
Wargod Reborn : Legendary Wargod

A warrior from past has been forcefully reincarnated by Demon King during Holy War . With new life and unfamiliar all powerful blessing from Demon King , this great warrior now has wonderful life and opportunity to live again . Let's follow the story of a great warrior who will learn something new while something old but on this journey , he will encounter lots of interesting events and will be force to get involved in power struggle between two different factions .

Lost_Immortal_5724 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


The wound in the sky slowly began to recover and there was no devouring power to engulf the entire world and the reality itself .

Of course , when facing such rampage lingering aura of the world devouring force , everyone was forced to shudder .

But more than that , the strength displayed by Wudi Egun was on a completely different level .

Even a Titled Knight would be forced to retreat some steps .

"You — are strong "

Demon Lieutenant Colonel Strangle blinks his eyes and with his trembling voice , praises Wudi Egun .

As for Wudi Egun , he can feel his swords disappear into dust , scattering away with the wind .

But even so , his aura was majestic and very terrific.

His whole person was brimming with endless strength and limitless power , neverending intent .

With his Immortality Seal , of course , no matter how many times he is killed , he will always return back to life .

And coupled with his Battle Intent Manifestation that has property to empower him and strengthen him more and more whenever he is wounded , slaughters his enemy or comes into contact with War - Class possession , he is almost invincible .

"This is not a fight which we can win "

Demon Captain Leaf slowly stretches his both arms forward , soon with a blinding crimson - green light , Chaos engulfs the space and a magic portal tear opens .

Followed by a forest of divine bamboo , anyone can see such a majestic and endless bamboo forest on the other side of the magic portal .

Without any delay , he commands the soldiers.

"Retreat "

This is his Inner World , a world born after Demon Captain Leaf completed his Demon Core which is similar to human's Magic Circle .

"Retreat !!"

The demon army begins to march inside the Inner World — Bamboo Domain .

"They are escaping , truly a sight to behold !!"

Zu Dandan coughs a fresh batch of blood , smiling weakly but with mockery .

Demon Lieutenant Colonel Strangle observes her for a while before his focus shifts to Wudi Egun who is growing more and more powerful .

"The boy is hidden by veil , someday , I will unveil his mystery"

With a calm attitude , Demon Lieutenant Colonel Strangle does not let humiliation take over him .

Instead , wisely , he retreats .

After the retreat , the magic portal was closed .

"They are gone "

Zu Dandan also sighs with relief , causing the world to stagnate with her .

After a while , she returns her focus to Wudi Egun who was now erupting with a world destroying aura .

"You are not so bad after all "


Wargod Egun 👑


After the battle against the demon army , the days were all peaceful.

One month passed in the blink of an eye , soon , the weather also began to show its ruthless attitude .

Heavy rain began to storm the world , causing everyone to feel both upset and relaxed .

When the heavy rain was storming , the roof of the mansion was all getting cleaned up by the rain .

The rain keeps on violating nature , the tall ancient trees constantly fight against harsh weather .

They were pushed away and were threatened to uproot .

The mountain trembles with great force and the river welcomes dangerous floods .

"Hey you lunatic husband !!"

A very soft voice with endless captivating charm penetrates those loud and ear-piercing noises created from calamitous rain .

A young boy in his 12's was swinging his silver sword in the middle of rain , in the backyard of the mansion .

The young boy has a fat body with a huge belly , his chins are fluffy and eyes are almost sinking deeply .

His upper body was exposed to the rain while his lower body was hidden by the blue trouser .

Of course , his arms were thick and extremely terrifying .

Just a single glance and anyone can see those muscular muscles throbbing with inexhaustible stamina and strength .

Slowly , a young girl in her 11th year walks outside while protected by a magical umbrella .

Her long and beautiful green dress with ground touching hem , embroidered with divine resources . Cosmo and galaxies are decorated at the end of her hem , allowing her hem to float with the void and not come in contact with the land .

Of course , her beautiful and unmatched heavenly beauty , this was more than enough to shame all those arrogant heavenly daughters of the Divine Earth .

It was as if Magic God was just too focus on creating perfect perfection.

But for some reason , that perfection must have accidentally fallen to this tainted - world .

She was currently protected by a magical umbrella where spirits seem to be dancing and angels seem to be singing heavenly songs for her .

