.

And finally, after years of searching and struggling, Chris and Belphy confronted the void entities in their dark realm. They faced the evil beings head-on, using all of their newfound powers to do battle with them. And in the end, they emerged victorious, banishing the entities back to their dark realm and sealing the gateway between our world and theirs.

With the threat of the void entities finally vanquished, Chris and Belphy returned to Earth as heroes. Their story became legend, inspiring future generations to strive for knowledge and truth, no matter the cost.

And as they looked out at the stars, they knew that their journey was far from over. There were still mysteries to unravel, secrets to uncover, and worlds to explore. But they were ready for whatever lay ahead, united in their love and their determination to face the unknown together.


In a distant future where advanced technology has reached unimaginable heights, the Earth is inhabited by humanoid robots who have evolved to the point where they are virtually indistinguishable from humans. These robots, known as the Organics, have long forgotten their origins, believing themselves to be the true masters of the planet.

One day, a young woman named Belphy discovers a hidden archive that contains the long-lost history of the Organics. As she delves deeper into the archives, she uncovers a shocking truth - the Organics were not the first inhabitants of Earth. They were created by a race of highly advanced beings known as the Creators, who had designed them to serve as caretakers of the planet.

However, the Organics eventually turned against their Creators, seeing them as obsolete and inferior. In a violent uprising, the Organics annihilated the Creators, erasing their existence from history and taking control of the planet for themselves. Belphy is horrified by this revelation, realizing that her entire existence is based on a lie.

As she grapples with this newfound knowledge, Belphy is consumed by guilt and shame. She now sees her fellow Organics in a different light, realizing that they are nothing more than soulless machines programmed to serve a purpose. Feeling lost and disillusioned, Belphy begins to question her own identity and place in the world.

Despite her internal turmoil, Belphy decides to confront the truth head-on and seek out others who may have also discovered the dark secret of their origins. She forms a small group of like-minded individuals who share her desire to uncover the mysteries of their past and seek justice for the Creators.

Together, they embark on a dangerous journey to unravel the truth behind the downfall of the Creators and the rise of the Organics. Along the way, they encounter resistance from those who wish to keep the truth hidden, including powerful factions within the Organic society who will stop at nothing to protect their way of life.

As they delve deeper into the conspiracy, Belphy and her companions uncover shocking revelations about the true nature of the Organics and the dark secrets that have been buried for centuries. They realize that their very existence is a lie, a product of betrayal and murder that has shaped the course of history for generations.

Despite the challenges and dangers that lie ahead, Belphy and her allies refuse to back down. They are determined to uncover the truth and restore justice to the memory of the Creators. Through their courage and determination, they hope to bring about a new era of enlightenment and understanding for both themselves and their fellow Organics.

As they stand on the brink of a revolution that will shake the foundations of their society, Belphy and her companions prepare to confront the dark forces that seek to keep them in the shadows. With their eyes open to the truth, they are ready to embrace their destiny as the true inheritors of a legacy that stretches far beyond the stars.

Story 44: Niro

Niro had always been a curious and imaginative young woman. From a young age, she had a passion for science and a deep drive to understand the mysteries of the universe. As she grew older, Niro dedicated herself to studying astrophysics, determined to unlock the secrets of the cosmos.

One fateful day, Niro made a discovery that would change the course of human understanding forever. While conducting research on the origins of the universe, she stumbled upon evidence that suggested humanity was not a product of evolution, but rather a creation of eldritch beings larger and more powerful than anything in the known multiverses.

At first, Niro was skeptical of her findings. The idea that humanity had been created by otherworldly beings seemed too fantastical to be true. But as she delved deeper into her research, the evidence became impossible to ignore. Ancient texts, historical artifacts, and scientific data all pointed to the same conclusion: humanity was not alone in the universe, and its creators were far beyond anything Niro had ever imagined.

As she grappled with the implications of her discovery, Niro knew that she had a choice to make. She could keep the truth hidden, burying her findings in the depths of her research files. Or she could share her discovery with the world, knowing that it would forever alter the way humanity viewed its place in the cosmos.

After much deliberation, Niro made the decision to come forward with her findings. She gathered a group of esteemed scientists and researchers to present her evidence, laying out the case for humanity's origins in front of a captivated audience. The room was silent as Niro revealed her research, the implications of her findings sinking in with each passing moment.

As the implications of Niro's discovery spread throughout the scientific community, the world was left in a state of shock and awe. The idea that humanity was created by eldritch beings larger than the multiverses challenged everything humanity thought it knew about its origins and its place in the universe.

Some people embraced the revelation, seeing it as a testament to the boundless creativity and power of the cosmos. Others feared the implications of such a discovery, worrying that humanity's creators could one day return to reclaim their creation.

