
Wargod Reborn : Legendary Wargod

A warrior from past has been forcefully reincarnated by Demon King during Holy War . With new life and unfamiliar all powerful blessing from Demon King , this great warrior now has wonderful life and opportunity to live again . Let's follow the story of a great warrior who will learn something new while something old but on this journey , he will encounter lots of interesting events and will be force to get involved in power struggle between two different factions .

Lost_Immortal_5724 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Inborn Arrogance

Ning Wuhai , left utterly in horror of the unknown , was standing silly .

His eyes wandered around , doing his best to find the culprit who chopped his right arm without even giving him a chance to become aware of such a threat .

He hurriedly picks his right arm with his left hand and connects the two separated points with each other , his shoulder and arm together.

At his level , reconnecting his lost limbs is nothing but just a simple thing to him .

Soon , a mysterious light engulfed his right shoulder , completely purifying all the harmful affinity of the world and healing his arm together .

Soon , his arm was back to normal but of course , the paleness of his complexion was completely unnatural.

Soon , everyone hears the blade crack , followed by the iron blade of sword in Wudi Egun's hand breaking down .

The blade falls down and lands on the ground , the only thing that is left in Wudi Egun's hand is the hilt and little bit of broken iron blade .

"Just as I thought , iron blade is still not enough to endure the collision against the body of someone of your level "

When everyone is left stunned , the calm yet helpless voice of Wudi Egun wakes them from their stupor.


The word of Wudi Egun causes Ning Wuhai to frown deeply , sharply glaring at Wudi Egun , said Ning Wuhai.

"You said that the collision between that iron sword of yours and my body forced that blade to break down ? "

"Do you mean to say , you used that sword to split my arm ?"

"Impossible !!"

"You must be joking"

Ning Wuhai can't accept such a blatant hypocritical statement from a crippled person .

"Yes , I did ? So what ?"

Wudi Egun throws the hilt on the ground and claps his palm together , intending to clear his hands from the dust .

But his casual reply was not something to scoff at .


For a short moment , the entire atmosphere was dead silence .

But followed by drums of laughter , even to the point the sky revealed signs of rumbling .

"🤣 Hahaha"

The entire camp was laughing their ass off without intending to hold back , this also shows how hilarious the joke was from Wudi Egun.

"This fucking little bitch said that he attacked our commander and even managed to do him harm "

"This son of bitch , how hilarious his jokes sounds to my ear "

"Stop this joke and ask your hidden guardian to reveal himself , this is no time to be messing around "

One after another criticisms were thrown at Wudi Egun , fortunately enough he was used to such a situation.

But Ning Wuhai remained dead silent because unlike others , he is in a completely different league.

He can still feel that mysterious feeling that attacked him before .

This feeling was not an Aura nor the Magic , instead it is [ Intent ]

Intent , a very powerful mysterious source trained not by some special methods but instead is cultivated after painstaking experience.

Intent isn't hone by training but instead is cultivated through real experience.

The reason why Knights are capable of going up against Mage despite not having that ability to summon rain and wind at will is because Knight possesses their own respective abilities.

Knights have advantages such as [ Skill ] [ Ego ] [ Knight Awakening ] [ Technique ] [ Art ] and many more .

But even amongst those advantages , there are those that are many times powerful compared to what a Knight can learn or cultivate.

And one of those are [ Intent ]

Intent does not depends on knights strength or power but relies on Knight's [ Willpower ]

The stronger their [ Willpower ] grows , the more terrifying their Intent ascends .

And Ning Wuhai who also has his own Intent can clearly distinguish the difference between his Intent and the one who attacked him .

Although this Intent has no sharpness or power behind it , the Intent is still unfathomable and lethal, capable of going up against high heaven itself .

He was about to open his mouth but suddenly a very arrogant voice reached out to everyone.

"Stop making fool of yourself already , I am sick of this all crap "

When the voice is out and floats in void , everyone's attention is attracted to the owner .

Soon they saw a little girl in her 11 , flat chest yet fair beauty . Reflecting the image of goddess yet aura of savage queen , she is both beautiful and terrifying.

She has a long green dress covering her body with flowers blooming on her left shoulder , the diamonds embedded can be seen glittering whenever the sunlight reaches her ornament.

"Young lady Zu , your hierarchy should not taint yourself by coming in contact with this rude person . "

Tan Shi hurriedly runs to Zu Dandan and acts humble .

As for Zu Dandan , she snorts coldly and does not even bother to glance at Tan Shi .

But her arrogant voice reaches out , completely threatening the humble maid .

"What rude person ? This person you mention is the husband of this lady here "

"Be more respectful and act humble when you are in presence of him "

The arrogant voice causes Tan Shi to tremble but she does not retort Zu Dandan.

Zu Dandan is both the young lady of dukedom and a magic genius with powerful strength; at such a young age , she has already become powerful enough to fight against elder-level mages .

"Who are you now ? "

One after another , why do these people not come out once at a time ?

Wudi Egun was left in awe when he saw these retarded mind people appearing one after another.