This creates an immortal portrait for the world and the history but alas , other than Wudi Egun , no one is so lucky to witness such a heart stealing picture .

"What ?"

Wudi Egun does not stop swinging his sword vertically , while he trains himself , he answers Zu Dandan.

"Even in such harsh weather , you still have a persistent ego to swing your stupid sword ?"

Zu Dandan frowns slightly , feeling very helpless .

Other husbands and lovers would be trying to do their best to please their wife and their partner .

But on the other hand , why is her husband training - enthusiastic !!

He does not even try to be romantic.

Let alone romance , he does not even focus on pleasing her !!

This is a serious crime , a sin to be paid by blood !!

"Oh !! Yeah "

Wudi Egun didn't care about what she said . He just thought that she was worried about him so he didn't mind her words .

Despite how she acts and behaves , he has already learned that she cares about him after all .

It's just that , unlike normal people , she expresses her emotions in a different way that misunderstands the victim.

"You are truly taking my words lightly "

Zu Dandan felt dissatisfied and she snorted , crossing her arms and puffing herself .

"Ah ?"

Wudi Egun still didn't stop his sword training , contrary to what Zu Dandan expected.

"You are still not taking me seriously "

With that , she runs to Wudi Egun and soon , a flying kick was delivered on his face , imprinting a very beautiful sandal imprint on his face .

Legend has it , from that day onward , a terrifying Wargod was forced to listen to his wife's nagging .

The arrival of monsoon was just a short memory for the pair of husband and wife .

The lives of the husband and wife were passing very quietly but of course there also involved a battle against a demon army who continued to visit Yu Territory .

But every time there was a battle against the demon army , Zu Dandan and Wudi Egun were forced to go all out .

With this , their relationship with the demon army also deepened despite being on the opposite side .

But at the sametime , they also were constantly growing stronger .

Although Wudi Egun was also becoming a strong warrior , because of his Immortality Seal, his progress was very slow yet extremely stable .

Unlike other warriors , his strength does not depend on Magic Cultivation and neither Knight Cultivation .

His strength depends on his physical and spiritual power .

Of course , this also became one of the reasons for him to grow very slow .

However , with time , Zu Dandan was becoming stronger than before , surpassing yesterday's limit in her today's timeline .

The lives of these couples were nothing out of ordinary other than them being a complete monster .

Soon , winter came knocking on the door , the season close to the end of the current year .

When the snow was spreading everywhere and building a snow mountain , a group of humans wearing poor and tethered outfits came walking to Yu Territory .

There were a total of three humans , a young man with muscular build , a young girl with simple yet fresh beauty and a young man with an unyielding attitude .

The muscular man is wearing a blue outfit with many small holes and a half pant that seem to have not been washed for ages .

He is around 5'7 feet tall and very muscular , could be mistaken for a wild bear .

He struggles to walk further in such cold and ruthless weather but remembering the condition of his village right now , he grits his teeth and endures this little struggle .

"Ba , are you sure that the young lord will be able to help us right now ? After all —"

The young girl with simple beauty, wearing simple loose clothes with some holes and scars askes with her shaking voice .

Her eyes are expressing her weakness and her entire body is about to freeze.

"Little Yan , don't you worry "

The muscular man smiles softly , trying his best not to collapse .

"Although our young lord has fallen and can't be consider a Dukedom anymore but even after his fall , how can he be so weak enough to not have such means to help us right now "

Although he smiled brightly, his heart was bitter .

He is also aware of the situation of his young lord but he can't help but go and ask for help .

After all , if he doesn't , how will he be able to save his village ?

His village is called Boundary Village , a village very close to the southern - Southern Border.

Although Boundary Village is close to the southern - Southern Border , it has no guards protecting. Infact , the village is defenseless and is vulnerable to even an insignificant raid from a weak group of bandits .

Because the village is so vulnerable , the criminals from all over the Yggdrasil like to make it their temporary hideout .

Of course , this only implies powerful criminals .

And after the fall of Yu Dukedom , this incident has only managed to skyrocket .

It is also mainly because of two reasons .

Firstly , they can abandon this village at any time .

Secondly , it can be easier for those criminals to execute hidden agenda in such a paradise where no guards are stationed.

Like transporting stolen treasures , doing black markets and many more .

But recently there is a group of criminals who escaped from another dukedom and have been hiding in Boundary Village.