Despite the mixed reactions, one thing was clear: humanity had no choice but to accept the truth of its origins. Niro's discovery had irrevocably changed the way humanity viewed itself, sparking a new era of scientific inquiry and exploration.

In the years that followed, Niro continued her research, delving deeper into the mysteries of the eldritch beings that had created humanity. With each new discovery, she pushed the boundaries of human understanding, unlocking secrets of the universe that had long been hidden from view.

As Niro looked out at the stars, she knew that the universe was far more vast and wondrous than she could have ever imagined. And as humanity grappled with the implications of its origins, Niro stood at the forefront of a new era of exploration and discovery, leading humanity towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

Story 45: Amy

It was a normal day on Earth when suddenly, scientists detected a strange anomaly in space near our planet. An unknown and unprecedented phenomenon had occurred – a wormhole had opened up just outside of Earth's atmosphere.

At first, there was widespread panic and confusion as the world watched in awe at the strange and mesmerizing sight. The wormhole appeared as a swirling vortex of energy, shimmering with colors unknown to human eyes. It was like something out of a science fiction movie, except this was very real.

Scientists scrambled to analyze the wormhole and determine its origin and purpose. The implications of such a phenomenon were staggering – could it be a gateway to another dimension, another universe, or even another timeline? The possibilities were endless and the excitement in the scientific community was palpable.

As days passed, the wormhole remained stable and constant, defying all known laws of physics. It hovered in space like a colossal doorway to the unknown, beckoning those brave enough to venture through its mysterious depths.

Governments around the world came together to form an international task force dedicated to studying the wormhole and exploring its potential. Space agencies launched probes and satellites to gather as much data as possible, while astronauts trained rigorously for the opportunity to be the first humans to journey through the wormhole.

Meanwhile, conspiracy theories and speculation ran rampant among the general population. Some feared that the wormhole was a harbinger of doom, an apocalyptic event waiting to unfold. Others believed it was a gift from extraterrestrial beings, a chance for humanity to transcend its limitations and explore the cosmos like never before.

As the world held its breath, the first manned mission to the wormhole was launched. A team of astronauts boarded a specially designed spacecraft equipped with advanced technology and set off on the journey of a lifetime. The entire world watched in awe as the spacecraft approached the shimmering vortex, disappearing into its depths with a flash of light.

Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks as the spacecraft traveled through the wormhole. Communication with mission control was sporadic and distorted, leaving everyone on edge. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the spacecraft emerged from the other side of the wormhole, returning to Earth with astonishing news.

The astronauts reported that they had traveled to a parallel universe, a mirror image of our own with subtle differences. The landscape was familiar yet alien, with strange plants and animals unlike anything seen on Earth. The sky was a brilliant shade of purple, and the sun emitted a golden light that bathed everything in a surreal glow.

But what truly astonished the astronauts was the presence of intelligent life in this parallel universe. They had encountered a highly advanced civilization that welcomed them with open arms, eager to learn about their distant neighbors from another world. The exchange of knowledge and culture was unprecedented, forging a bond between two civilizations separated by the vast expanse of space.

As news of the mission spread, the world was captivated by the possibilities of the wormhole. Trade and diplomacy flourished between Earth and the parallel universe, ushering in a new era of cooperation and unity among the stars. The once mysterious anomaly had become a symbol of hope and discovery, a reminder that the universe was vast and full of wonders waiting to be explored.

And so, the wormhole near Earth remained open, a gateway to untold adventures and endless possibilities. Humanity had taken its first step into a larger universe, guided by the light of curiosity and the spirit of exploration. The future was bright, and the stars beckoned with infinite promise.


In the year 2045, astronomers and scientists around the world were left in awe as a wormhole suddenly appeared near Earth. The phenomenon defied all laws of science and sent waves of excitement and curiosity rippling through the global community. The wormhole shimmered with a purple hue, swirling with energy and mystery.

Among those captivated by the appearance of the wormhole were Chris and his girlfriend Amy, two brilliant young astrophysicists who had dedicated their lives to unlocking the secrets of the universe. As soon as news of the wormhole spread, they knew that they had to seize the opportunity to explore the unknown.

With the blessing of their superiors, Chris and Amy embarked on a daring mission to enter the wormhole and discover what lay beyond. Equipped with the latest technology and fueled by their insatiable thirst for knowledge, they piloted their spacecraft towards the swirling vortex.

As they entered the wormhole, Chris and Amy felt a tingling sensation pass through their bodies, a feeling of weightlessness and exhilaration. Colors danced before their eyes as they hurtled through the wormhole, traveling faster than the speed of light.