"You ask me who I am ? "

Zu Dandan confidently and arrogantly walks to Wudi Egun , only when she is a few inches away from Wudi Egun , she stops her steps .

They can feel each other's body fragrance , while Zu Dandan has a luxurious and noble body scent , on the other hand Wudi Egun has a weary and stinking body smell .

If it was someone else , they would have long expressed their disdain and disgust for Wudi Egun .

But on the other hand , no matter how haughty and arrogant Zu Dandan is , she didn't act in such a way .

Instead she rests her hands on her slim waist and puffs her cheeks in dissatisfaction , expressing how annoyed she is right now .

"You must be out of your mind , but anyway , since it has been more than six years from the time we last met , I will excuse your crime "

Wudi Egun was experiencing true hell right now . What was this little girl saying ? Did she lose her reasoning or has she lost her way ?

Wudi Egun shrugs his shoulders and lazily opens his mouth .

" Whatever , get used to it "

He was saying that such crime will take place in the future as well . No matter what , since he does not know her , he will naturally not recognize her .

"Good , good "

Zu Dandan nods her head and does not explode in anger , instead she accepts such a reply from Wudi Egun as if nothing has happened right now .

"You are one of the only pieces I have met until now. Good "

Zu Dandan nods her head and swiftly points her finger at Wudi Egun .

Her long black hair reflects the light of the sun and shines endlessly , reflecting the beauty of nature .

With an aggressive smile that perfectly displays her beauty , Zu Dandan smoothly enchants the world with her indisputable voice .

"Consider yourself lucky since this lady here feels amused by your unique way of reacting in my presence , I will let you worship me "

Wudi Egun's nose begins to twist for some reason . In his head , he was asking himself .

' Who is this retarded girl ? '

"Mens , shift my belongings in this little mansion "

Followed by Zu Dandan's voice , the knights start to take out one after another luxurious and very beautifully crafted furniture from a magic portal .

The portal is only 2 diameter but through that portal , one after another furniture keeps on coming out .

"What the hell ?"

Of course , Wudi Egun wasn't surprised by the strange ability of this magic portal but instead , why was this little girl shifting her things in his mansion ?

He wanted to stop her but on the other hand , he felt that it was good to have a human other than himself .

Wudi Egun begins to consider pros and cons. In the end , he lets this little girl live with him in this mansion .

First of all , this girl seems to know him .

Second of all , he can feel no threat from any of the knights currently present .

For Wudi Egun , his greatest strength is neither his Spirituality or Physical Ability . Instead it is his mentality , the mental strength that has long become numb to pain and suffering .

Wudi Egun scratches his ear and shrugs his shoulders .

His eyes slowly meet with the beautiful eyes of Zu Dandan who seem to have endless confidence in herself .

This level of confidence , he has only seen in someone he knew in his previous life .

She was one of the strongest women he has ever met in his eyes .

Ten battles against her , each battle was deceive and ruthless but all those ten battles were without any victory .

Her name was Lisa , a woman from western land of the world . She was a wanderer who was in search of enlightenment in her martial art — God Annihilation Martial Art .

She was neither a knight nor a mage , but something called Martial Practitioner or something.

In the beginning , she became part of the Holy Alliance established by the Generation Heroes of the past .

But later , she became part of the Heavenly King who served under Demon King Long .

And one has to know , it took everything from Wudi Egun to fight against her during the Holy War .

Yet the result was , she didn't even need to raise her single finger to crush him .

Of course , if Hero Tian didn't come to save his ass at that time , the second most strongest Heavenly King would have turned him into mincemeat .

The only reason she was the second strongest amongst Heavenly Kings was because her ability was restrained by her bloodline .

She was from the Human Race , how can a Human even surpass the potential of the Demon Race .

After all , even the newborn low rank Demon are already as strong as some senior knights .

This is why , Human Races are always inferior to other races in terms of physical strength and magic potential .

Fortunately enough , they are blessed by God and Spirit or else , they would have long met their demise.

The wind suddenly soars like a dragon , undulating like a mountain , the wind waves .

The long black hairs of Zu Dandan dances with the wind , divine radiance from the sun illuminates behind her .

Her eyes that glow with utmost confidence become the deep abyss , deeper than anything and also the perfect mirror to reflect the image of everything.

Wudi Egun and Zu Dandan's eyes meet each other , in such a phenomenon , there seems to be something going on but no one can pinpoint the exact details .


Wargod Reborn : Season 1

Legendary Wargod

Book 1 : Savagery



The human who has a sword in his hand , must be from the endless abyss where demons crawl to summon chaos .

If not then how can a human with no magic power or any aura in his body , be capable of wielding his iron sword no less than five continuous hours ?

Resting on the gazebo , Zu Dandan watches Wudi Egun with her discerning eyes .

She is resting on a steel chair where a cushion is prepared . Of course , how can one forget a fragrant tea brewed using rare and magical tea leaves ?

With her right hand , she holds her teacup while on her other hand , she has a book with the title [ History Of Swordking] printed.

One has to know , although Zu Dandan is an extremely stubborn and arrogant girl, her wisdom does not match her age .

