

I am coming with another type of romance of Ceo and a web comic writer. If you like more fantasy novels then I will come up with them. This is the story of genius CEO and a beautiful independent gals. I have three male leads as well as female leads. Also this will take u to so many twist and turns . So are you ready dears

Sitara_Venugopalan · Thành thị
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Ankush woke up, still thinking about yesterday's call. All things that happened to father are a pity. He made my mother suffer, and he bears the fruit of his wrongdoings. Due to rain at night, the garden outside his house looks like a green meadow bathed in the humid light of the sinking sun.

The air is damp, the water droplets look like a pearl and the dripping water is quenching the thirst of frogs and insects, and small animals. Ankush went jogging; he is jogging through the garden while splashing through the water, he reminds me of his childhood days when his father always takes him jogging, his father is a good sportsman, an athlete with a stiff and elegant body.

He remembers the past days when he and his father always take him for jogging in the morning. He is the person who taught him to make the toys, nicely. He remembers the first toy gifted by his father when he was just 5 yrs old. He still kept that with him. It is a speaking robot, which was his first innovation and that toy is manufactured in the company which he lost now. 

That toy hit and broke the record of all other toy manufacturing units. Due to that, he merged with them and within a year the company progressed a lot. Madhumitha knocked on the door. Ankush woke up from his old memories, Madhumitha bought coffee for him, and she saw that he is still worried, Then asked " Are you missing your dad, Do you want to speak with him, Ankush said" Madhu, I am confused, I lost my mom, I don't want to lose my father he is cruel to mother, but he never betrayed me. 

I want to be with him during this time, If I do that will mom become angry, what should I do. Madhumitha told, "Do what your heart says. Your mom is with you always. She continued "Your dad needs you, at this time, to think about it and then take the decision. Your mom will be happy if you do that because she always loved that man and she loves more if you help him". 

Humans only have grudges but the soul doesn't have them. She will not hate you, but she will love you more. Ankush is shocked to hear all this, he started loving her more. 

He told to her" Thank You" and told, you go to an office and I will be going to dad, I prepare a schedule for today and Ankith, and send you the mails in company Email ID and I will not be coming if work done early then I will come otherwise I spend my day with my father.

Ankush dropped her in a company and bid farewell, and went to the Kasthuri hospital and asked about the ward, in reception" He told I want to meet Mr.Sandeep Thorat, the receptionist told yes, he is in ward number 6.

He went slowly towards the ward, and he saw a weak, old and tired person in bed no10. He went near to him and called him "Father, that person is in his late 60's but he looks like he is late 70's. Sandeep told", "My son, Appu, is this you?" You become more handsome now.

Both of their eyes filled with tears, they hugged and Sandeep cried like a baby, on his shoulders. Ankush felt like a long-lost love, he feels comfortable and strong. Sandeep's voice is shaking, but he still wants to speak to him. Ankush asked "How are you feeling, now take a rest we will talk later," Sandeep said" It's fine, I can speak "Then he said I will tell you a story will you listen", yes dad I will listen to you".

15 years back...

My toy company Robotics international nicely manufactures children-friendly toys, and they have captured the market very well. People is liking toys very much. Those who love and believe me started investing in my business, and those who liked my creative ideas, merge with me and started doing business with me. 

One of the competitor's names Hartman International, is selling low-quality toys and people stopped buying them, so they started doing illegal business, but police took them and imprisoned their owner for 14 years but they have a powerful hand and the punishment reduce to one year, they started blaming me for all this, until that I got a good hold in the market.

They understood that they can't demolish me legally, so they started torturing me, by using my mom's friend, in the beginning, she was not knowing they are using her as a chess piece, but after some time she understood the fact and told sorry to me and your mom, but next day she was killed by them. 