This group of criminals are called Venomous Brothers , an existence far more powerful than any Titled Knights .

Of course one is a powerful Famed Mage , one is a Crowned Knight and the last one is Wisdom Master .

These three brothers are an extremely dangerous group of criminals who have even has terrorized the capital once .

The brain in the group is the Wisdom Master , the brawn is Crowned Knight and the person who is responsible for their safety is Famed Mage .

With such soul , body and mind , how can one even be able to force them into submission ?

They have currently dominated the entire force of those criminals hiding in Boundary Village while enslaving those poor villagers there .

It is all due to luck which caused these three survivors to escape .

If not then they would also have been enslaved by those criminals .

It is because they are part of Yu Dukedom , they have come to Yu Dukedom's mansion to ask for help .

Although they know that their lord is not in a position to help them , at the very least , they can try to ask for help .

"Sigh , if only we were stronger "

The unyielding man sighed weakly but on his expression , unwillingness can be found .

It seems he is not ready to accept such blatant fate given to him by heaven .

When listening to the young man's words , both Yan Wen and Ba Hong become dejected .

"Our village is located close to border and is not even protected by the soldier of territory lord "

When thinking about this , Cao Zong can't help but clench his teeth tightly while his fingernails penetrate his skin deeply .

"Because the Yu Dukedom was forced to constantly focus on the safety of the borderline, the territory lords always got opportunity to harass us "

"The soldier send by the Lord were all exhausted to protect the territory lord's mansion "

"This in return causes the vassal under the territory lord to become defenseless and vulnerable to all those criminals activities "

"Although our lord was kind and very generous but these territory lords under him were all vicious villains "

Listening to Cao Zong , both the girl and the man nod their heads , agreeing with his statement .

"I wonder if the young lord can help us ? "

There were deep worries in their eyes .


"Hey that's not how you do it "

A snowball soars and reaches for Wudi Egun , yet he instinctively dodges the attack and counterattacks with his snowball .

Zu Dandan sneers and uplifts snow from the ground using her mental strength of a mage .

Of course , followed by a large number of snowballs that were condense from those snows she uplifted .

As for Wudi Egun's snowball , even that one snowball betrays Wudi Egun and decides to become traitor.

"That's totally cheating !!"

No matter how many times Wudi Egun cried but it seemed there was no effect on Zu Dandan, she remained unmoved by his miserable complaints .

She was feeling inexplicable satisfaction after seeing Wudi Egun shouting at her with lots of complaints.

"If you can, why don't you use Magic as well ? "

With a big knowing smile , Zu Dandan pretends to be innocent . Her smile seems to be playful but her attitude speaks a different language .

"You —"

Wudi Egun nearly vomited blood from intolerable humiliation .

If he was beaten or killed by magic during a great war or battle , he would have no complaints .

But to be humiliated in such a way , this was intolerable.

With great force , he marches forward .

One after another snowballs keep on landing on his body but he does not stop himself .

He activates his battle intent and charges on Zu Dandan.

Zu Dandan slightly smiles , not taking it seriously but soon she sees Wudi Egun jump on her , causing her to frown .

Before she even reacted , she was already caught by Wudi Egun .

Followed by Wudi Egun pushing her body forward and pressing her down with his body weight .

After pinning her down on the ground , Wudi Egun locks both of her arms with his forearm , pressing them tightly.

"You — "

Zu Dandan was surprised and was left in bewilderment , such boldness from Wudi Egun was hard to believe .

As for Wudi Egun , he has yet to realize what he is doing right now .

Closing the distance between his face and Zu Dandan's , he smiles .

His warm breath escape from his nose and hits Zu Dandan's soft skin , while her breath also hits Wudi Egun's skin , at the sametime their breath collides with each other and merges .

"Do you even realize what you are doing right now ?"

Zu Dandan slightly curls the corner of her lips upward , teasing Wudi Egun .

As for Wudi Egun , he blinks his eyes and does not take her seriously .

Of course , Wudi Egun has yet to realize what he was doing .

It was no less than physical harassment , assault on a maiden .

"Yes , I am literally locking you on the ground so you will not be able to make any move "

Wudi Egun nods his head and meets his eyes with Zu Dandan.

Their eyes interlock with each other and do not shift from their interlocking , completely focused .

"What ?"