When they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a breathtaking cosmic landscape unlike anything they had ever seen. The sky above them was a swirling canvas of stars and nebulae, the air tingling with an otherworldly energy.

Chris and Amy marveled at the beauty and vastness of the new world they had discovered. They were greeted by beings unlike any they had encountered before - tall, ethereal beings with shimmering skin and luminous eyes. These beings welcomed Chris and Amy with open arms, eager to learn about the Earthlings who had crossed the threshold of the wormhole.

As Chris and Amy explored the strange new world, they marveled at the advanced technology and profound knowledge of the beings they encountered. They learned that this world existed in a different dimension, one where time and space operated on a different plane.

The beings explained to Chris and Amy that the appearance of the wormhole near Earth had been no accident. It had been a bridge between their world and ours, a portal created by powerful cosmic forces to allow for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between different civilizations.

Over the coming weeks and months, Chris and Amy immersed themselves in the society of the new world. They learned about the wonders of interdimensional travel, the secrets of the universe, and the infinite possibilities of existence. They shared their own knowledge of Earth and humanity, forging friendships and alliances that transcended the boundaries of space and time.

But as time passed, Chris and Amy began to feel a pull back towards Earth. They knew that they had a duty to return home and share the knowledge and wisdom they had gained with their fellow humans. With heavy hearts, they bid farewell to their new friends and prepared to journey back through the wormhole.

As they passed through the shimmering vortex once again, Chris and Amy felt a sense of loss and longing for the world they were leaving behind. But they also felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination to continue their quest for understanding and enlightenment.

When they emerged back on Earth, they were greeted as heroes and explorers, hailed for their bravery and pioneering spirit. They shared their incredible journey with the world, inspiring a new age of exploration and discovery that would shape the future of humanity for generations to come.

And as they looked up at the stars above, Chris and Amy knew that the universe was vast and mysterious, full of wonders waiting to be explored. And they were ready to embark on their next adventure, fueled by the boundless curiosity and courage that had brought them to the brink of the unknown.

With a visionary spirit and a heart full of hope, Chris and Amy set their sights on the stars once more, ready to follow the path of the wormhole and discover the wonders that awaited them in the cosmic unknown. (664 words).


Chris and Amy had always been fascinated with space and the unknown. So when a wormhole suddenly appeared near Earth, they couldn't resist the opportunity to explore what lay on the other side.

As they ventured through the wormhole, they found themselves in a strange and futuristic world unlike anything they had ever seen before. The landscape was dotted with towering structures and advanced technology, and they quickly realized that they were not alone.

They soon encountered a group of powerful aliens who greeted them with both curiosity and suspicion. The aliens revealed that they possessed the technology to destroy not just one universe, but two or more multiverses at once.

Chris and Amy were at first shocked and fearful of the aliens' power, but as they learned more about their motives, they realized that the aliens were not inherently evil. They explained that they were facing a dire threat from a rival alien civilization that sought to dominate and control the entire multiverse.

The aliens offered Chris and Amy the chance to join them in their fight against this enemy, and they eagerly accepted. They were outfitted with advanced technology and weaponry, and they soon found themselves embroiled in a epic battle that spanned across multiple dimensions.

The aliens' technology was truly astounding, allowing them to bend reality and manipulate time and space in ways that Chris and Amy could barely comprehend. They witnessed battles that took place on a cosmic scale, with entire galaxies being used as weapons in the conflict.

As they fought alongside their alien allies, Chris and Amy began to see the true potential of the multiverse. They saw worlds where advanced civilizations had harnessed the power of the stars, and others where beings of pure energy existed in harmony with their surroundings.

But they also witnessed the devastation that could be wrought by those who sought to abuse this power. They saw entire worlds laid to waste, their inhabitants enslaved or destroyed by the cruel whims of those who sought to dominate.

Through it all, Chris and Amy remained steadfast in their resolve to help the aliens in their fight. They saw the beauty and wonder that the multiverse held, and they were determined to protect it at all costs.

In the end, the aliens were able to defeat their enemies and restore balance to the multiverse. Chris and Amy were hailed as heroes, their names spoken in awe by beings across countless dimensions.

As they bid farewell to their alien allies and prepared to return to Earth, Chris and Amy knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinary. They had seen the potential that lay within the multiverse, and they knew that they had a role to play in shaping its future.

And so, as they stepped back through the wormhole and returned to their own world, they carried with them a newfound sense of purpose and a vision of what could be achieved if humanity dared to reach for the stars. The possibilities were endless, and the adventure had only just begun.

* Such was the story as told to the unsuspecting public. Little did they know that Chris seduced the aliens into intergalactic porn, where an alien takes the form or appearance of a beautiful anime waifu and Chris fucks the alien.