Both her intelligence and her talent is superior to most of the geniuses in Yggdrasil.

She has even earned herself a name in Top Ten Heroes .

Ten Heroes means to be someone who stands above countless geniuses.

Of course , there are also [ Generation Progeny ] who are actually the top three Ten Heroes.

Although she is only ranked fifth , this is already more than enough to tell how high her potential truly is .

"He has been swinging that iron sword , weighing over 250 kilograms , for last five hours without showing sign of stopping "

It has been two days since Zu Dandan has started living with Wudi Egun and almost every single second of her time in this mansion , she sees Wudi Egun training with his sword .

She has met with many sword geniuses , even the Sword Progeny Luo who is ranked third in Ten Heroes ranking but she has never seen them so persistent in their training.

In such a grand mansion , only she and Wudi Egun live .

Of course , she has already ordered her mens to leave the southern land and return back to northern land , back to the dukedom.

Her long green silk dress , woven with jade thread and sky - silk , is nothing but celestial garment from heaven .

There are even magic runes engraved on her left shoulder , transforming into a divine pattern resembling a rose blooming at a hill .

She did not even let her maid stay with her , let alone anyone from knights .

"Hey , fatty husband , don't you get tired at all with those swings ?"

Zu Dandan's aggressive voice reaches for Wudi Egun , causing Wudi Egun to return back from his immersion .

Every cell in his body , crushed and regenerated , going through destruction and creation again and again , has now become much better compared to one day before .

Each day , after going through destruction and creation with his training , Wudi Egun has started to feel changes in his body .

His blood vessels seem to now have blocks opened , blood seems to flow smoothly and even show signs of blood energy's emergency.

Blood Energy is a type of [ Energy ] originated from [ Blood ]

Similar to Vitality or Life Essence , Blood Energy has its own Innate Ability.

Blood Energy has the function of strengthening one's physical ability to extremes and causing the practitioner to awaken their hidden potential .

When the Practitioner activates their Blood Energy during their Battle , they surpass their current level and temporarily reach a whole new level .

Because of this , Knights are considered no less than a mage .

But unfortunately , only powerful Knights have such divine ability .

Of course , if Wudi Egun didn't have Seal Of Immortality with him , his body would have long been crushed by such ruthless training.

But because his body can return back to its peak with the benefits earned with his training , his body has now adapted for new changes .

His body now has slowly but surely begun to adapt in the Knight System .

Of course , since Wudi Egun isn't training in the Knight System , only his body will become part of the Knight System.

"Sorry , did you say something ?"

Wudi Egun stands his sword on the ground and the blade reaches almost half feet inside the ground .

"I said , how long will you train and torment your body ?"

Zu Dandan frowns , not liking how she was forced to repeat what she said just now .

"Stop tormenting yourself and give it a rest "

Zu Dandan gestures to Wudi Egun to come and sit next to her , on a chair that is on her right .

Wudi Egun walks to her and rests next to her , on a chair right to Zu Dandan.

After that , Zu Dandan casually opens the portal in void and takes out a clean towel , successfully throwing at Wudi Egun.

Wudi Egun was surprised at first but he didn't refuse her good intention .

"Drink some tea , this tea will help you refresh yourself "

Magic was truly a convenient thing for a human , with magic everything can be done leisurely .

Wudi Egun , after drying his body with the towel , accepts a cup of tea from Zu Dandan.

But this towel was so strange , this towel seemed to have the property of cleaning the body even without needing to wash or bathe .

While drinking this delicious tea ,asked Wudi Egun .

"By the way , it seem that you are very proficient in magic "

He has noticed this before but this Zu girl is very skilled in magic .

"Of course , since I was four , I was taught in magic by my teacher "

Zu Dandan has that natural arrogance that can't be faked , a very natural and real attitude she must have possessed since her birth .

"But what I can't understand is , how do you use this thing called magic ?"

What Wudi Egun does not understand is ,how can one use Magic and what is the theory behind the use of magic ?

In his previous life , he had once tried to learn magic but of course , with his talentless aptitude , how can he learn magic ?

Let alone learning magic , he even failed to understand the basics of magic .

Although Zu Dandan noticed strangeness in Wudi Egun's question, she didn't pinpoint it , instead she deemed it worthless to even mention such behavior.

She arrogantly opens her mouth .

"Magic is simple , just a manifestation of your imagination after you utilize your Mana stored within your vessel "

"Of course , magic is also law and order , catalyst for manipulation the source and elements of the world "

"In simple terms , Magic is nothing but just a way to bend reality "


Wudi Egun nods his head but he does not even understand what Zu Dandan said .

Zu Dandan gives Wudi Egun a side glance , expressing her attitude of ' are you for real ?'

She shakes her head and does not continue to bother with such an unimportant subject.

But the curiosity within Wudi Egun only has just started , he does not notice anything strange with Zu Dandan and continues to ask .

"What is Mana ?"

"Are you for real ?"

Even Zu Dandan was left speechless when Wudi Egun , the once Greatest Magic Genius of Yggdrasil , asked such nerve exploding questions to her .

She couldn't help but finally break her character.