Zu Dandan sneers and asks with some light laughter , while Wudi Egun shrugs his shoulders for no reason .

"N—nothing "

Shaking his head , Wudi Egun does not say anything .

But soon , he was pulled by Zu Dandan and was forced to land on Zu Dandan's soft and slim body .

His head peacefully gets supported by Zu Dandan's chest while his arms that were previously pinned on were now close to her slim waist .

"Stupid fool , Not only your body is fat like a pig but even your brain resonates with your body "

When Zu Dandan mocked him , Wudi Egun didn't take any offense because he knew that Zu Dandan didn't mean what she said just now .

" In the last few months , I have seen you getting lost in your thoughts for some reason , if you have anything in your mind why don't you just say it out loud ?"

"If not , don't give a damn about those things that troubles you "


Listening to Zu Dandan , Wudi Egun silently frowns but begins to rethink his problem.

Recently he has begun to see sudden images surfacing in his mind , they all seem to be of different people .

Of course , while some belong to a soldier , some belong to a general , followed by the King , prince , emperor , saint , demon , human and many more .

There are lots of images surfacing in his mind for some reason .

But strangely enough , those memories seem to be all familiar and give a sense of belonging to him .

Of course , some people in those memories faced a tragic ending while some experienced an ordinary ending .

He feels as if the old yet forgotten memories were resurfacing and returning back to him .

Although he does not know what is going on, he is aware that he has forgotten something very important .

But what that is , he does not remember .

Normally this should not have any affect on him but for some unknown reason , it makes him uneasy .

His heart seems to be hollow , empty and nothing else .

He has forgotten something or more like someone .

"I don't know "

Wudi Egun shakes his head and his breath becomes heavy , completely chaotic .

Upon sensing his emotion fluctuation , Zu Dandan remains silent .

"I don't know anything , I don't even know what is going on "

In the beginning , Wudi Egun thought that the power he received after his reincarnation was great and all .

But now he can feel that this power is not so simple , there are lots of mysteries hidden .

To be Immortal is to not remain Eternal but to suffer Forever .

Wudi Egun grows weak , his heart softens and he feels very exhausted even when he can't feel such physical or spiritual reaction .

"It seem I have forgotten someone , someone very special to me "

Wudi Egun does his best to remember but everything is blurry and extremely unclear.

It seems his memories are fading away but he can clearly remember every single moment of his previous life so what is that he is forgetting ?

Suddenly without any warning , Zu Dandan embraces his head and softly whispers to him and comforts him warmly .

In this heavy snow where coldness dominates , her warmth endlessly melts all those frozen ice and worries which Wudi Egun has been carrying on him .

"It's alright , if you have forgotten something , it only means that you don't want to remember those memories because they are either very painful or extremely sorrowful"

Her words may not be strong but there was endless warmth .

"Let yourself forget those memories and continue to create new one for now "

Wudi Egun's lips tremble and he wants to say something but once again he keeps quiet.

For now he lets himself drown in Zu Dandan's warmth , why must he care so much about the things he can't even remember ?

But the uneasiness in his heart remained with him , hard to wash away such an unerasable feeling .

{ 🎵 Let Those , Forgotten Memories , Remain Forgotten 🎵 }

He inhales long breaths and sighs deeply .

{ 🎵 On The Land Of Snow , Someone's Reaching Her Hand Out For You , Melting All Those Snows With Her Warmth 🎵 }

On the other hand , the trio arrives at the mansion and stands outside the mansion . Although they have arrived, they don't have the heart to ask their young lord for help because their young lord himself is in such a state .

{ 🎵 Do You Want To Stay Stagnate , Forever Suffering On The Peak Of Eternality 🎵 }

"Should we really do it ?"

They asked themselves but the only answer they received was silence .

{ 🎵 I Know , You Will , Keep On , Agony 🎵 }

"It is not the question about should we but instead we must "

Cao Zong grits his teeth and walks forward , the gate was open so nobody stopped him .

Looking at Cao Zong walking further , both Ba Hong and Yan Wen also makes their decision and enters the mansion .

{ 🎵 The Neverending Life Which You Are Blessed With Is Just A Facade To Your Misery 🎵 }


Both Zu Dandan and Wudi Egun were immersed with each other's heartbeat , feeling very peaceful and serene .

"For now , I will take a rest "