
Alex? Is That You?

"Claire, why don't you tell him some things about himself from the time you spent together to see if he remembers? Start small," Steve suggested.

Claire swiped at her nose with her sleeve. "Okay. You like cheeseburgers and Oreos and things with cinnamon in them, like the cereal you had this morning. You're really good at phone games and board games. You like anime…and you look up words on your phone a lot because you like describing things with precise terminology."

The cereal he had this morning. So that's what the flavor was. Cinnamon! That was something concrete that Six could work with.

"Apple Jacks," he said suddenly. "That was what the cereal this morning kind of tasted like."

Claire's clouded expression brightened immediately. "Yes! Apple Jacks are your favorite thing to have for breakfast aside from cookies and cream Pop-Tarts!"