The police investigated the case and they finally got justice. The investigation officer is Mr. Narayanan, your friend Madhu's father. Suddenly Sandeep stopped his story and asked Ankush, Son where is she now, Ankush said, "Dad, she is with me and working as an animation and admin in my company, she is the same as she was in her childhood, I handover the work to her and came to meet you". Then what happened

Sandeep continued, then they started, selling the low-quality toys by putting duplicate labels of my company in their toys and started selling them, at that time I faced huge loss, that time shareholders and others told me to do the advertisement of the comparative product, I was short on money hence I taken money from the bank and slowly started earning and paying the money slowly, but they made bank to go against me and pressurize and torture me.

Due to that, I have to ask your mom for the property papers so that I can make money from somewhere else and pay them. But your mom felt I was lying and not giving me the papers, I don't have any other option but to explain everything to her, but your grandfather wrote the paper in such a manner that, your mom is the only sole owner of the property. 

But she can take that property only after her father's death. Your mom has no other way but to explain everything to your grandfather, and he immediately changes the paper and hands over the house and company in her name and it is mentioned that I am also the legal heir of the property after her death. 

As I told you, we have taken a loan from another bank and paid my first loan. Those days are the most beautiful in my life with your mom. During this period she becomes pregnant with my second child. We spend the happiest moment with you. We slowly started paying the loan with the earnings and Robotics International started re-establishing the glory which he lost.

Days are good and we are enjoying our days, but God is still taking the test for me, he put me on another big challenge, but before that god left us with another beautiful day, your mom's company also progressing good, and she opened a Charity trust, the trust which you are owning now. 

Anamika Charitable Trust also gave birth to a beautiful girl child, and we are the happiest couple in those days, but our problems are never-ending. The Hartman International joined hands with some criminals and they started torturing your mom. 

She is heartbroken and she was the eyewitness to her death, I was always on a business trip, and your sister, Ankitha always accompany me on the trip, and you were always with your mom, Your mom send her with me because she felt that your sister is safe with me. I always take her with me to the company. 

When torture continued, your mom told me to take Ankitha to our new branch in Mumbai, so that she is away from these issues, she is now 18 years old, also she is studying BCOM and doing a Chartered Accountant course. We know that keeping you separated is an offense but we don't have any other option.

On the day of the accident I was abroad, the owner of Hartman International made a plot to kill both of you, but unfortunately, your mom died. I had taken you from the crime scene so that I can protect you because you are the only eyewitness to that incident. I started looking after the animation industry until you mature enough to take over the company. 

But to my amazement, you learn things easily and are capable and mature at the age of 20. Hence I handed over the company 

Ankush stayed stunningly, after listening to him. Taking a deep breath," He said, a dad who is the owner of Harten international and why he wants to kill you, and what is the story about your second wife and husband and the disaster of the company.

His father laughed and said, They are all stupid rumors, you heard, that things are to make my competitors specially Harten Industry, stop torturing. After your mom's death, I made myself busy with work only, I missed both of you a lot, I tried a lot to forget my past but I couldn't. 

I was working day and night, and traveling myself a lot without resting, I came here for some business work and yesterday night they started throwing stones at our house. So to make them calm I spread that news. So that I can reach you and tell you all this.

The doctor came, checked Sandeep, and told him that, he can go today itself but he should not travel more. Take a rest and enjoy your life. He turned to Ankush and told him to come to his cabin. Ankush followed the doctor and went behind him.

They reached the cabin and the doctor told him to take a seat. He then said" Hello, Mr. Ankush, I am your father's friend as well as your family doctor. He is out of danger now, but he is taking a lot of pressure, and his heart is weak. He got a mild heart attack, now but you should take good care of him. He prescribed some medicines and told to him to pay the bill.

He paid the bill and took his father from the hospital. Ankush has taken him to his house and started talking to him, father, you should not go anywhere, be with me always, I feel guilty now about you. 

I blamed you for my mother's death, I started hating you, Sorry for everything. Sandeep said dad I don't want to lose you, please accompany me throughout my life. The night sky is making the environment darker, and exotic. They started memorizing their past days, and they slept peacefully after a long time.

Will both son and father, be able to destroy their Hertan? Who is the company, Why do they want to destroy them? For all this, you should wait and watch the next chapter, stay tuned with our mesmerizing experience.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Sitara_Venugopalancreators' thoughts