
About The Actually Book

Hello everybody! This auxiliary chapter will be about what my novel is based on. I'm pretty sure most of the people who read this, read this book collection. If you don't know which book collection I'm talking about, I'll tell you what you need to know. This is based on a book series called "Warrior Cats" (my favorite book series). This book is writen by Erin Hunter (who may be my favorite author). Warrior Cats contains 4 series (well actually 5) with 6 books in each series and many special edition books (Most of you will not understand what I'm talking about, but hold on a bit).

The novel you are reading this in is the first series, "The Prophecies Begin" (There will be 6 volumes in this story (because there are 6 books in the series The Prophecies Begin), then I will make a new story for "The New Prophecy" after this one (There will also be 6 volumes in the next story because there are 6 books in The New Prophecy series.). You can proberly see what I'm saying by now, and if you don't you might understand soon. The number of chapters I have aren't really related with any of the books. I just mainly put at least 700-800 words in each chapter. The reason why the number of series (of the collection) depend on the number stories (I have) is because it might be easier for people who do read this book series/collection I'm talking about right now. This is the same for the number of books (of the collection) and the number of volumes (I have). Hopefully, you understand what I'm saying here.

I do change up the storyline though. For example, the characters (names and genders), how they act, talk, and behave like in this story. I also like to add a bit more romance in this story because I mean, more romance doesn't hurt anybody. However, changing the main character's gender does change a lot of the story plot. So prepare for some more drama and mysteries.

I do recomend reading this book series/collection because this (the book series and collection) is like REALLY good. Of course, not everybody will agree with me, but a friend of mine actually knew I loved it so she decided to read it too, and she loves it. Plus, you won't know that you like this if you never tried reading it, but if you are still reading my story till this far you'll like the books I'm talking about.

Okay, well this is it for this auxiliary chapter. I hope you do read this book collection, and if you do comment if you like it or not. As you already know, I am posting twice this week (more details is in the chapter before this, "Posting Times: Part 2") Hope you have a wonderful day or night. and stay safe!

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