
Warhammer X League of Legends

The story of a Warhammer and League of Legends fan who took the system to the mighty world of Warhammer, and brought a group of friends to fight on the battlefield. (I really can't find a fanfic of 40k i like that I can read so just don't mine the book grammar because im not proficient in English and this book is just my hobby)

PAIN_0501 · Khoa huyễn
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chapter 13 BATTLE AT CRUISER 1

The empire's battleships are divided into battleships, battlecruisers, large cruisers, cruisers, light cruisers, and frigates, while the battleship of the Watcher is transformed from a large cruiser. /s/XI Watcher Storm

  Not to mention the Thunder Eagle gunship that is preparing for a space battle with the Shark Assault Ship, inside the bridge of the Renegade cruiser, a middle-aged man wearing a lieutenant colonel's coat with three iron pipes stuck behind his head is giving an anxious expression. The order, "Quickly start the engine and open the energy barrier on the ship! An unknown enemy warship is heading behind our ass! We must start the cruiser, and we cannot let them aim at the engine behind us with peace of mind!!!"

  "Sir!" An operator sitting on the console replied, "Because, we stopped the engine to save fuel, and now it takes fifteen minutes to warm up the engine at the fastest, and now the enemy is probably Five minutes to go and 60km to go."

  "That is to say, as long as the enemy is a battleship of a cruiser or more, we can kick our ass with the main gun? Now, the Information Department will immediately find out what model the enemy battleship is!" The lieutenant colonel wandered back and forth restlessly, this time He felt that he was going to suffer a big loss. He was numb because he looked down on the enemy behind him. He even let an unidentified battleship sneak so close behind him that even the shield on the ship was not activated because the main engine was not activated, which caused fragile.

  After a while, an operator notified the lieutenant colonel of a message that made him feel like he was in an ice cave through a communicator, "Sir! Behind us is an Avenger-class cruiser with an unknown chapter."

  At the same time, on the bridge of the Imaginary, "Captain! Our reinforcements have been identified!" The young chief officer of the Imagination jumped up from the seat excitedly, and Emilia hurriedly asked, "Our reinforcements What identity is it? What type of warship is supporting us?"

  "It's a large cruiser-class battleship of the Space Marines! Captain, this means that there is more than one company of Space Marines supporting us!" The ecstatic first mate danced in place, and Emilia was about to be rescued. And burst into tears.

  After five minutes passed. On the Tempest, Major Jerome sat firmly in the commander's position in the center of the bridge, and issued an order steadfastly: "The lance energy cannon on the bow is aimed at the position of the cruiser's engine in front, and strive to solve the enemy's mobility with one shot. Commander, prepare for their landing battle."

  "Buzz buzz~~~" Storm's square bow main guns - two lance energy cannons are exuding dangerous light, "Zizzizi!!!" Two thick energy rays that seem to penetrate the universe from The main gun of the lance in front of the Storm was fired, and after crossing a distance of 60 kilometers, it accurately hit the engine position of the traitor cruiser.

  "Boom boom boom~~~~~" The fragile shield behind the traitor cruiser did not completely block the attack of the energy shells. If the attacked position was changed to other parts, it would be very difficult for the rough-skinned space battleship. It's hardly worth mentioning, but the fragile engine of the battleship was stabbed in by two thick and large energy shells. In an instant, the cruiser lost most of its power, and the main engine was completely turned into a pile of scrap iron. Only The cruiser's secondary engine works.

  In an instant, the rebels working in the cruiser were smashed to death by the violent vibration, and the cruiser that was turning in place was also pushed a short distance by the explosion.

  "Go!" The lieutenant colonel, who got up from the ground, heard the loss report and burst out in a foul language.

  "Continue to attack! Until the enemy's battleships are hit! Make them unable to resist!" Jerome, who was in the opposite mood from the lieutenant colonel, gave the order happily. Soon, the Storm approached the cruiser while using the bow of the light spear. The main battery and the guns on the back of the battleship bombarded the poor cruiser.

Counterattack! Counterattack! Never let the enemy get close enough to jump in, or we'll be doomed! Space Marines won't forgive cowards who run away from the battlefield. We can only survive if we fight hard!"

  As the cruiser was turning around beside the Imagination, the engine was knocked out by the Storm, and the turn around was naturally not completed. Since most of the weapons on the cruiser could not be fired back, the lieutenant colonel can only use the cannons on the back of the cruiser and The secondary artillery lance at the bottom returned fire, so the pitiful firepower was not aimed at the storm at the back because of the angle problem. Most of the shots were opened, and occasionally a few shots were lucky enough to hit the storm. They were all bounced off by the thick shield in front of the battleship, causing no damage at all.

  "Aim!!! Prepare..., launch!!!" A gunnery sergeant commanded the gunners hoarsely in the turret. Under his order, the nearby turrets followed a consistent slogan. The large-caliber spaceship gun fired a thick shell, and then across a long distance, hit the cruiser,

  bang bang bang!!!" After the shield on the cruiser weakly resisted the shells of a dozen secondary guns, it shattered directly like a piece of glass, and it took a period of time to recharge. Will reappear, but now that the cruiser's power engine has been knocked out, the power output is enough for the cruiser to run, let alone the charge that should be used for the power shield.

  "Boom boom boom boom~~~~~~" The cruiser with the shield removed was directly exposed under the gun muzzle of the Storm, and a large group of shells shot out from the barrel of the Storm, covering the sky with the barrage. On the back and sides of the cruiser, pieces of the cruiser's armor peeled off in the rain of guns. As the Storm completely caught up with the cruiser from behind, the Space Marine's battle mothership was ready to jump from side to side. Helped to fight, a swarm of Thunderhawk gunships appeared around the cruiser in successive intervention attacks to escort the Space Marines for the landing battle.

  "Beep beep beep!!!" The harsh siren sounded from the cabin, "Haha, get ready for battle! Brothers! Let's go to the cruiser and have a happy harvest!"

  While Robert was mobilizing before the war in high spirits, "Di! System mission: battle for cruisers, a cruiser of 10,00 people is in front of you, plundering it with the battle tradition inherited from the Space Wolves by the watchmen! Occupy it! Kill it all!!!. Mission completion reward: 10000-5000 contribution points. Note: The shorter the mission completion time, the higher the mission reward."

  "Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!" The people who were originally in high spirits, after seeing this task, the arrogance of the sky was already visible to the naked eye.